I have been in touch with Android development for some time. Recently, I began to find time to sort out some knowledge points, so as to reduce the time cost of repeated learning and improve my efficiency by sorting out notes. There are many references to the blog and pictures, I can not list one by one, if there are improper quotes will be deleted immediately, I hope you forgive me.

The knowledge points sorted will have Java, Android SDK, Android source code, common interview algorithm questions, some other computer basis and common interview questions and other parts, in the future time will be supplemented and updated.

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Java Knowledge summary

  • JVM
    • JVM Workflow
    • Runtime Data Area
    • Method of instruction
    • Class loader
    • Garbage collection GC
      • Object survival judgment
      • Garbage collection algorithm
      • Garbage collector
      • Memory model and reclamation strategy
  • Object
    • The equals method
    • HashCode methods
  • static
  • final
  • String, StringBuffer, StringBuilder
  • Exception handling
  • The inner class
    • Anonymous inner class
  • polymorphism
  • Abstractions and interfaces
  • Collections framework
    • HashMap
      • chart
      • How HashMap works
      • Compare HashMap with HashTable
    • ConcurrentHashMap
      • The Base 1.7
      • The Base 1.8
    • ArrayList
    • LinkedList
    • CopyOnWriteArrayList
  • reflection
  • The singleton
    • The hungry type
    • Double check mode
    • Static inner class schema
  • thread
    • state
    • State control
  • volatile
  • synchronized
    • Sort by lock acquired
    • The principle of
  • Lock
    • The classification of the lock
      • Pessimistic lock, optimistic lock
      • Spin lock, adaptive spin lock
      • A deadlock
  • Reference types
  • A dynamic proxy
  • Yuan notes

Android Knowledge summary

  • Activity
    • The life cycle
    • Boot mode
    • The boot process
  • Fragment
    • The characteristics of
    • The life cycle
    • Communicate with the Activity
  • Service
    • The boot process
    • The binding process
    • The life cycle
    • Enabling the Foreground Service
  • BroadcastReceiver
    • The registration process
  • ContentProvider
    • The basic use
  • Data is stored
  • View
    • MeasureSpec
    • MotionEvent
    • VelocityTracker
    • GestureDetector
    • Scroller
    • The View of sliding
    • View event distribution
    • Get the width and height of a View in the Activity
    • The basic flow of Draw
    • The custom View
  • process
    • Process life cycle
    • Multiple processes
    • Process of survival
      • OOM_ADJ
      • The process was killed
      • Process survival scheme
  • Parcelable interface
    • Use the sample
    • Method statement
    • Parcelable compared with Serializable
  • IPC
    • The IPC way
    • Binder
    • AIDL communication
    • Messenger
  • Window / WindowManager
    • Window concept and classification
    • Windows internal mechanism
    • Window creation process
      • Window creation for the Activity
      • Dialog Window creation process
      • Toast Window creation process
  • Bitmap
    • Configure information and compression mode
    • Common operations
      • Crop, scale, rotate, move
      • Bitmap and Drawable conversion
      • Save and release
      • Image compression
    • BitmapFactory
      • Bitmap creation process
      • The Option class
      • The basic use
    • Memory recovery
  • Screen adaptation
    • unit
    • Headline-matching scheme
    • Bangs fit
  • Context
  • SharedPreferences
    • access
      • getPreferences
      • getDefaultSharedPreferences
      • getSharedPreferences
    • architecture
    • apply / commit
    • Pay attention to
  • Message mechanism
    • Handler mechanism
    • The working principle of
      • ThreadLocal
      • MessageQueue
      • Looper
      • Handler
  • Thread asynchronous
    • AsyncTask
      • The basic use
      • The working principle of
    • HandlerThread
    • IntentService
    • The thread pool
  • RecyclerView optimization
  • Webview
    • The basic use
      • WebView
      • WebSettings
      • WebViewClient
      • WebChromeClient
    • Webview load optimization
    • A memory leak

Android extension knowledge summary

  • ART
    • ART function
      • AOT compilation
      • Garbage collection optimization
      • Optimizations for development and debugging
    • ART GC
  • Apk inclusion optimization
    • Apk composition structure
    • Whole optimization
    • Resource optimization
    • Code optimization
    • .arSC file optimization
    • Lib directory optimization
  • Hook
    • The basic flow
    • Use the sample
  • Proguard
    • Common template
    • Common custom obfuscation rules
    • Add separate obfuscated configuration to aar
    • Check for confusion and track anomalies
  • architecture
    • MVC
    • MVP
    • MVVM
  • Jetpack
    • architecture
    • Use the sample
  • The NDK development
    • JNI basis
      • The data type
      • String String function operation
      • JNI is commonly used to access Java object methods
    • The NDK development
      • Basic development process
      • System.loadLibrary()
    • CMake builds NDK projects
    • Common Android NDK native API
  • Class loader
    • Parental delegation pattern
    • DexPathList

Android open source library source code analysis

  • LeakCanary
    • Initial Registration
    • Reference leak observation
    • Dump Heap
  • EventBus
    • Custom annotations
    • Registered subscribers
    • Send the event

Design Pattern Summary

  • Classification of design patterns
  • Six principles of object orientation
  • The factory pattern
  • The singleton pattern
  • Builder model
  • The prototype pattern
  • Adapter mode
  • Observer model
  • The proxy pattern
  • Chain of Responsibility model
  • The strategy pattern
  • Memo mode

Fundamentals of Computer Networks

  • The hierarchical structure of the network system
  • HTTP related
    • The request message
      • The request line
      • Request header
    • The response message
    • Common status code
    • Caching mechanisms
    • Https
    • The Http 2.0
  • TCP/IP
    • Three-way handshake
    • Four times to wave
    • Differences between TCP and UDP
  • Socket
    • Use the sample

Summary of common interview algorithm questions

  • The sorting
    • Comparison sort
      • Bubble sort
      • Merge sort
      • Quick sort
    • linear
      • Count sorting
      • Bucket sort
  • Binary tree
    • Sequential traversal
    • Level traversal
    • Turn around
    • The maximum
    • Maximum depth
    • The minimum depth
    • Balanced binary trees
  • The list
    • Remove nodes
    • Reverse a linked list
    • In the middle of the element
    • Check whether it is a circular list
    • Merges two sorted lists
    • List order
    • Delete the NTH penultimate node
    • Whether two lists intersect
  • The stack/queue
    • Stack with minimum operation
    • Effective brackets
    • Implement queues with stacks
    • Evaluate the inverse Polish expression
  • binary
    • Binary search
    • The square root of X
  • Hash table
    • The sum of two Numbers
    • Continuous array
    • The longest substring without repeating characters
    • The most points are on a line
  • Heap/priority queue
    • The first K is large
    • The first K is the largest number II
    • The KTH largest number
  • Binary search tree
    • Verify the binary search tree
    • The KTH smallest element
  • Array/double pointer
    • Gal.
    • Remove elements
    • Removes duplicate digits from sorted array
    • My schedule I
    • Merge sort array
  • greedy
    • The best time to buy and sell stocks
    • The best time to buy and sell stocks II
    • The largest subarray
    • The main elements
  • String handling
    • Generate the parentheses
    • Excel table column headings
    • Flip game
    • Flip the word in the string
    • Convert string to integer
    • Longest public prefix
    • palindrome
  • Dynamic programming
    • The word split
    • Climb the stairs
    • Rob the house
    • Edit distance
    • Maximum subsequence of a product
  • matrix
    • Spiral matrix
    • Determine whether sudoku is legal
    • Rotate the image
  • Binary/bit operation
    • Single number
    • Gray coding
  • other
    • Inversion of the integer
    • LRU cache policy

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