When a developer integrates Huawei advertising services, the following three steps are required to complete the integration according to the development document:

1. Create a test project, download the advertisement service according to the development document, and integrate the service into the test project. Manually complete the generation and configuration process of the signature certificate and certificate fingerprint.

2. Read the test code according to the content of the development document, understand the meaning of each code fragment, and then specify the directory to create the corresponding file, and adapt the sample code into the project file;

3. Developers need to prepare test phones of various Huawei models by themselves. App testing can only be carried out after the phones run normally;

It takes 1 man-day on average to complete the integration debugging after learning documents and studying sample codes.

In fact, HUAWEI provides a set of convenient development tools HUAWEI Toolkit, in which the Coding Assistant provides wizard-type access mode and scenario-based code templates, which can quickly complete the above three steps, so that developers can reduce learning costs and achieve convenient integration. Let’s take a look at the actual use of the tool.

ø There are two simple ways to install HMS Toolkit

1. Find the File in Android Studio and follow the Settings-> Plugins -> Marketplace path to search “HMS” to find the HMS Toolkit.

2. Log in to the official website of Huawei Developer Alliance to download and install plug-ins.

How to use Coding Assistant to quickly integrate advertising services

Select “HMS > Coding Assistant”, and then click “Ads Kit” in the Kit list. The scenario functions of the whole Ads Kit are as shown below:

Developers can find their own needs, the corresponding scene; Click to enter the corresponding scene and quickly integrate the scene code through the wizard steps. The detailed wizard operations are shown as follows:

It also gives you an easier way to directly drag and drop the entire scene for integration, as shown below:

After the integration is complete, you can use the free remote truth machine to test:

The Cloud was Debugging Ads. GIF:

Coding Assistant provides apis and code samples of Kit open capabilities for developers to quickly integrate Kit capabilities. The integration methods are as follows: One supports direct integration of scenarios. You only need to drag and drop scenario cards to integrate corresponding scenarios. Another code sample supports simple drag-and-drop of the API interface to call the corresponding interface.

If you have any questions in the process of use, you can give feedback through the online bill of lading, or join the QQ group (658038100) to participate in the discussion, our technical staff will give you a reply as soon as possible.

For more information about HMS Toolkit, please click >>

Fast integration of kit best practices based on HMS Toolkit, please click >>

For more tutorials, please click >>

For more information about HMS Toolkit features, please click >>

The original link: developer.huawei.com/consumer/cn…

Original author: Pepper