Solve the wechat secondary sharing does not show the summary and pictures from app sharing to wechat after sharing again into a link
1, wechat certified public account binding domain name
Wechat public account platform >>>> public account setting – Js interface security domain name is filled in function setting
You need to download the MP_verify_EZhQkscUv44pvLNO. TXT file to the root directory of the Web server
2. Introduce JS files
- In index.html
<script src="/ /" charset="utf-8" async="async"></script>
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- or
npm install weixin-js-sdk
import wx from 'weixin-js-sdk'/ / referenceCopy the code
3. The background needs to be returnedAppid, TIMESTAMP (timestamp of signature generation), nonceStr (random string of signature), Signature (signature)
The front-end request wxSDk is the request that I encapsulate
var _url = location.href.split(The '#') [0]
wxSDk(encodeURIComponent(_url)).then(res= > {
if (res.code == 0) {
// After the request succeeds,
/ / configure config
// When debug mode is enabled, the return value of all API calls will be displayed in the client alert. If you want to view the parameters passed in, you can open it in the PC, and the parameter information will be printed in the log.
debug: false.// The background returns the appId obtained previously
// Mandatory to generate the timestamp of the signature
// Mandatory to generate a random string of signatures
// Mandatory, signature, see Appendix 1
// Mandatory, a list of JS interfaces to be used. See Appendix 3 for a list of all JS interfaces
jsApiList: [
'checkJsApi'./ / check the API
'onMenuShareTimeline'.//1.0 Share to moments
'onMenuShareAppMessage'.//1.0 share with friends
'updateAppMessageShareData'.//1.4 Share with friends
'updateTimelineShareData'.//1.4 Share it on moments]}); Latest SDK Documentation1.4. 0Version is about to be discarded1.2. 0Version of the share API updateAppMessageShareData share to the QQ space and circle of friends/ / 1.4Share QQ friends and WeChat updateAppMessageShareData/ / 1.4
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Complete code wX-sdK.js
export const WxSdk = {
getWeChatAuthorizationAndShare: function (WxShareData) {
var _url = location.href.split(The '#') [0]
wxSDk(encodeURIComponent(_url)).then(res= > {
if (res.code == 0) {
// After the request succeeds,
/ / configure config
// When debug mode is enabled, the return value of all API calls will be displayed in the client alert. If you want to view the parameters passed in, you can open it in the PC, and the parameter information will be printed in the log.
debug: false.// The background returns the appId obtained previously
// Mandatory to generate the timestamp of the signature
// Mandatory to generate a random string of signatures
// Mandatory, signature, see Appendix 1
// Mandatory, a list of JS interfaces to be used. See Appendix 3 for a list of all JS interfaces
jsApiList: [
'onMenuShareTimeline'.//1.0 Share to moments
'onMenuShareAppMessage'.//1.0 share with friends
'updateAppMessageShareData'.//1.4 Share with friends
'updateTimelineShareData'.//1.4 Share it on moments]});// After the page is loaded, the user may call wechat sharing, so it will be loaded when the page is ready
wx.ready(function () {
var commonShareData = {
// Share the title
title: WxShareData.title,
// Share the description
desc: WxShareData.desc,
// Share link, the link domain name or path must be the same as the current page corresponding public number JS security domain name
link: WxShareData.linkurl,
// Share ICONS
imgUrl: WxShareData.img,
success: function () {
console.log('Share callback function');
wx.onMenuShareTimeline(commonShareData);/ / 1.0
wx.updateTimelineShareData(commonShareData);/ / 1.0
wx.onMenuShareAppMessage(commonShareData)/ / 1.4
wx.updateAppMessageShareData(commonShareData)/ / 1.4
// Wechat preloading failed callback
wx.error(function (res) {
// alert(' failed ');
.catch(err= >{}); }};Copy the code
The.vue file invokes js
import { WxSdk } from '.. /commonJS/wx-sdk.js';
// wechat share SDK
var imgUrl = forData.imgs.imgList ? forData.imgs.imgList[0].url : forData.vedioCover.url
var title = forData.content ? forData.content : 'Wow, what is this? '
var WxShareData = {
desc:'from' + forData.playerBase.nickname + 'the Puchi'.img:imgUrl,
linkurl:window.location.href,// Share the link
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Common error reference documents
Wechat SDK documentation