“What will be hot and what to learn in 2022? This article is participating in the” Talk about 2022 Technology Trends “essay campaign.


At the end of 20 years, a colleague went to a new company to do backtracking. Over the phone, is the CEO of the other company, introduced to each other about the business of the company, they are doing zero code development, said that the enterprise background system can be competent. At that time, I did not pay much attention to the fitness, and then I added wechat and sent me an introduction document. Probably looked, feel not very reliable 😅.

Some time ago, I planned to open a new project and needed to recruit people. The project logic is not complex, just some background system management, and a small program. Probably two working groups, 10 people. Make a budget, a year down, $2 million less spending. The boss finished to say, these two years the epidemic situation is uncertain, this project does not open or a problem 🙃.

The zero code platform came to mind last week. I found the previous chat records, went to experience it, and found it really unusual. Reframe it. Maybe a working group is enough.


I spent two hours to build a demand management module, which is mainly used to record the transformation of system demand.

Since I had developed the corresponding module before, I directly built according to the existing fields and functions.

  1. Design new page fields (equivalent to creating a data table, after the creation of the basic function has been added, deleted, changed and checked).

  1. After creating a link, you can choose whether to expose it. If not, add it in the background.

  1. List page all fields can be filtered, there is also a global search.

  1. Custom data analysis kanban

  1. View API documents (if you need to communicate with other systems)

Modules like this, from design to launch. In my experience, front-end components are reusable. A working group, about 2-3 weeks to complete. However, using the platform, from design to construction, 3 days is enough, and the efficiency of simple modules is improved too much.

Traditional project development process: requirements collection review – drawing out documents – development – testing – online – maintenance

Zero code project development process: requirements collection and review – document (field + table logic) – build – test – online

Advantages of zero-code platform:

  1. High development and deployment efficiency, distance statistics, project efficiency increased by more than 30%.
  2. As requirements change, it is also possible to iterate quickly (in effect, modify directly).
  3. For small modules, the simpler the logic, the better.
  4. Provides API interface and other systems for data communication, perfect documentation.

Disadvantages of zero code platform:

  1. UI style limited, unable to customize the style, suitable for the project of the background class.
  2. Although the platform claims that anyone can create it, recommends business people to learn it, and is expensive to learn, it is easier for programmers to understand.
  3. Each platform claims to be comparable to native code, but the actual effect is unknown, and is currently used by small projects without big project endorsement.
  4. Unless deployed independently, the data is on the platform, easy to use but hard to get away from.

Write at the end: What is the core competence of programmers, and what should we do in the future?

The core competency of programmers is the ability to solve problems, and what we need to do in the future is embrace change.

Whether it’s low code or zero code, they’re just tools that can be picked up quickly when needed.

Like matches and lighters, lighters are so convenient to use that matches are still on the market. In different scenarios, there is room for their own play.

Attached: domestic mainstream zero code platform comparison table 😉