It is another graduation season, and thousands of students have begun to flood into the sea of society.

A few days ago, a college student asked me about finding a job for front-end development. He said he was very confused. Everyone had found a job, but there was no reply from his resume, so he came to ask me whether I had not done a good job.

Results I looked at his resume, a little surprised, this young man will only HTML and CSS, are taught by the school, other things about the front end of what will not, I can not help but sigh, will only HTML and CSS, you even if it is to find an internship are more difficult, and is looking for a job……

To tell the truth, not all universities teach very well, especially some ordinary universities, itself in the professional teaching content is very limited, coupled with teachers and students and other aspects of the factors, the last job, there may be a lot of people will be rebuffed.

So back to the subject, is HTML/CSS/JS enough for front-end engineers? You may have done front-end development for a small company, which is to build a web page, but have you ever heard of the term “big front-end”?

If you work for a large company, you will find that the front-end needs to master a lot more than these, such as doing your own scaffolding, testing frameworks, template architecture, automated build architecture, automated deployment architecture, micro front-end architecture, JS framework design and so on.

Today, I will share with you a relatively complete front end learning route: [big front end learning route].

The further you can go, the closer you are to the big front end, and the better it will be.

Of course, the technology will be updated iteratively. When the new mainstream technology comes out, at least we should not lag too far behind and catch up with the head, but the tail must be grasped.

Everyone has a different understanding of the front end, but the same is to do the front end, some people’s monthly salary has not broken through five figures, someone dry a year top you four or five years, this is the gap between the common front end and the big front end. This is a more comprehensive big front end learning route, everyone master things are not the same, you can according to your situation for the corresponding knowledge to fill and progress, as soon as possible to become a big front end!

[If you leave a message in the comment section, you can ask me to chat privately, and send you 14 e-books that you must read in the front end]