On June 5, 2021, the 2021 China Developer Ecosystem Summit hosted by SegmentFault came to a successful conclusion. At the meeting, members and senior members of.NET Foundation. NET consultant and solution expert Zhang Shanyou delivered a speech entitled “.NET Community Operation “, sharing the process of.NET community development from the perspective of community engineers.

Guest: Zhang Shanyou, Senior Member of.NET Foundation. NET consultant and solution expert.

Sort and publish shorthand: SegmentFault Editorial Department

I’m the CEO of a small startup, but. NET is not my product. It’s a very healthy community. It’s a self-driven community. You can see what our community looks like according to the PPT. The.NET community is a developer community..NET is a product of Microsoft.

It was founded in 2014 after opening source. NET Foundation, which is similar to the Apache Foundation project. Its foundation is global in nature, and it has a long history. It started in 2001 and has been around for more than 20 years. China is also used by a large number of software developers. NET technology. In China, many people hear Java, in fact, you can think about it,.NET and Java are equivalent, can replace Java, Java can also replace it, the two roles are the same.

I’m a professional engineer and a developer. Run the.NET developer community. Based on the Chinese market, the company uses. NET technology services customers and other businesses. It is also through community access TO the market. Since 2016, domestic cloud manufacturers have started TO conduct TO-B business in the form of developer community. Some of the largest cloud vendors have referenced Microsoft’s MVP program. Like Huawei cloud MVP project, Tencent cloud TVP project. I’m a developer, and I want to connect with the community of developers that are doing it, so I’m part of the community that runs developers.

I have been involved in community operation for nearly 20 years, during which I have operated two public accounts. I’ll tell you about that later. Do open source projects in the community, a kind of community-driven project, in the community people call me Captain Zhang, is actually the role of Captain America.

Today I’m going to share with you the process of community development from the perspective of a community engineer.

Community Operation Pyramid

There is a pyramid model in community operation. First of all, the difference between people and animals is that people have ideas. The human mind has beliefs, missions, and values. How to drive the community, to have its skeleton, framework to help me drive the community. The most basic thing that drives the framework is the product service. Developers will only use you if they benefit from it. Mission, values we talked about earlier. In the community, there should be a reason to continue and stay, the community is constantly updated, new people come in and old people leave, a wave of rolling, rolling process has the corresponding mode, these mechanisms to ensure that the process is constantly growing.

The lowest level of products and services can reflect your open source project. For example, the current community revolves around. NET development technology layer community.

The mission, beliefs and values of the.NET community

NET products, services, beliefs, values. The history of the community is very long. From 2000 to the present, in this process, there is a climax, and from 2000 to 2012, it is on the upward slope. After 2012, in 2014 and 2015, as China and the world entered the era of mobile Internet, Microsoft was left behind in this wave. You can see that before 2014, Microsoft’s market cap was $200 billion, since 2014, it’s now close to $2 trillion, it’s now $1.8 trillion (it’s over $2 trillion today), and Microsoft’s new CEO Satya Nadella wrote a book called Refresh: Rediscovering Business and the Future. .NET from the original Microsoft as the center of the product into the cloud native as the goal of the application development platform. In today’s China, you are less likely to experience Microsoft’s presence in China than before 2010. The development of the community went into a self-driven mode. I’m just running a non-Microsoft community from the point of view of KOL, the big name in the community that uses.NET technology.

After 2014, the.NET product was established after open source. NET Foundation. To develop its ecology with a foundation. Its ecosystem is simple, independent, innovative, and always open source. The whole community has to shift to not being Microsoft centric, but foundation centric, from early on, Microsoft product development, Windows centric, to now cloud-centric native applications that can run anywhere, on Windows, Linux, Mac, including cloud vendors, on Windows, Tecum Cloud, Ari Cloud, Huawei cloud can do.

Patterns and mechanics of the.NET community

NET Foundation is an open source organization. It is the product code document of the open source organization. When choosing the open source protocol, it chooses the most liberal MIT. Apache2 protocol. The documentation protocol is CC-BY, one of the most liberal in the open source world, and the code is available on GitHub. NET warehouse can be developed, can be developed. In the course of 20 years, I drew a chart for you to review, the first is because Microsoft platform vendor, developer services started very early, and then he revolved around. NET project, you know Microsoft started using Java first, but it changed Java to the Windows version of Java. Sun’s company sued him. After losing a billion dollars and not allowing Java to be used, Microsoft teamed up with major IT vendors in the world, such as HP, Dell, etc., to organize their design. NET, he designed two standardized standards. ECM334, ECMA335, these two standards are submitted to the standardization group ECMA to standardize the organization to develop the platform. This is very different from Java, the most popular Java in China, which is open source but controlled by Oracle. After he submitted the standardization document in 2001, the 1.0 version was officially released in 2002. Based on the two standard specification files, a new open source project called MONO was launched in 2002. The open source community was mainly represented by Linux. So Windows and Linux are now two different operating systems, competing against each other. In 2008, Microsoft made its web development framework ASP.NET MVC fully open source on its open source organization site CodePlex. The site is now defunct, and Microsoft bought GitHub and brought the content over to GitHub. In April 2014, Microsoft replaced CEO Satya, followed by the founding of the investment. NET Foundation. He took office after changing the original Ballmer strategy, he was established. NET Foundation, the first open source project was to open source its compiler project Roslyn, the Roslyn Compiler Platform. NET Foundation. In the previously mentioned open source project Mono, the compiler is integrated into Roslyn. Then in 2016, after Microsoft bought Xamarin, the commercial company behind Mono, it added it. NET Foundation. So in the next 17 years. NET Core2.0 released, 18 years. NET Core3.0 was released, 19 years later, 20 years later. By 5.0, it unifies all previous products, including a release this year. The.net 6.0. It created the.NET Foundation. Here we go. This can be seen in the whole process of the preceding development. NET and the.NET Foundation, which has changed a lot. From 14 years ago. .NET products are just a part of Microsoft Windows, so they are naturally a part of Windows developers. After 2014, he brought. NET Foundation will be independent and run as a foundation project. Microsoft is only one member of the foundation. There are plenty of developers out there, whether it’s Google, Red Hat, or Samsung. It’s still very much in use. NET technology companies together to maintain the ecology, the development of ecology.

.NET products and services

The above is said.NET product development process, then how to drive the community inside? His first.NET project was Microsoft’s MVP project, Microsoft’s MVP project. We have them in cities around the country. NET Club. Community organizations used to mainly engage in offline activities, and now mainly use online media WeChat official accounts. After opening source in 2014, there are many extended open source projects around.NET. Blog Garden, for example, is a site that many of the developer community should know about. The site was founded in 2004 and is basically based on. The content of the ASP.NET community is the main body, and now it’s not just. NET content, also covers a lot of other content. There are photos of our early offline local activities organized in various cities and held in various places. We are a local self-driven organization of programmers. It’s a healthy community, and our community is focused on the programmer community.

We are the stage to create programmers, if you are just the audience, not on the stage, then you are on the stage, you are playing what role. It was organized in various cities, and we had the first and second Developer Summit in ’19,’ 20, and the Developer Summit was not officially organized by Microsoft, it was organized by our own community. Including the public media are our own community organizations. There are public accounts, the biggest. NET cross-platform is mine. There are also various open source projects on GitHub, including the domestic code cloud. This open source project will also form a variety of organizations, which I will describe below. The various organizations up there, if there are various organizations, will be embodied in the basic products and services that you have to have. To introduce you to.NET, you can use it. NET builds all of your current types of applications. Instead of developing apps and I’m going to use Java, I’m going to use Java to develop the Web and I’m going to use Java to PHP. So, I’m going to develop AI in Python, I’m going to develop Lot, I’m going to develop games. All of WPF can be developed, including desktop applications. From the desktop to the outside to the cloud to your mobile app to game development.

Including Internet of Things application development, AI development, its entire platform can be used. NET technology to develop. He uses one technique to develop different types of applications, and from this diagram, let’s look at it from a different perspective, it includes your development tools, including Visual Studio and his products. If you want to use open source product development, you can also use Visual Studio Code. Including the command line can also, you can develop a variety of applications, such a product service application good, your experience is good, let’s take a look. NET products. Professional performance reviews will be conducted annually on the TechEmpower website. .net ranked top5 in the mainstream ranking and top3 in the mainstream website ranking. Can reflect his performance and other aspects is very good. We just talked about developing apps. Various communities are formed around these applications, and I’ll introduce you to the Blazor Chinese community. Today’s application development is front-end separation. You’ve all heard of me using Blazor to develop a front end, which is perfectly possible for.NET. The front-end product for.NET development is called Blazor, and there is a dedicated community around this product. Last year there was a series of live broadcasts called Strike Balzor! , and Meetups, both online and offline, including a day of Blazor, which was held only the day before yesterday, as well as the WeChat group, GitHub, and various open source projects. NET in the community. There are corresponding open source projects developed around the Web side, and there are corresponding communities.

Cloud native application development DAPR is also a relatively new open source project, which is also open source by Microsoft, and this is not only the above. NET you can run on any platform, in any language. Is a relatively new cloud native application development, here covers my developers and operators. In fact, we can interact with other communities from the cloud native above. My organizers, for example, used to be mainly based on us. NET community as the main member, and then started to expand to other members, because it can support many extensions like Go, JS, Python, etc.

The other one has AI as its main focus. It’s also an open source community, with a number of open source projects around it. NET how to do AI. There are a lot of open source projects in such a community, as well as online and offline training. The community itself provides some technical support, including our company which is similar, providing technical services in the community. So we.NET developers are in the WeChat developer ecosystem. It offers a lot of developers around the WeChat developer ecosystem, in. NET project inside the usage of WeChat is very large, WeChat public number, enterprise WeChat, WeChat all kinds of development. He has a lot of needs. Is not the kind of very big company, is only a start-up company, or is a very small company, QQ group, WeChat group has tens of thousands of many.

More interesting this time is the community’s open source organization. There are a lot of developers in our community. It turns out that there are a lot of developers, individuals working on a lot of open source projects, but one thing about these developers is that they’re not from big factories. It’s not Alibaba, it’s not Tencent, and some are not even Internet companies. They’re traditional businesses, and our community has a lot of character, a lot of developer community. They have a small number of developers, probably hundreds of people, which is relatively small. But his overall distribution is very wide. If you go deep into traditional manufacturing outside of the Internet. You’re going to find the right group of developers, but there are people who are going to be impacted at work by the current trend of open source, including the Internet. So there’s a very interesting phenomenon in China, in. NET community there are a lot of bosses to put. NET to Java such a wave, such a wave, mainly is represented by Ali. In this process. So we have a lot of spontaneous organizations, they open source a lot of projects, they used to be lonely, so we set up in the community for this kind of open source project of civil society organization that has no relationship with Microsoft. It has nothing to do with any other big company, it’s just an organization in our community, he called. Net Core Community (NCC).

There are now more than 20 open source projects. We’ve also listed some of the open source equivalents. In China, the entire development of.NET community is actually squeezed by Java, but its application is very wide. In addition to the Internet of those traditional enterprises, there are a large number of applications are used. NET construction, now the country is also implementing the localization, in the localization. He is able to run in ARM, Huawei’s Kunpeng and other systems. But we still have Loongson. Loongson is a completely independent chipmaker, and they are also developing their own developers. Then they have to support the ecology of their chips. So they just released a new architecture LoongArch this year. They started supporting it in 2019. NET. It was MIPS architecture. In June of this year, 2021, their new version of LoongArch’s Loongson architecture will be supported. NET.

I’m going to show you two more meetings that our community has organized. NET in 2014 after open source, in the Chinese community, completely dominated by our community meetings.

It was held for the first time in Shanghai in 2019, when all the members were part-time. There is no professional developer organization for this event. People come in their spare time. In the end, more than 800 people attended the event, and the people who attended the event were all over the country. Many open source developers really have a passion for it, and they fly to Shanghai from all over the country to attend the conference together.

So in 2020, we held the second one in Suzhou. In the second session, because of the epidemic, we controlled the number of people offline. The original intention was to control the number of 300 people, but the final number of participants has reached 500 people.

In 2020, we are both online and offline. The entire live stream, including CSDN and Sci-Fi. There were 100,000 online participants and more than 500 offline.

This is the end of my sharing content, thank you.