Git repository

The installation

npm install koa-static-router
Copy the code


  • A single routing
const static = require('koa-static-router');
     dir,  // Static resource directory for relative entry file index.js path
     route   // Route names}))Copy the code
  • Multiple routing

When multiple routes are selected, ensure that the route length is the same. ‘/static/’ – > Route length = 1 ‘/static/image1/’ – > Route length =2

const static = require('koa-static-router');

      dir,     // Static resource directory for relative entry file index.js path
      router    // Route names
Copy the code


git clone
cd koa-static-router
npm install 
npm start
Copy the code
  1. Access localhost: 3000 / public/images/dir / 1. PNG

  1. Access localhost: 3000 / static/image/dir / 2. PNG

const Koa = require('koa')
const app = new Koa()
const static = require('koa-static-router');

// Single route
// app.use(static({
// dir:'public',
// router:'/static/' // Route length =1
// }))

// Multiple routes
app.use(static([{dir:'public'.// Static resource directory for relative entry file index.js path
    	router:'/public/image/'   // Route Named Route Length =2}, {dir:'static'.// Static resource directory for relative entry file index.js path
    	router:'/static/image/'    // Route Named Route Length =2

app.use( async ( ctx ) => {
  ctx.body = 'hello world'

app.listen(3000.() = > {
  console.log('build success')})Copy the code