
Today, the blogger shared with you the latest meituan Java backend three aspects of the process, and successfully got the offer, quickly suck character!

One side

  • To introduce myself
  • TCP connection processing, how to do background
  • TCP handshake and release process
  • HTTP request format, what information is in the request header
  • The HTTP request method is different from get and POST
  • If the length of a list exceeds 8, it is appropriate to upgrade to a red-black tree.
  • Can YOU replace the hash address calculation method with MD5 () and explain why
  • ArrayList and LinkedList are respectively applied scenarios. If the number of insert and delete operations and random access operations are almost the same, which one is used and how to compare
  • The difference between synchronized and lock
  • The difference between threads and processes
  • Redis persistence and its advantages and disadvantages
  • Netty understand?
  • Springcloud understand?
  • Do you have experience tuning virtual machines
  • Is Tomcat BIO or NIO? Do you know how to adjust it to NIO
  • The difference between BIO and NIO and AIO, how NIO works
  • Several ways to create threads
  • Thread pool parameters, and what each parameter does
  • Design patterns used in Spring. Any other design patterns you know

Second interview

The second interview was mainly about the project

  • Introduction of a previous project
  • Technical points in the project inquiry, architecture design, database design, etc
  • Comparison of Vue and EasyUI
  • Differences between SpringBoot and traditional SSM
  • Principle of SpringBoot automatic configuration
  • Internal configuration of SpringMVC, what Bean classes there are
  • What aspects to consider when designing a database
  • B+ tree data structure
  • Clustering index usage scenarios, page splitting problems
  • JWT data format, why design this data format
  • Tomcat accesslog usage
  • If memory usage is high, how can a thread be monitored and specific to a line of code
  • Linux uses, command
  • IO multiplexing
  • For log files, what is the command to view the top 10 urls
  • What you usually learn, how you learn, how deep you learn and how wide you learn. Take a recent example
  • ask

Three sides (HR side)

Just talking. The most fulfilling thing, the opinion of overtime, the feeling of the previous interview, the future plan and so on. Finally, the successful information of the interview is free to share with everyone, I hope you can become the next big guy!

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