“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”

Today is the weekend, I take this time to review my 2021. There are only 5 days left until 2022, so IT’s a good time to make a plan for 2022. When 2022 comes to the end of the year, I will review the plan made for this article again to see how far I can go! Haha, I hope it won’t be awkward.


The year of 2021 will be my first year of formal work after graduation. I missed the college entrance examination and started to look for a job after I got my graduation certificate. I didn’t know how unfriendly the social entrance examination will be to fresh graduates. The interviewer may also assume that you don’t have enough work experience to be able to do the job. Even so, I did not choose to package my resume and forge my work experience. After two or three weeks of interview, I finally chose a company with a good feeling and a slightly larger scale. I got a relatively low salary (far from the price of cabbage for fresh graduates in big factories, just enough to make a living) and started to move bricks.

Feelings: A small factory is full of various problems. Although our business size is not bad, we can do distributed development with hundreds of services, but the professionalism of the team, the standardization of development, various loopholes in the architecture, and various weird designs are beyond your imagination. Platform, although companies have doing to China, do the infrastructure, but always feel something wrong, all kinds of non-standard code, simply a paging, wrote one hundred and eight thousand kinds of writing, and even every place defined data structure is different, although firms are also encapsulate some basic components, but the project dependency management is chaotic, release, Code reviews also have big holes.

Planning: The more problems a project has, the more challenging it is for me. It is the programmer’s job to solve them.

  • In the work, found not elegant code, to timely transformation;
  • For some performance is not satisfactory, to locate the problem in time, optimize the system;
  • For some complex business processing, to integrate the design mode, do a good job of design;
  • There are several core issues that need to be solved for distribution (transaction, fuse, downgrade, flow limiting…). And how to take the best solution according to their business.
  • At the same time, the database is often the performance bottleneck, how to use good indexes, how to avoid locking tables, how to turn slow SQL into fast SQL, and where to introduce caching, whether to use distributed caching, local caching, or multi-level caching.

In 2022, my expectation for my work is to increase my salary by more than 50%


2021 technically I also learned a lot of things, learn to front-end Vue framework into system in early again, although I am a backend, but have been doing is Java Web direction, the direction before and after the communication and collaboration is little not, into a system of learning it again the front frame is a great benefit to oneself, such as orientation, Determine the demand, the most important thing is to avoid the front end of the students, ha ha; Then I learned about message queue RabbitMQ. RabbitMQ is arguably the most widely used MQ and has the most active and mature open source community that can match heterogeneous systems. Later, I learned Netty, a high-performance communication framework. Netty is also a fierce project, which not only simplifies the development of NIO, but also carries out many optimization operations, so that the performance of NIO has been greatly improved. It is the bottom dependence of many frameworks, which can be described as the bottom of the bottom, especially we want to do distributed development. RPC is more we must know will know a knowledge point, we can use Netty to achieve a RPC framework (simple Dubbo); Later, I learned the whole ecology of SpringCloud (Netflix, Alibaba), CAP theorem and BASE theory. Of course, SpringCloud provides us with a complete set of components for distributed system integration. Then I began to review data structures, design patterns, databases and so on.

The above is my copy of 2021 study, a large paragraph of text, I will not open, after all, is the past.

Planning: The following will be a list of planning learning in 2022

  • Source code level, again back to learn each framework, and on GitHub to achieve the core functions of the simple version of open source
  • Architecture knowledge learning, how to deposit general functions to the platform, how to build business center, data center, knowledge center, DDD theory learning
  • In terms of cloud native, with the development of cloud computing, cloud native has become unstoppable. More and more enterprises start to engage in cloud native, such as DevOp, Kubernetes and Service Mesh
  • Algorithm (adhere to), the algorithm itself is not difficult, difficult is to adhere to, do not adhere to the fundamental learning algorithm, this has been my weakest place (each interview a little bigger company, the written test card is dead, two algorithm questions at most write half way, it is outrageous)
  • Open source (contribute as much as you can)

Reading a book

2021 although bought many books, but reading books is not much, a lot of books are sporadic read a few chapters, more study is based on the B standing video, with the acceleration development of learning, but also gradually feel norda B station is difficult to find good video (of course not to say that B station resources, video is more suitable for the initial stage of learning, took us to understand the knowledge, I also benefited a lot from the videos of the big guys on STATION B.

Planning: 2022 to read more books, read good books, let their impetuous mind calm down

  • In-depth Understanding of the Java Virtual Machine
  • “Data Structure and Algorithm Analysis” with LeetCode brush questions
  • Fundamentals of Reusable Object-oriented Software for Design Patterns implementing Domain-Driven Design
  • The Beauty of Java Concurrent Programming
  • Kubernetes in Action
  • .


Until 2021, I was blogging on CSDN, but not a lot, mostly study notes. Until I met the nuggets this platform in July 2021, read some articles on the platform feel the nuggets values are correct, the nuggets are not recommended blog record some rigid knowledge, laundry list of notes, more is recommended to send a few articles have their own deep thinking, this idea is also very fit with me. The blog platform itself is to share knowledge, rather than record some rigid notes. After reading the article, people should form a resonance with the author and trigger more thinking, so as to make progress. Of course, the powerful incentive mechanism of the gold mining platform also makes me like it very much, and I am full of harvest. In 2021, I spent three or four months in digging gold, and received nearly 40,000 views, 1,000 likes, 200 favorites, more than 40 followers, as well as digging gold cup *3 (different three, ha ha), big mouse pad, complete set of badges, pillow, air conditioning blanket, coffee machine, projector…

Planning: Of course, technology sharing should be persevered, and I hope to make persistent efforts in 2022

  • Improve the quality of articles
  • Increase article output
  • Take an active part in gold digging

There is a question mark as to whether there will be a public account and a small UP of B station to share knowledge in 2022 (limited by the knowledge volume, it cannot output too much content).


2021 is falling down in this respect. I’m not active, my weight and blood pressure are creeping up, haha

Health is the capital of revolution, so we should do more exercise and eat healthily. Programmer’s own working environment is a great danger to our health, so young I also waist sore neck pain, long-term desk, branded ah.


  • Picking up running, I thought that I was also able to hold on to half a horse. I insisted on running four kilometers every morning. How could I be so lazy now
  • Healthy diet, long-term intake of all kinds of oil (meat eaters), 2022 eat more vegetables and fruits
  • Look less mobile phone, can’t sink in the virtual world, to enrich their knowledge, read more books, read more newspapers