ZooTeam Front-end Weekly | Issue 148

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  1. Front-end domain model, reconstruction of front-end R&D mode – Zhihu

Whether it is small program or H5, the change of the display form of front-end (GUI programming) has always been the biggest obstacle in the reform of front-end development efficiency. In this paper, we abstract a new concept “front-end domain model” and rethink the research and development model, in order to discuss how to reduce the front-end research and development manpower and improve the development experience.

  1. Js apply uses baidu search

The world’s leading Chinese search engine, is committed to making Internet users more convenient access to information, find what they want. Baidu’s database of over 100 billion Chinese web pages makes relevant search results instantly available.

  1. I use 10,000 pictures to make our beautiful moments

Today we bring you a very interesting project, through cutting the target picture, to obtain 10000 squares, with the selected picture, the corresponding filling square to achieve a thousand image imaging effect. You can use it to make any big, meaningful picture you want.

  1. Upgrade Yarn 2 to remove node_modules

Node_modules is one of the most notorious nodes in the Node project. It’s a terrible structure that can add tens of thousands or even hundreds of thousands of files to your database. It takes a lot of time to install and delete files and it takes up a lot of inode nodes. Take a look at the number of files in your project due to node_modules:

  1. Intensive reading “Webpack5 new features – module federation” – zhihu

Webpack5 module federation enables Webpack to achieve the effect of online Runtime, so that code can be directly shared between projects using CDN, no need to install Npm package locally, build and release again!

  1. Ways to improve code quality: domain models, design principles, design patterns

We can list the symptoms of poor quality code: names that don’t know what they mean, oversized classes, oversized methods, duplicate code, difficult code, difficult code to change…

  1. What is the nature of Typescript types

Type A type refers to the type of a variable. A variable is a piece of memory space. Different types of variables take up different bytes and can perform different operations. Variables of the types number, Boolean, string, and so on can take up different memory sizes. Categories are basic

  1. Experience: Programming wisdom

Every abech, nearly 20,000 words, holiday read several times!