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Internal testing and grayscale are two important stages in the client version iteration process. In both phases, the new functionality of the client becomes available to real users. Through user feedback, we can often find problems that have not been found or ignored in product design, development, and testing. Internal testing and grayscale user feedback can help us improve product design and quality more effectively. This article will introduce some basic concepts of internal measurement and gray scale, and how we do it in Zhihu.

What are internal measurements and grayscale?


After we have developed and tested a new feature, sometimes we need to invite some users to try it out, collect comments and suggestions, and further refine the product. In some cases, feedback from beta users can influence decisions for the entire product.

There are two sources of users for the internal test. One is zhihu’s internal employees, who are more likely to download and use the internal test version during the development process, and will be more active in using and giving feedback. Second, external users. We will carefully select enthusiastic users with strong feedbacks and send private messages to invite them to conduct internal testing. We don’t need a lot of in-beta users, and we need some good feedback to achieve our goal. In the early stage, the number of zhihu employees and users willing to participate in the internal test was relatively small.


As the functions of Zhihu client become more and more complex, the iteration cycle becomes shorter and shorter, and the number of users becomes larger and larger, it is difficult for the test to cover all application scenarios. Even if the new version passes the test, there is still a certain quality risk to release it to all users directly. At the same time, because clients can’t roll back as quickly after publishing as Web or back-end services, the quality risk is sometimes unbearable. This requires grayscale publishing to help reduce the risk.

Grayscale release refers to the release of the new version to a small number of users before the official launch, while the remaining users continue to use the old version without being affected. If there is no problem with the new version, the full release will be carried out. If there is any problem, the problem will be fixed and the grayscale will be re-released. Generally speaking, the number of grayscale release users is larger than that of internal test users, and these grayscale users may not know that they are using the grayscale version.

To compare

The above introduces some basic concepts of internal measurement and gray scale, and some differences between them are shown in the following table:


How do we do internal test and gray scale in Zhihu?

For both beta and grayscale, we faced three problems: How do you get users to download beta/grayscale? How to keep users using the latest beta/grayscale version? How to collect user feedback? The third problem will be explained in detail later. For the first two problems, there are different solutions for internal testing and grayscale, and there are some differences between the two platforms, iOS and Android.


IOS and Android client closed is exactly the same way, after the new version function development and completed and tested, we will release the installation package to zhihu closed platform for users to download (currently only supports zhihu private beta version of the iOS download), and not been fully test installation package will be released only on Intranet, for internal staff to try.


  • Email inviting internal employees + Private email inviting external users
  • Invite internal employees in App + invite external users in offline activities

At first a private beta, it’s easy to think of “mail + direct messages” at the invitation of the way, email will be sent to company personnel, have received DMS users often submit feedback to our enthusiastic users through various channels, even so, the number of beta is also hard to do, only by mail and DMS conversion rate is low.

At this stage, the loss of internal beta users is also a very troublesome problem. Both internal employees and external users have a high turnover rate and their willingness to submit feedback is gradually decreasing. To this end, we once organized an activity called “Bugday”, in which we distributed various small gifts to employees who gave positive feedback on a monthly basis, which to some extent enhanced their enthusiasm in using and giving feedback. We also thought about bringing Bugday to external users, but due to operational and PR concerns, that didn’t happen.

After wave after wave of private invitations, the pool of available target users became smaller and smaller, and the conversion rate became lower and lower. After the peak of 1000 internal test users, the rate of new users began to catch up with the speed of loss, and the number of internal test users gradually decreased. At the same time, The business line of Zhihu slowly expanded, giving birth to a group of more subdivided businesses with a smaller user base than the whole Zhihu community. Users obtained by email + private message often do not match the target users of these businesses. Therefore, these businesses choose to acquire internal beta users through offline activities. They invite users to use the internal beta version and collect feedback through offline activities such as Salt Club, Open Day and user salon.

What about internal employees? With the growth of Zhihu and the increasing number of employees, it has gradually become a rich resource pool of users for internal testing. We have learned from the advanced experience of Facebook, and popup the market version App in the office as shown in the following figure, inviting and encouraging internal employees to participate in internal testing, which is more efficient than email invitation. Again, this popup is limited to the market version of the App in the office, and users outside will not be disturbed. In fact, the internal test here is not too accurate, we are now essentially the office users as gray users supplement, strictly speaking, there is no staff internal test, only the internal staff hair gray.



Due to apple’s restrictions, the implementation of iOS gray scale is very different from Android, which is introduced here.


For Android, we use in-app update to deliver grayscale packages to users. When the App starts or switches from the background to the foreground, the client asks whether there is an available grayscale version on the back end. If there is an available grayscale version, the client prompts the user to update it in a popup window. The number of gray users can be controlled by the length of time the back-end switch is on. The speed of in-application upgrade is very fast, and it is easy to obtain a large number of gray users. When the back-end switch is turned on, users can also upgrade to the grayscale version by clicking “Settings -> Check for Updates”.


Since Apple only allows users to download apps in the App Store, in-app updates cannot be used for graying. Although Apple officially provided Testflight for developers to use for internal testing, Testflight was not mature a few years ago and there were many restrictions on its use. Therefore, we did not make iOS grayscale in the early stage, or we used internal testing instead of grayscale, and the number of users reached about 1000 at most. This is the first stage of iOS grayscale. During this period, we considered expanding the number of users of the internal test version and continued to regard the internal test as gray scale, but there are various problems in the internal test package itself:

  • Users can install the beta version and the market version at the same time: If two versions of the App are installed at the same time, using URL Scheme to jump to the market version in the beta version will cause confusion to users. Users who have two versions of the App at the same time are easier to uninstall the beta version.
  • Some functions of the beta version are missing: due to the limitation of micro-blog, we do not support micro-blog recording and sharing in the beta version;
  • Policy risk: Apple theoretically does not allow developers to install internal beta versions of enterprise packs, and other companies have been threatened with removal. Due to these defects of inner package, we are still trying to use Testflight eventually as a way of gray, inviting way still adopt direct messages in invitation, probation period we experience the user installation cost is high, the audit time is long, gray problems of limited number of users, and one of the most troubling or users to install grayscale version of the cost is very high, Testflight requires users to provide their email addresses before entering an invitation code into the Testflight App to qualify for private beta and install the grayscale version. Many users give up before the process is too long and complicated. After we switched to Testflight, the number of grayscale users did not increase significantly and remained at about 1200. The above is the second stage of iOS grayscale. Over time, Apple made some improvements to Testflight, and we found that there was an email-free invitation approach, resulting in a phase 3 grayscale scheme. First, we will register multiple mailboxes and register them with Testflight background. Then Testflight background will automatically send invitation codes to these mailboxes. Then we will crawl out the invitation codes from the mailboxes and store them in the database. The client considers the user to be a potential user of the grayscale version and requests an invitation code. Upon receiving the invitation code, the client directs the user to update to the beta version. Because Testflight has a limited number of users, we periodically clear expired and unused invitation codes to ensure that there are enough available invitation codes in our database.

The following table compares the three stages of iOS gray scale:


Grayscale support

How to Collect Feedback

After users started using grayscale, we would collect crashes through Fabric, and users could also use a shake to submit their problems to our feedback collection platform. We also made some peripheral tools, such as crash monitoring and alarm, one-click submission of feedback to JIRA, to help us improve the efficiency of collecting user feedback.

Future improvement direction

The above is our practice of internal testing and gray scale in Zhihu. After several years of exploration and continuous iteration, internal testing and gray scale effectively helped us improve the quality of Zhihu client version. Meanwhile, we still have some areas to be improved and hope to continue to optimize in the future. The points that can be optimized include but are not limited to:

  • Higher quality: provide higher quality grayscale package to the user, the grayscale as a means of verification before the full release, rather than hope to let the user in the grayscale period did not find earlier problems
  • Less times: reduce the number of grayscale releases and reduce the loss of users
  • More dimensions: Grayscale packages can be delivered to users of specific models, systems, regions, and features, making the grayscale more accurate

One more thing

If you are interested in the new features of Zhihu iOS, please visit the internal test platform of Zhihu to download and try out the internal test package. You can experience the new features that have not been released to the App Store.

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About the author

Shouyu Wang is a senior QA engineer in Zhihu, currently focusing on quality assurance, engineering efficiency and DevOps