This is my third article about getting started

IDEA plugin to help you develop efficiently

For details on how to install and other plug-ins, see the first article Idea practical plug-ins and tips I and the second article Idea practical plug-ins to help you more efficiently Coding.

1, TranslationPlugin

In our development process, sometimes need to see other people’s source code, and the source code annotations are in English, for our English just passed four, or not passed four friends, reading English documents, is simply a kind of torment. Then this plug-in is perfect for you. Go install it. How to use: Directly select the word you want to translate, then right-click and select, or the shortcut key Ctrl+Shift+F3

2, codota

This plug-in is suitable for white, because the purpose of this plug-in is to automatically complete the code according to the context. For xiaobai who is not proficient in code, it can help him to do coding, so it is mainly recommended to Xiaobai here. For Daishen, it is not recommended to use it. After all, Daishen can write code with text editor, and code prompt is cumbersome

The disadvantage of this plug-in is that the recommended code base needs to be obtained online. Some people say that this plug-in is recommended based on the user’s common coding method, and some people say that it is recommended based on the opening project. If the latter can be trusted to use, if it is the former, this software may collect your coding data, do not need to consider, but for small white, you do not have to be afraid.

3. Shortcut keys

shortcuts use
Ctrl + F Search in the current file
Ctrl + R Replace in current file
Ctrl + Z The fallback
Ctrl +X shear
Ctrl + C copy
Ctrl + V paste
Ctrl + Left click Go into the method
Mainly remember Ctrl+C and Ctrl+V, after all we are CV engineers, haha, more shortcut keys for referenceIdea what are the shortcut keys


You all have what practical plug-in to share, we study together, improve efficiency together.