Small knowledge, big challenge! This article is participating in the creation activity of “Essential Tips for Programmers”. This article has participated in the “Digitalstar Project” and won a creative gift package to challenge the creative incentive money.

The youth training camp has come to an end, today IS to be a youth training camp “publicity committee”, introduce the youth training camp, and talk about their own harvest. By the way, I recommend a wave of notes column, urging me to organize the knowledge I have learned.

A brief introduction & participation methods

The Youth Training camp is a series of technical training and talent selection program initiated by bytedance’s technical team. It aims to cultivate excellent and professional competitive development engineers for college students.

Does this youth training camp charge? The answer here is: free!! All you need to do is sign up before the camp starts and pass a simple assessment to join!!

Is it only for students in school? The answer is: not necessarily!! Our team consists of four current students and three who are already working

For more information and how to register, please refer to the official website of youth Training Camp – Youth dreams, Technology Future (

Highlights of the first youth system Past wonderful | youth academy – inception, the technology of the future (

Ii. Course Arrangement & Notes on YK bacteria

Welcome to pay attention to my “youth camp notes” column, I will continue to update ~ strive for all the content sorted out….

1. Notes for Advanced Classes [Youth Training Camp]

Day 1 HTML + CSS + UI Design + JS

HTML Basics – Semantic tags – Browser rendering process – Notes and extensions

CSS: Background – Basic rules – Common rules – Debugging – Continuous learning

[Youth training camp] Front-end development should learn the basis of UI design

[Youth Training camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me the three principles of writing good JavaScript — each is responsible for his own work

[Youth Training Camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me the three principles of good JavaScript writing — component encapsulation

[Youth Training Camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me the three principles of good JavaScript – process abstraction

Second day JS + Web standards + debugging + TS

[Youth Training Camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me four skills to write good JavaScript — style first

[Youth Training Camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me four skills to write good JavaScript — make sure it is correct

[Youth Training Camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me the four skills to write good JavaScript – encapsulation function

[Youth Training camp] Teacher Yue Ying told me the four skills to write good JavaScript – useful features

[Youth Training camp] Teacher Yueying told me to write a summary of JavaScript principles and skills

Listen to Teacher Li Songfeng talk about Web standards

[Youth Training camp] Front-end development of various debugging methods of the meeting

You have to learn the basics of TypeScript

Day 3 React + Animation

【 youth Training Camp 】 How to React

【 Youth Training camp 】 How to React

[Youth Training Camp] Realization of front-end animation (plan)

Day 4 Node + Security + HTTP

Node.js basics – Features – Modular CommonJS&ESM – NPM package management

Node.js foundation – Four solutions for asynchronous programming

[Youth Training Camp] Node.js foundation – Web application development – development and debugging – online deployment

[Youth Training camp] Node.js Actual Combat (plan)

XSS – CSRF – Injection – Dos – Man-in-the-middle Attack

XSS, CSRF, Injection, DoS, man-in-the-middle HTTPS

HTTP Practical Guide – Basics – Basic Features – Protocol Analysis – caching – http2-https

HTTP practical guide – Field – Scene analysis – Field – development

Day 5: Engineering + design mode + small program + multimedia technology

[Youth Training camp] Guide to the development of the front end – Front end engineering

Eight design patterns in JavaScript

[Youth Training camp] This lesson will give you an easy introduction to small program development

[Youth Training Camp] Into the Web multimedia technology

Day 6 Web game development

[Youth Training] A front-end view of game development

2. Training Camp Notes [Youth Training Camp Pro]

The training camp is a collaboration between Bytedance and Kaikaiba.

Gitee – Youth_camp_ykjun: Youth Training camp & Open a course code repository (

GitHub – Su37Josephxia/Bytedance – Youth-train-camp

Day 1 @ full stack Ran uncle

[Youth Camp Pro] 🛠️ from 0 to 1 implement a front-end contract routing project scaffolding 🏗️ tool ~

Persistence technology – Authentication cookie/session/ JWT-auth2

The next day @Cui Xiaorui

[Youth Camp Pro] Scaffolding from 1 to ∞ – Automatic thinking to build KOA scaffolding

[youth training camp Pro] webpack&rollup&vite principle and application

Front-end development should learn to test – single test – component test – Git hook – ESLint

On the third day @ winter

[Youth Camp Pro] Write an AntD homepage using AntD

[Youth Training Camp Pro] Component system design – background building system

Day 4 @mt @Big Handsome ape

[Youth Camp Pro] Mobile adaptation – Mobile events

[Youth Training camp Pro] Gesture library package – mobile terminal round seeding map combat

[Youth Training Camp Pro] Realize the homepage of Web mobile terminal Tmall – top – swiper – browsing progress – unlimited list

Day 5 @ Yang Village head

[Youth Training Camp Pro] Front-end framework design concept – Vue3 motivation – handwriting to achieve mini-vue

[Youth Pro] SFC/JSX principle

3. Practical project notes [Youth Training Camp Project]

[Youth Training Camp Project] Realize login registration and permission verification in the light service cloud function

[Youth Training camp project] drag and drop sorting before and after the end of the detailed solution

[Youth Training Project] TodoList front and back end interactive implementation details

What will you gain?

Here is to talk about my harvest first

  1. Knowledge, knowledge, knowledge; Technology, technology, technology.

  2. You can feel the front-end technology atmosphere of the Bytedance team. At the class meeting in the evening, our friends talked freely, our leaders answered our questions, and Mr. Liang and Mr. Liu took good care of us (I don’t know what word to use, but I feel this word is also good).

  3. See yueying teacher and Li Songfeng teacher real person, there may be a little red book signed by Li Songfeng teacher.

  1. Projects go from zero to one, from idea to launch. Enjoy the fun of team development.

  1. A fine certificate of settlement
  1. Finally, the most important thing is to harvest a group of like-minded partners: @Monday research room @front-end classmate @little Ming zi @brian @Output @lck @one of the partners and so on…….

4. Related links

  • Youth Training Camp – Youth dream, Technology future (

  • Highlights of the first youth system Past wonderful | youth academy – inception, the technology of the future (

  • Juejin, juejin, juejin, Juejin

  • Monday’s experience of youth training camp [Youth training camp] – Camp is over! Predestined to get together in youth training, see you in the future 🥂~~

  • – CSS Keep improving, look to the future – Nuggets (juejin. Cn)

  • Juejin – juejin (juejin. Cn)