As a developer, have you met your dream company’s salary expectations?

Interview: If you don’t prepare for an interview, it’s a waste of time and irresponsible of yourself.

Today to share with my finishing Java architecture interview project and answer (meet at the end of the article try to answer) * * * *, most of them are big business commonly asked interview questions, the interview can control the leak fill a vacancy, of course, certainly can not cover all listed here, but also hope I can find job for the friends have some help!

Alibaba P6 Technology four (Intermediate)

Alibaba 2020 latest interview answers at the end of the text can be free

One side (asking about data structures, JVMS, locks, etc.) :

  1. Self introduction and project
  2. What is the underlying implementation of HashMap?
  3. Hash consistent algorithm?
  4. What is the difference between HashMap and ConcurrentHashMap? What is the difference between Treemap and HashMap?
  5. Java memory partition?
  6. Java object recycling method, recycling algorithm?
  7. CMS and G1?
  8. What problem does CMS solve? Tell me about the recycling process?
  9. How many times did the CMS recycle pause?
  10. When does the Java stack run out of memory, what about the Java heap, one scenario?
  11. How does the collection class solve this problem? What is the difference between the two references?
  12. What do Java locks know?
  13. How to realize the upgrading process of synchronized lock (partial lock to light lock and then to heavy lock), and what problems are solved?
  14. What is the basic architecture of Tomcat?
  15. What is a class loader?
  16. What about the parental delegation model?
  17. What is the mechanism of GC? GC algorithm and recycle strategy?
  18. Future career plans?

Second side (thread, database, cache, protocol, etc.) :

  1. Talk about the project
  2. What components do thread pools consist of?
  3. What thread pools are available and how are they used? What are the rejection strategies?
  4. When does a multithread deadlock occur? Write an example?
  5. What is the data structure of Redis? What about the thread model?
  6. Talk about Redis data elimination mechanism?
  7. What about Redis data consistency?
  8. How does Redis distribute?
  9. What about RPC?
  10. Three handshakes and four waves? What’s wrong with not having three handshakes?
  11. Http request process, DNS resolution process?
  12. What are the four transaction isolation levels InnoDB supports? What’s the difference? What about MySQL isolation levels?
  13. Transaction characteristics and slow queries?
  14. How about BTree?
  15. How to optimize MySQL?

Three sides (distributed, message queue, etc.) :

  1. To introduce myself
  2. Cap? What do you mean by cap?
  3. What are the methods to achieve strong consistency and weak consistency?
  4. How to achieve load balancing? Why do you do that?
  5. Cache avalanche say?
  6. MySQL master-slave replication What is the principle? What are the advantages and disadvantages?
  7. What about distributed transactions?
  8. Message queuing, what scenarios are used (peak clipping, limiting, asynchronous)?
  9. How to overcome the PERFORMANCE bottleneck of ZK?
  10. So kafka, how do you keep data from getting lost? Ensure that messages are not consumed twice?
  11. How is message delivery confirmation implemented?

Four sides (starting from the project) :

  1. He talked about his project
  2. What are the main architectures used?
  3. More complex business logic?
  4. Encounter difficult to solve the problem and breakthrough harvest
  5. The future plan and the future career development, talk about their own views

Ali senior post interview question

Alibaba 2020 latest interview answers at the end of the text can be free

Meituan end of 19 interview questions

1. Is increment (i++) in Java thread safe? How to implement thread-safe augmentation?

2. Other common thread-safe classes;


3. How is ConcurrentHashMap thread safe?

4. Whether Synchronized is a fair lock;

5. How does ThreadLocal work?

6. Does stream in Jdk8 work? Stream parallel operation principle? Where does the stream parallel thread pool come from?

7. Is completableFuture in Jdk1.8 useful?

What are the differences between Spring AOP and native aspect AOP?

9. How many ways are Java proxies implemented?

10. Why does the Jvm add meta-space (matespace)?

11. How do I look for problems in the Jvm and tune the Jvm?

12. What do you know about the G1 garbage collector? What are its features?

13. Server hardware configuration?

14. In what scenarios should you upgrade the configuration and expand the cluster?

15. Why use RPC framework? When are HTTP requests used?

16. In what scenarios will MQ be used? What are mq’s strengths and weaknesses? When can MQ not be used? (Unable to synchronize)

17. Why not add index to all mysql tables?

18. Why not hash Mysql index instead of B+ tree? What is the time complexity of the hash underlying?

19. B+ tree index can perform range query, such as greater than or less than;

20. How to synchronize cached data with DB for update? !!!!!!!!! (Big companies ask!)

21. Linked list: 1->2->3->4->5; Write a program to reverse the list: 5->4->3->2->1;

Interview scene of the big factory in 19 years

There are meituan, good future, 58, easy car, he Zhong and so on interview scenarios and interview questions

Alibaba 2020 latest interview answers at the end of the text can be free

Spring + Tank wars + design mode + micro services + high concurrency multi-threading +JVM+Redis etc

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