This is the 16th day of my participation in the August More Text Challenge. For details, see:August is more challenging

【Redis series 】 Redis learning 1, the evolution of database and Nosql preliminary cognition


Why use Nosql?

Let’s take a look at the development of the database

1. Standalone MYSQL era

Application access database is application – DAL database access layer – DB database

In the stand-alone MYSQL era, the data is not too big, and the page is static page, the general site page view is small, so the single database is fully enough

On sites like the one above, the bottleneck will be obvious:

  • The amount of data has become too large for a machine to handle
  • Data index (B+ Tree), a machine can not store the inside how to deal with
  • Read and write traffic, a server can not withstand what to do

With the evolution of history, this kind of website will inevitably face the above problems, which must be solved

2, Memecache + MYSQL + vertical split

To solve the above problem, we put more machines than one machine can handle, but how to ensure the consistency of the data?

Hence the idea of read/write separation, specifying that one database is used for writing data, the other databases are used for reading data, and the other databases will synchronize the data in MYSQL that is used for writing data

Gradually, I realized that every request, I had to operate the database, which was time consuming and needed to be changed

Therefore, before accessing the database, the Memcache server is added. When reading the database for the first time, the data in Memcache is read without changing the database for the second time, reducing the pressure on the database

Here’s how it went:

Optimize database structure and index – file cache (IO) – cache server Memcache

3, sub-table + horizontal split + MYSQL cluster

As technology evolves, so does business, which brings more problems

In the beginning, we used MyISAM, the engine used by MYSQL, which is a table lock, which is very inefficient, especially in the case of high concurrency

Then you have MYSQL’s InnoDB engine, which is the row lock, and as the business continues to grow, you have MYSQL cluster

In clusters, each cluster stores a portion of data. If the data volume still increases, add more clusters

4, now

Thanks to modern the amount of data that is really very big, big data era, MYSQL relational database is not enough, now the data amount is much, change quickly, before using MYSQL, design, have to put all of the fields, can use field, all want to know, understand design, for now rapidly changing era, it’s hard to

Now you would expect, for example, to have a file server for storing files, an image server for storing images, and a dedicated database for storing that data, that MYSQL would be a lot less stressed

Now the Internet project looks like this in a nutshell

For Internet projects like this, there is a strong need for Nosql, which can handle the problems mentioned above

What is Nosql?


Not only SQL

Generally refers to non-relational database, with the birth of Web2.0 Internet, the traditional relational database is difficult to deal with the Web2.0 era

For example, nowadays, Internet users need to store personal information, location information, social network data, etc., Nosql for these data storage does not need to use a fixed format, and it is easy to scale, such as Map<string,interface{}>, using key value pair control is nice

The characteristics of no

  • Easy to scale, because there is no relationship between the data, it is easy to scale
  • High performance. For example, Redis can be written 80,000 times and read 110,000 times per second. Nosql is stored at the record level and is a fine-grained cache
  • Data types are diverse, and there is no need to design a database beforehand

Let’s compare a traditional relational database (RDBMS) with a Nosql


  • Structured organization
  • The SQL statement
  • Data and relationships exist in separate tables
  • Data Manipulation, Data Definition language
  • Strict consistency
  • Transaction processing and so on


  • It’s not just data
  • There is no fixed query language
  • Key and value pair stores, column stores, file stores, graph databases such as social relationships, etc
  • Final consistency
  • The CAP theorem and the BASE principle
  • High availability, high performance, high scalability

By the way, let’s share what 3 V and 3 height are:

3 V, mainly used to describe the problem:

  • Massive data volume
  • Variety of diversity
  • Real-time velocity

3 high, mainly used to describe the requirements of the program

  • High concurrency
  • A high performance
  • High extensible

The four categories of Nosql

KV key value pair:

  • Redis

C, single-process Nosql, Ali, Tencent, Baidu, byte and other companies are using

Document database:

  • Mongdb

Mongdb is a distributed file storage based database, written in C++, mainly used to process a large number of documents

Mongdb is also a product between relational database and non-relational database, he is the most functional non-relational database, the most like a relational database non-relational database

Column storage database:

  • HBase
  • Distributed file system

Graph relational database:

  • Neo4j
  • InfoGrid

Instead of storing graphs, graph relational databases store relationships, such as social networks

Let’s compare these four categories:

This picture is from the Internet. This picture has clearly described the KV key value pair, document database, column storage database, graph database case, data model, advantages and disadvantages, now you will have a general understanding of Nosql

Welcome to like, follow and collect

Dear friends, your support and encouragement are the motivation for me to keep sharing and improve the quality

All right, that’s it for this time

Technology is open, our mentality, should be more open. Embrace change, live in the sun, and strive to move forward.

I am nezha, welcome to like the collection, see you next time ~