ZooKeeper: Can you handle it?
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Interviewer: Have you used Zookeeper in your work? You know what it is. What is it used for?
Small vegetable chicken me:
- If yes, use ZooKeeper as the registry of Dubbo, and use ZooKeeper to implement distributed locks.
- ZooKeeper, an open source distributed coordination service, is a cluster manager that provides users with an easy-to-use interface.
- Functions such as data publish/subscribe, load balancing, naming services, distributed coordination/notification, cluster management, Master elections, distributed locks, and distributed queues can be implemented based on Zookeeper.
- Zookeeper provides the following functions: naming service, configuration management, cluster management, distributed lock, and queue management
Use and function are not the same meaning? Give me a look, let me feel
Interviewer: What is naming service? What is configuration management? What is cluster management
I am a small chicken (luckily I have brushed the interview questions), fearless
- The naming service is:
Naming service refers to obtaining the address of a resource or service by a specified name. Zookeeper can create a globally unique path that can be used as a name. The named entity can be a machine in a cluster, the address of a service, a remote object, etc. A list of service addresses in some distributed service frameworks (RPC, RMI). By using naming services, client applications can obtain resource entities, service addresses, and provider information based on a specific name.
- Configuration Management:
In real project development, we often or XML to configure a lot of information, such as database connection information, FPS address port and so on. Because your application is usually distributed on different machines (if you’re a standalone application, forget I said that), if you store the configuration information of your application under the ZNode node of zK, when you want to change the configuration, that is, zNode changes, you can change the contents of a directory node in ZK. Use Watcher to notify individual clients to change the configuration.
- Cluster management
Cluster management includes cluster monitoring and cluster control, which is to monitor the state of cluster machines, remove machines and add machines. Zookeeper facilitates the management of cluster machines. It monitors zNode changes in real time. If a machine is found to be down, the machine is disconnected from ZK, the temporary directory node in use is deleted, and all other machines are notified. The same is true for new machines, all machines will be notified that a new sibling directory has been added.
Interviewer: You mentioned zNodes. How many types of ZNodes do you know? What is the data model for ZooKeeper?
Small dish chicken of me (I think first) :
Data model for ZooKeeper
ZooKeeper’s view data structure, much like a Unix file system, is also tree-like, which ensures that each path is unique. The zooKeeper node is calledznodeIt is possible to passPath to identify, the structure diagram is as follows:
Four types of ZNodes
According to the node lifecycle, ZNodes can be divided into four types: PERSISTENT, PERSISTENT_SEQUENTIAL, EPHEMERAL, and EPHEMERAL_SEQUENTIAL.
After such nodes are created, they remain on the Zk server forever. Until manually deleted.
Its basic property is the same as that of the persistent node, except that orderliness is added. The parent node maintains an increment number for the order in which the children are created.
The life cycle of the temporary node is bound to the client session, and once the client session fails (a non-TCP connection is disconnected), the node is automatically cleaned up. Zk specifies that temporary nodes can only be used as leaf nodes.
Base features add sequential features as temporary nodes.
Interviewer: Do you know what is stored in a ZNode? What is the maximum amount of data per node?
Small vegetable chicken me:
What is stored inside a ZNode?
The code for the Znode data node is as follows
public class DataNode implements Record {
byte data[];
Long acl;
public StatPersisted stat;
private Set<String> children = null;
Copy the code
Ha ha, Znode includes itStore data, access permissions, child node references, node status informationAs shown in figure:
- Data: indicates service data information stored in a Znode
- ACL: records client access permissions on ZNodes, such as IP addresses.
- Child: child reference of the current node
- Stat: Contains Znode status information, such as transaction ID, version number, timestamp, and so on.
What is the maximum amount of data per node
To ensure high throughput and low latency, as well as data consistency, ZNode is only suitable for storing very small data, no more than 1M, preferably less than 1K.
Interviewer: Do you know the listening mechanism on ZNode? Let’s talk about the Zookeeper Watch mechanism.
Small vegetable chicken me:
- Watcher mechanism
- How the listening mechanism works
- Watcher features summary
Watcher listening mechanism
Zookeeper allows the client to register a Watcher listener with a Znode on the server. When the Watcher is triggered by some specified event on the server, the server sends an event notification to the specified client to implement the distributed notification function. The client then makes business changes based on Watcher notification status and event type.
Watcher can be understood as a trigger for the client to register on a Znode. When the Znode changes (add, delete, change, check), the corresponding registration event of Znode will be triggered. The registered client will receive an asynchronous notification, and then make the business change.
The Watcher listening mechanism works
- The Watcher mechanism of ZooKeeper consists of client thread, client WatcherManager, and ZooKeeper server.
- When the client registers the Watcher with the ZooKeeper server, the Watcher object is stored in the WatchManager of the client.
- When the ZooKeeper server triggers the Watcher event, it sends a notification to the client, and the client thread retrieves the corresponding Watcher object from the WatcherManager to execute the callback logic.
Watcher features summary
- ** One-time: ** A Watch event is a one-time trigger. Once triggered, the client receives the message only once.
- ** Asynchronous: ** The Zookeeper server sends watcher notification events to the client asynchronously. It cannot be expected to monitor every node change. Zookeeper can only guarantee final consistency, not strong consistency.
- Lightweight: Watcher notifications are very simple in that they inform you that an event has occurred without passing event object content.
- Client-side serial: The process of performing the client-side Watcher callback is a serial synchronization process.
- Register watcher with getData, exists, getChildren methods
- Trigger Watcher to use the create, delete, setData methods
6. Interviewer: You are familiar with the data structure of Zookeeper, so please talk about its features
Small vegetable chicken of me :(I recite the book, aha) Zookeeper ensures the following distributed consistency features:
- Sequential consistency: Transaction requests from the same client are eventually applied to ZooKeeper in a strict order.
- Atomicity: The processing results of all transaction requests are applied consistently across all machines in the cluster, that is, a transaction is either successfully applied across all machines in the cluster or not applied at all.
- Single view: No matter which ZooKeeper server the client is connected to, the server data model is the same.
- Reliability: Once a server has successfully applied a transaction and responded to the client, the server state changes caused by the transaction are retained forever.
- Real-time (final consistency) : Zookeeper only ensures that the client can read the latest data status from the server within a certain period of time.
Interviewer: You just mentioned sequential consistency. How does ZooKeeper keep things sequential?
Small dish chicken of me :(finished this problem won’t)
Talk about the consistency of ZooKeeper’s order
You need to know the transaction ID, the zxID. ZooKeeper selects a new primary node by comparing the ZXID and machine ID of each node during the election. The zxID is generated by the Leader node. When there is a new write event, the Leader generates a new ZXID and broadcasts it along with the proposal. Each node saves the ZXID of the latest transaction locally, and the ZXID is increasing.
The ZXID generation rules are as follows:
The ZXID has two parts:
- Term: after the completion of this election, until the next election, the same Leader is responsible for coordinating writing;
- Transaction counter: monotonically increments, incrementing the counter by one for each effective write.
The lower 32 bits of ZXID are counters, so in the same term, ZXids are continuous, and each node stores its latest effective ZXID. By comparing whether the difference between the ZXID of the new proposal and its latest ZXID is “1”, transactions can take effect in strict order.
Interviewer: You mentioned Leader. Do you know how many roles the Zookeeper server has? How many Zookeeper Server working states are there?
Small vegetable chicken me:
Zookeeper server role
A Zookeeper cluster has three roles: Leader, Follower, and Observer
The Leader server is the core of the working mechanism of the whole ZooKeeper cluster. Its main tasks are as follows:
- A unique scheduler and handler of transaction requests to ensure sequential processing of cluster transactions
- Dispatcher of services within a cluster
The Follower server is a Follower of the ZooKeeper cluster status and performs the following tasks:
- Handles client non-transaction requests and forwards transaction requests to the Leader server
- Participate in the voting of the transaction request Proposal
- Participate in Leader election voting
The Observer is a server role introduced in version 3.3.0 that acts as an Observer — observing and synchronizing the latest state changes in the ZooKeeper cluster. The work:
- Handles non-transaction requests from clients and forwards transaction requests to the Leader server
- Do not participate in any form of voting
Zookeeper Server running status
The server has four states, which are LOOKING, FOLLOWING, LEADING, and OBSERVING.
- 1.LOOKING: Find the Leader state. When the server is in this state, it considers that there is no Leader in the cluster and therefore needs to enter the Leader election state.
- I follow the FOLLOWING status. The current server role is Follower.
- 3.LEADING: LEADING Indicates that the current server role is Leader.
- 4.OBSERVING: The state of OBSERVING. Indicates that the current server role is Observer.
Interviewer: You mentioned that the server role is based on the ZooKeeper cluster. Would you like to draw the ZooKeeper cluster deployment diagram? How does ZooKeeper ensure data consistency between the primary and secondary nodes?
Small vegetable chicken me:
ZooKeeper cluster deployment diagram
A ZooKeeper cluster is an active and multi-slave cluster:
- If data is written, the master server (master node) is first written and then the slave server is notified.
- If data is read, it can be read from either the master or slave server.
How does ZooKeeper ensure data consistency between the primary and secondary nodes
We know that a cluster is a master-slave deployment structure, and there are only two main problems to ensure the consistency of the master-slave nodes:
- The primary server is down or restarted
- Data is synchronized between the primary and secondary servers ~
Zookeeper uses the Zookeeper Atomic Broadcast (ZAB) protocol to ensure data consistency between the primary and secondary nodes. ZAB supports crash recovery and message Broadcast, which solves these two problems.
- Crash recovery: The Leader hangs. Enter the mode and select a new Leader
- Message broadcast: Synchronizes updated data from the Leader to all followers
When the Leader server hangs, all the servers in the cluster enter the LOOKING state. First, they elect a new Leader server. Then, the new Leader server synchronizes data with the Follower service in the cluster. When more than half of the machines in the cluster complete data synchronization with the Leader server, the new Leader server exits the recovery mode and enters the message broadcast mode. The Leader server starts to receive transaction requests from the client and generates a transaction Proposal for transaction request processing.
10. Interviewer: The Leader hangs and enters crash recovery. How do you elect the Leader? Why don’t you talk about the ZooKeeper election mechanism
Small vegetable chicken me:
When the server is started or running (the Leader is down), the Leader election will be held. Let’s take a look. Suppose there are five servers in the ZooKeeper cluster, and their myids are servers 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, as shown in the figure:
The Leader election for server startup
Zookeeper cluster initialization phase, server (myID =1-5)In turn,Start: Starts to elect the ZooKeeper Leader~
- Server 1 (myID =1) starts. Currently, there is only one server and the Leader election cannot be completed
- Server 2 (myID =2) starts. The two servers can communicate with each other and enter the Leader election phase
- Each server issues a vote
Both server 1 and server 2 vote themselves as the Leader server. The basic elements of the vote include: myID and ZXID of the server, which we represent in the form of (myID, ZXID). Initially, both server 1 and server 2 vote for themselves, i.e. server 1 votes for (1,0) and server 2 votes for (2,0), and each sends this vote to all the other machines in the cluster.
- Accept votes from each server
Each server accepts votes from other servers. At the same time, the server verifies the validity of the vote, whether it was voted in this round and whether it came from a server in the LOOKING state.
- Processing to vote
After receiving the votes of other servers, the system will PK the votes of the other servers with its own votes. The PK rules are as follows:
- Check the ZXID first. The server with a larger ZXID takes precedence as the leader.
- If the zxids are the same, the myID is compared, and the server with the larger MYID acts as the leader.
Server 1’s vote is (1,0), it receives the vote is (2,0), both zxids are 0, because the received myID =2 is greater than its own myID =1, so it updates its vote to (2,0), and sends the vote again. For server 2, you no longer need to update your vote, just send out the last vote.
- Vote statistics
After each vote, the server counts all the votes and determines whether more than half of the machines received the same information. Server 2 received two votes, less than 3 (n/2+1,n is the total server), so it continues LOOKING
- Server 3 (myID =3) starts and continues to the Leader election phase
As with the previous process, server 1 and server 2 vote for themselves first, because server 3 has the largest myID, so we vote for it instead. In this case, the server has 3 votes (greater than or equal to N /2+1), so server 3 is elected Leader. Change the status of server 1,2 to FOLLOWING, and server 3 to LEADING.
- Server 4 starts and initiates an election.
At this point, servers 1, 2 and 3 are no longer LOOKING and will not change the ballot information. Ballot information result: 3 votes for server 3, 1 vote for server 4. Server 4 and change the state to FOLLOWING;
- Server 5 starts and initiates an election.
Similarly, the server votes for server 3, server 5 and changes the state to FOLLOWING;
- After the vote, server 3 is elected Leader
Leader election during server running
Five servers (myID =1-5) in the ZooKeeper cluster are running. Suddenly, Leader server 3 hangs, and the Leader election starts
- 1. Change the status
After the Leader server hangs, the remaining non-Observer servers change their server state to LOOKING and begin the Leader election process.
- 2. Each server initiates a vote
Each server votes for itself, and since this is run-time, each server may have a different ZXID. Assuming that the zxIDS of services 1,2,4, and 5 are 333,666,999,888, it generates a vote (1,333), (2,666), (4,999), and (5,888), and then sends this vote to all the other machines in the cluster.
- 3. Accept votes from each server
- 4. Process the vote
The voting rules are the same as during the Zookeeper cluster startup. The ZXID is checked first, and the larger one acts as the Leader first. Therefore, obviously, server ZXID =999 has priority.
- 5. Count the votes
- 6. Change the server status
Interviewer: You mentioned before that you used Zookeeper distributed lock in your project. Would you like to talk about the implementation principle of ZK distributed lock?
Small vegetable chicken me: Zookeeper uses the temporary sequential node feature to implement distributed locks.
- Process of obtaining lock (create temporary node, check the smallest serial number)
- Release locks (remove temporary nodes, listen for notifications)
Lock acquisition process
- When the first client request comes in, the Zookeeper client creates a persistent node /locks. If it (Client1) wants to acquire locks, a sequential node lock1 needs to be created under the LOCKS node. As shown in figure
- Client1 then looks for all the temporary ordering children under locks to determine if its node lock1 is the least ordered, and if it is, it has successfully acquired the lock.
- If another client tries to acquire the lock, it creates a temporary node lock2 under LOCKS
- The client also looks for all the temporary sequential children under locks to determine if lock2 is the smallest, and lock1 is the smallest, so it fails to acquire the lock. Client2 registers a Watcher event with lock1, the node with the highest order, to monitor whether lock1 exists or not.
- At this point, if another client Client3 attempts to acquire the lock, it creates a temporary node lock3 under LOCKS
- Client3 also looks for all temporary sequential children under locks to determine if its node lock3 is the smallest and fails to acquire the lock if it is not. It will register a Watcher event with the node ahead of it, Lock2, to listen for the presence of the lock2 node.
Release the lock
Let’s look at the lock release process from ZooKeeperThe client service is complete or faulty, will delete the temporary node and release the lock. If the task is complete, Client1 explicitly calls the delete lock1 instructionIf the client fails, lock1 is automatically removed according to the nature of the temporary node
Client2 is happy when the lock1 node is deleted because it is always listening for lock1. Client2 is notified immediately that a lock1 node is deleted, and also looks for all temporary sequential children under locks, and locks are acquired if lock2 is the smallest.
In the same way, after Client2 has acquired the lock, Client3 is also eyeing it
12. Interviewer: OK, last question, tell me about the relationship between Dubbo and Zookeeper. Why did you choose Zookeeper as the registration center?
Small dish chicken of I (answered so many question, won’t return don’t give me lead? :
The dubbo registry can be Zookeeper, memcached, Redis, etc. Why Zookeeper, because of its features
- After naming the service, the service provider writes the URL to the specified Zookeeper node to publish the service.
- Load balancing: The load-balancing capacity of the registry is limited, but the Zookeeper cluster and Web applications can easily achieve load balancing.
- Zk supports listening events, which are particularly suited for publish/subscribe scenarios, such as dubbo’s producers and consumers.
- The data model is simple and the data is stored in memory
- Other features of Zookeeper can be explained
Personal public account
Reference and thanks
- Principle and Practice of Distributed Consistency from Paxos to Zookeeper
- They are the interview questions
- ZooKeeper interview Questions
- Comics: What is ZooKeeper?
- Talk about order consistency in ZooKeeper
- Zookeeper – Consistency protocol :Zab protocol
- The principle of Zookeeper election mechanism
- How to implement distributed lock with Zookeeper?