

  1. Macro file
  2. NSString
  3. NSDate
  4. NSTimer
  5. NSDictionary
  6. UITextField
  7. UITextView
  8. UIButton
  9. UIImage
  10. UIViewController

Macro file

This file mainly has the following functions:

  1. Configuration of development environment and formal environment;
  2. Third party configuration integrated in the project;
  3. RGB color.
  4. Weak reference self;
  5. Screen width & height;
  6. Status bar& Tabbar&SafeArea value;
  7. Equipment judgment;


String width && height

1. Get the width of the string by font & height (no line height)

- (float)widthWithFont:(UIFont *)font height:(float)height;
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2. Get the height of the string based on font & width (no line height)

- (float)heightWithFont:(UIFont *)font width:(float)width;
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3. Get the height of the string based on font & width & line height;

- (float)heightWithFont:(UIFont *)font width:(float)width lineSpacing:(float)lineSpacing;
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4. Get the string Size based on font & width & line height;

- (CGSize)sizeWithFont:(UIFont *)font width:(float)width lineSpacing:(float)lineSpacing;
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String regular expression

1. Determine if it’s a cell phone number

- (BOOL)isValidateMobile;
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2. Determine if it’s a landline

- (BOOL)isValidatePhone;
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3. Determine if it’s a customer service number

- (BOOL)is400Phone;
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4. Check if it’s an ID card

- (BOOL)isIdCard;
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Data type amount judgment

1. Whether it is a positive integer

- (BOOL)isPositiveInteger;
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2. Whether it is a floating point

- (BOOL)isFloat;
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3. Check whether the input string consists of only letters and digits

- (BOOL)isNumberOrLetter;
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4. Check whether the input string consists of only Chinese characters and English letters

- (BOOL)isChineseOrLetter;
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5. Check whether the string is empty

- (BOOL)isBlankString;
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1.NSString->NSAttributedString has a row height attribute

- (NSAttributedString *)toAttributeStringWithLineSpacing:(float)lineSpacing;
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NSString computes the length of a byte

/** Calculates the length of the string in bytes * Chinese = 2 * English or number = 1 * expression = 4 @return NSUInteger */
- (NSUInteger)charactorNumber;

/** The length of the byte is calculated according to the encoding mode. @param Encoding @return NSUInteger */
- (NSUInteger)charactorNumberWithEncoding:(NSStringEncoding)encoding;

/** calulate the number of charactor. 1 Chinese(not including Chinese mark) = 2 1 other charactor = 1 @return NSUInteger * /
- (NSUInteger)charactorNumberForChineseSpecial;
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This is the LXKit I collected from a guy at Github and I want to know more about it by clicking on it.

String encryption


- (NSString *)md5;
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- (NSString *)SHA1;
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String filtering

1. Remove Spaces and carriage return at both ends

- (NSString *)trim;
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2. Remove only Spaces at both ends

- (NSString *)trimOnlyWhitespace;
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3. Remove the HTML format

+ (NSString *)filterHtml:(NSString *)html;
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Returns the image by its name

1. Return the image according to the image name

- (UIImage *)toImage;
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1.NSDate -> NSString

- (NSString *)formatString:(NSString *)dateFormat;
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2. Construct NSDate based on Unix timestamp

+ (NSDate *)dateWithUnixTime:(double)unixtime;
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3. Change the time to 0 second mode

+ (NSDate *)changeDateToZeroMinutDate:(NSDate *)date;
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4. Get the first and last days of the specified month

+ (NSArray *)getFirstAndLastDayOfThisMonthWithNsDate:(NSDate *)date;
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1. Put on a timer in block mode

+ (NSTimer *)scheduledTimerWithTimeInterval:(NSTimeInterval)timeInterval block:(void(^) (void))block repeat:(BOOL)repeat;
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Get of the data type

1. Set a BOOL

- (BOOL)boolForKey:(NSString *)key;
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2. Set an NSInteger value

- (NSInteger)integerForKey:(NSString *)key;
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3. Set an int value

- (int)intForKey:(NSString *)key;
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4. Set a double value

- (double)doubleForKey:(NSString *)key;
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Set a float value

- (float)floatForKey:(NSString *)key;
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6. Set a long long value

- (long long)longLongForKey:(NSString *)key;
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7. Set an unsigned long long value

- (unsigned long long)unsignedLongLongForKey:(NSString *)key;
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8. Set an NSString value

- (NSString *)stringForKey:(NSString *)key;
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9. Set an NSArray value

- (NSArray *)arrayForKey:(NSString *)key;
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10. If value is empty, the key is not set

- (void)safeValue:(id)value forKey:(NSString *)key;
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Maximum length and only numbers can be entered for attributes added

/** Maximum length */
@property (nonatomic.assign) NSInteger maxLength;

/** Whether only numbers can be entered */
@property (nonatomic.assign) BOOL canOnlyInputNumber;
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1. Set leftView to the image

/** * set leftview to image ** @param imageName imageName */
- (void)setLeftViewWithImageName:(NSString *)imageName;
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2. Set leftView to text

/** * set leftView to text ** /
- (void)setLeftViewWithText:(NSString *)text;
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3. Set leftView to text

/** * Set leftView to text ** @param text * @param minWidth minimum width */
- (void)setLeftViewWithText:(NSString *)text minWidth:(CGFloat)minWidth;
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4. Set leftView to text

/** * set leftView to text ** @param text * @param minWidth * @param color placeholder text color */
- (void)setLeftViewWithText:(NSString *)text minWidth:(CGFloat)minWidth color:(UIColor *)color;
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1. Set the rightView to text

/** * set rightView to text ** @param text text */
- (void)setRightViewWithText:(NSString *)text;
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2. Set rightView to image

/** * set rightView to image ** @param imageName imageName */
- (void)setRightViewWithImageName:(NSString *)imageName;
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3. Set rightView to Button

/** * set rightView to button ** @param imageName imageName */
- (void)setRightViewButtonWithImageName:(NSString *)imageName taget:(id)taget selector:(SEL)selector;
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1. Set the left inner margin of the UITextField

/** * Set the left inner margin of the UITextField ** @param padding distance */
- (void)setPaddingLeftSpace:(float)padding;
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2. Set the inside margin of the UITextField

/** * Set the right margin of the UITextField ** @param padding distance */
- (void)setPaddingRightSpace:(float)padding;
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The UI display

1. Set the bottom border

/** * Sets the bottom border ** @param lineColor border color */
- (void)setBottomBorderLineWithColor:(UIColor *)lineColor;
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2. Set the color to the placeholder

/** * placeholder color ** /
- (void)setPlaceholderColor:(UIColor *)color;
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3. Set the underline out of the left side of the text

/** * sets the underline out of the left side of the text */
- (void)setLeftViewWithText:(NSString *)text minWidth:(CGFloat)minWidth withOutTextBottomLineColor:(UIColor *)color;
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Added placeHolder & placeHolderFont properties

@property (nonatomic.copy) NSString *placeHolder;

@property (nonatomic.strong) UIFont *placeHolderFont;
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Click to change mode to Block mode

/** UIButton+Block ** @param controlEvent Touch event * @param action method */
- (void)handleControlEvent:(UIControlEvents)controlEvent withBlock:(ActionBlock)action;
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Returns the primary color of the photo

/** Return the main color of the photo @param image @return the color value */
+ (UIColor*)mostColor:(UIImage *)image;
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1. Set the left Navigationbar to “Return” (use backBarButtonItem)

/** * Set the left Navigationbar to "return" (using backBarButtonItem) */
- (void)setLeftNavigationBarToBack;
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2. Set the left Navigationbar to “Back” (using leftBarButton)

/** * Set the left Navigationbar to "return" (using leftBarButton) ** @param block The block code that executes when clicked */
- (void)setLeftNavigationBarToBackWithBlock:(void(^) (void))block;
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3. Add a confirmation dialog to the left back Navigationbar

/** * Added a confirmation prompt for the left back Navigationbar */
- (void)setLeftNavigationBarToBackWithConfirmDialog;
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4. Set NavigationBar (text)

/** * Set NavigationBar (text) ** @param position * @param text * @param block click to execute the code */
- (void)setNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position withText:(NSString *)text touched:(void(^) (void))block;
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5. Set NavigationBar (image)

/** * set NavigationBar (image) ** @param position * @param imageName imageName * @param block code executed after click */
- (void)setNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position withImageName:(NSString *)imageName touched:(void(^) (void))block;
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6. Set NavigationBar (image)

/** * set NavigationBar (image) ** @param position * @param imageName imageName * @param block code executed after click */
- (void)setNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position withImageName:(NSString *)imageName spacing:(NSInteger)spacing touched:(void(^) (void))block;
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7. Set NavigationBar (text)

/** * Set NavigationBar (text) ** @param position * @param text * @param color text * @param block code executed after click */
- (void)setNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position withText:(NSString *)text withColor:(UIColor *)color touched:(void(^) (void))block;
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8. Set NavigationBar (text)

/** * Set NavigationBar (text) ** @param position * @param text * @param color text * @param font * @param block Click to execute the code */
- (void)setNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position withText:(NSString *)text withColor:(UIColor *)color withFont:(UIFont *)font touched:(void(^) (void))block;
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9. Set NavigationBar to hide or show

/** * Set NavigationBar to hide or show ** @param position * @param hidden YES: hide NO: show */
- (void)hiddenNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position hidden:(BOOL)hidden;
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10. Jump to the specified ViewController

/** * jumps to the specified ViewController ** @param viewControllerClass Controller type */
- (void)popToViewController:(Class)viewControllerClass;
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NavigationController is the last ViewController in the NavigationController

/** * NavigationController ** /
- (UIViewController *)previosViewController;
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12. Remove the previous ViewController from the ViewController in the current NavigationController

/** * Remove the previous ViewController */ from the ViewController in the current NavigationController
- (void)removePreviosViewControllerInNavigationControllers;
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13. When adding multiple buttons

When adding multiple button / * * * * * @ param position location * @ param array buttonImageNameAndButtonTypeArray * @ param * @ param target goal Selector Response method */

- (void)setNavigationBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position withImageNameAndButtonTypeArray:(NSArray *)array target:(id)target selectors:(SEL)selector;
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14. Remove navigationbutton

/** * remove navigationButton ** @param position */
- (void)removeNavigationBarBar:(NavigationBarPosition)position;
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1. Initialize the ViewController from the storyboard

/** * initialize ViewController from storyboard ** @param storyBoardName Storyboard name * @param Identifier ViewController identifier ** @return ViewController instance */
+ (instancetype)viewControllerFromStoryBoard:(NSString *)storyBoardName withIdentifier:(NSString *)identifier;
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