ZooTeam Front End Weekly | Issue 130

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  1. Front end quality assurance system construction

Front end quality assurance system construction

  1. The Difference between useRef and createRef

UseRef is the common API, but there is also a createRef API, do you know the difference between them? You can learn when to use them with The react. useRef and react. createRef: The Difference articles. In fact, the original text states the fact that: useR…

  1. [Tools] 10 minutes to quickly build their own document website

Many students hope to have their own document system to record/summarize the knowledge they have learned. Index.html entry file. Much of the rest of our configuration is done here by running Docsify Serve to start a local server, which makes it easy to preview in real time. Default access address http://localhost:3000…

  1. Zhen Zi: Development status and future prospect of front-end intelligence

After more than three years, it was initially misunderstood as “another wheel for promotion”, “packaging our PPT products with AI”… , launched to imgCook.com, reached 23,000 + users and was bought by JD.com, Tencent, Bytedance… And so on.

  1. Take you to understand OData – cloud + community – Tencent cloud

OData – Open Data Protocol is a standard for designing and using RESTful apis. REST itself is just an idea and concept for building Web services, and it doesn’t dictate a…

  1. The realization principle of front-end virtual list

The project of actual combat

  1. Why is the V8 so fast? _ Quest -CSDN blog

Reprint please indicate the source: blog.csdn.net/horkychenGo… Excellent JavaScript engine performance. We asked authors familiar with the internal implementation to look at the source code to see how V8 is accelerated. Hajime MoritaGoogle’s V8 JavaScript Engine in Chrome has attracted a lot of attention for its performance.

  1. Chrome Debugging Tips you didn’t know – Nuggets of gold

Proficient in Chrome debugging skills, directly improve work efficiency.

  1. Can Node. Js for the front-end fu | how to facilitate ground infrastructure projects

Front-end infrastructure construction, from node.js landing to surrounding infrastructure, and then to front-end monitoring, packaging and on-line process of various system development, and finally to container service and CI/CD combination ~

  1. Vue source code interpretation (3) – responsive principle

Vue initialization process explains the initialization process of Vue in detail, understand what new Vue(options) do, which is about the data response type implementation with a simple sentence with,

  1. Display: Flex – Youth – Expo Park

In 2009, the W3C introduced a new approach, Flex layout, that enables easy, complete, and responsive implementation of various page layouts. It is currently supported by all current browsers. What is flex layout?

  1. Imgcook smart code generation chef by design draft with one click

By the design draft a key intelligence generated code chef | An intelligent tool turning designs to code