Common command sharing during development

This is the second day of my participation in Gwen Challenge


NPM is a node. js package management tool, which is also one of the necessary management tools in actual project development. It can help us download some code modules written by others from and install them in our project.

Some NPM commands that are commonly used in development

View the version of the current NPM

npm -v
// Return the current NPM version number
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The help command

npm help [command]
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Create the module (you can use -y here to skip the query phase and keep the default configuration)

npm init 
// Can also be used
npx create-thinkjs
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This command installs a package, and its dependent packages, by getting the latest version of the package from the specified source address

Install the latest version of the package

npm install packagename
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Installs the specified version of the package

npm install packagename @version
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Install modules to development and production dependencies in the Dependencies field of your package.json file.

npm install packagename --save
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Install module dependencies into the devDependencies field of your package.json file.

npm install packagename --save-dev
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Uninstall modules in the current project

npm uninstall packagename
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This command will update the currently installed module to the latest version

Update/upgrade modules in the current project

npm update [name]
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Update/upgrade globally installed modules

npm update -global [package name]
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The NPM link is used to establish a connection between a local project and a local NPM module so that module tests can be performed locally

Refer to the module

npm link [path]
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Dereferencing modules

npm unlink [package]
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View the packages installed for the current project

npm list
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View the configuration of NPM

npm config list -l
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NPM source

Gets the current NPM source

npm config get registrybash
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Example Set the official NPM image source

npm config set registry
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Set the Taobao image source

npm config set registry
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You can also use CNPM to use Taobao source

npm install cnpm -g --registry=
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View the NPM installation location

where npm
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Package management

Publish is used to publish the current module to, before which you need to apply for an account at to publish

(note that if you are currently using is taobao source, you need to perform NPM config set registry to switch to the official image source

The login

npm login
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Publish a package

npm publish
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