You think Jack Ma is the only one who can make chicken soup? So does the Linux command line!

“Linux is too south O (╥﹏╥) O”, “I’m tired and don’t want to struggle O ()) O”…

Has it ever occurred to you that Linux can give you a delicious chicken soup for the soul when your morale is running low? Motivate and Fortune are two great cookers for the soul, with their ability to randomly display inspirational quotes on their terminals.

Install motivate

Before installing Motivate, check whether you have Git and Python3 installed on your computer. Most Linux systems are already installed by default, if not, see below to install it.

Install Git and Python3 on Debian, Ubuntu, and Linux Mint:

$ sudo apt-get install git python3Copy the code

For other distributions, use the appropriate installer.

After installing the environment, we used Git to clone its repository:

$ git clone the code

And wait quietly…

Cloning into 'motivate'... remote: Enumerating objects: 1356, done. remote: Total 1356 (delta 0), reused 0 (delta 0), pack-reused 1356 Receiving objects: 100% (1356/1356) and 776.25 KiB | 812.00 KiB/s, done. Resolving deltas: 100% (705/705), and done.Copy the code

When you’re done, go to its directory:

$ cd motivate/motivateCopy the code

Run to compile and install:

$ sudo ./install.shCopy the code

To make it effective immediately:

$ source ~/.bashrcCopy the code

If you are a ZSH user, simply replace ~/.bashrc with ~/.zshrc in the above command.

If you do not have root permission, you can see the following to install:

$ git clone
$ cd motivate
$ ln -s $PWD/motivate/ moti
$ ln -s $PWD/ mmoti
$ echo 'export PATH=$PWD:$PATH' >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrcCopy the code

The use of motivate

Finally installed, quickly give yourself a bowl of chicken soup for the soul.

Type motivate or moti

$ motivateCopy the code
$ motiCopy the code

Motivate then gives you a soul-soup.

"You don't have to be great to start, but you have to start to be great."
        --Zig ZiglarCopy the code

Everybody cooked this chicken soup together!

Updates to motivate

Sometimes update motivate and Git to clone the latest repository:

$ git clone the code

Enter its directory:

$ cd motivateCopy the code

Using the update command:

$ ./UPDATECopy the code

Next we visit fortune, another chef.

Install the fortune

Rpm-based Linux:

$ sudo yum install fortuneCopy the code

DEB based Linux:

$ sudo apt-get install fortuneCopy the code

The use of fortune

$ fortuneCopy the code

Get you chicken soup as soon as you turn on the terminal?

If you want to turn on the terminal and have a bowl of chicken soup for the soul? You need to add the motivate or Fortune command to your shell’s configuration file:

$ sudo vim ~/.bashrcCopy the code

Fortune Add the following line:

#! /bin/bash # ~/.bashrc fortuneCopy the code

Motivate add the following line:

#! /bin/bash # ~/.bashrc motivateCopy the code

Save and close the file, and enter the following command for the changes to take effect:

$ source ~/.bashrcCopy the code

Finally, come on, everybody!

All you see is true love. Why don’t you like it before you leave? Your “sanlian” is the biggest motivation for liang Xu’s continuous creation!

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