Choice is more important than effort! — YCK

First of all, I want to declare that I am a little white four and a half years into the industry, I write this article mainly to reflect on their own mistakes made in these years. I am very forgetful, if I do not often review and reflect, I will make mistakes again, step on the pit will step on again.

It’s hard to say I’m crap, but it’s true, I’m not good enough at programming right now to live up to my years in the business. In four and a half years of experience in this industry, I have faced numerous important choices, and it is these choices one by one that make me still a chicken until now. Now let me take a look back at the choices I’ve made in the past few years. I hope I can use history as a mirror and make a better choice for myself when making the next choice

After graduating in 2014, I found my first job as a salesman. At that time, I was ignorant. I had no money and knew nothing. I had to be an intermediary. I am extremely introverted, so one day when I was talking about house prices with a client with a beautiful little sister, I was surprised by her eloquence and her ability to talk the dead alive, and suddenly realized that I could never reach her level of conversation in this life. She hadn’t sold a house in months, which was unacceptable to me after I had borrowed hundreds of dollars from my college roommate. So I resigned, went up the salary of the class of more than half a month also did not get finally ~ cast resume on the net of time, carelessly cast a home to groom an organization, then at that time I do not know how to return a responsibility of be cheated go in to groom, four months tuition 20,000 oceans (is loan of course) ~

If I had received normal programming training, maybe my front-end road would be much easier to walk. Unfortunately, I received UI design training at that time, including one month on PS/AI and other design software, one month on commercial sketch, one month on APP icon drawing, and another month on DIV + CSS. Due to my lack of aesthetic feeling and discovery power since childhood, I chose programming after graduation. Thankfully, there is no need for native JS, no need for three frameworks, no need for data structures and algorithms, no need for design patterns, no need for NodeJS, no need for pesky Webpack, no need for typescript, You don’t even need JQuery. Just relying on simple DIV + CSS, I worked in two fraudulent companies in Zhengzhou for a week and a month respectively (of course, I only got a little salary, and said that the other half of the results will be sent after year ~). During the holiday at the end of the year, I sat on the bed of the shared house I was living in during the training, compared the advantages and disadvantages of staying in Zhengzhou with those of going to Shanghai in my notebook, and resolutely sent my luggage back home. Now that I think about it, maybe this is the first correct choice I made after graduation (in Zhengzhou, I could only find a job with a monthly salary of 2K+ and could not support myself at all. Moreover, it was not my choice to go to training. It was a fool’s experience. At that time, the loan of 20,000 yuan was a great pressure for me.

When I first went to Shanghai at the end of February 2015, I didn’t even know how to take the subway. In this strange and huge city, I visited many places to look for front-end services, and somehow I finally found a job as a graphic designer (WHEN I went to Shanghai, I thought I was going to do web pages, but the boss just liked my PS and AI software). In the face of the boss’s encouragement that “you are just a computer operator” all the time, I gave up after two months. After half a month, I finally found a start-up company in May 2015, which made me both glad and regret later. Because if it were not for this company, I might have been abandoned by this industry twice in my life, but also because of this company, my front-end experience in the first three years was completely blank.

I am a person with low self-esteem. The most successful thing in my life so far is that I had a heart-to-heart love when I was a freshman. So when I started working in this company, I only dared to tell the boss that I knew HTML + CSS and JS. Later, the boss hired a girl to do JS. The girl also had no contact with JS, but she dared to directly use jQuery. At the end of 2015, when she left, I only knew HTML + CSS.

At the end of 2015, my sister left, so I was responsible for writing JQ. I wrote it for more than half a year with the help of Xu Ge, a big man in the back end, and then I got carried away and went out for an interview. When I met a family, I was offered a position of 8K, much higher than that at that time. So with the boss said I want to go, and then the boss said I give you 9K you don’t go, I say good. Please note that this is one of the most regrettable decisions I’ve made in my four years in the business, and it indirectly led to me still being a loser. Sometimes I even doubt that my shortsightedness was born. If I had gone to that company, at least I would not have faced the embarrassing situation that a company only had me at the front. At least I would have known how to get started earlier, and at least I would have known some people who were much stronger than me earlier, which I did not consider at that time. Because chose to mark time, so half a year later tragedy broke out.

From May 2015 to November 2016, I stayed with the company for one and a half years. I resigned again because my salary did not increase. This time the boss did not ask him to stay. The price of quitting naked was that I spent the next four months or so interviewing and hitting a brick wall and being terrified: I felt abandoned by the entire industry. It was a dark day, and I felt that I had seen the whole of Shanghai, and I had tasted the rejection of the whole of Shanghai. When I was in the company, I developed with jQuery, but the interviewers didn’t ask jQ, they asked Angular /vue/ React. Well, to be honest, I had not even heard of these three frameworks, and my ability was still at the level of writing jQ, even not as good as Xu’s jQ at the back end. Sometimes when I was in the company, I was quite free, and I would learn some basic JS, but it was scattered, such as prototype chain, closure, object orientation and so on, but I didn’t understand these concepts clearly after reading many articles. I haven’t read a book systematically or I didn’t even know javascript Advanced Programming existed. So after two years of front-end training, I’m not even as good as the students who just graduated from front-end training. I’m still a frog in a well. I spent every day off work playing Tianlongba or League of Legends, and I never learned the code during off work hours.

I spent an uneasy year shivering in Shanghai at the end of 2016. At the beginning of 2017, it had been four months since I quit and I still hadn’t received an offer, so I had to turn to my old employer again. After a phone call, my boss was happy to let me back in, and that’s one of the things THAT I was thankful for, because I was desperate. To 18 years in March, 17 years, there is no improvement for the products of the company, the boss in order to support the company start with the outsourcing, and the boss to get married, the wife of shop-owner is not a good crop, almost every day is a merciless noisy we development, most of the time also speak very bad, I can’t stand, in the end of March 18 years off. Another naked resignation. This year, I didn’t learn any new technologies. I tried Angular and didn’t. So when my college roommate sent me to their company in Suzhou for an interview, I was a mess. But because it was recommended by a friend, I finally got into the company through my connections.

When I just joined the company in April, 2018, I still didn’t know how to learn. By chance, I sat with the leader of our front end group. At that time, he was about to leave, so I asked him to tell me some basic knowledge of JS. He not only told me, but also recommended me a lot of learning materials, including “JAVASCRIPT Advanced Programming” and “CSS World”. In fact, the technology stack of the company is also very backward. Although some projects use VUE, they use the backward development method introduced by CDN instead of scaffolding. I got my first real exposure to VUE in July when I was working on a new project and one of my new colleagues and I decided to use scaffolding. I was very busy in July and August, but I was criticized by the leader for not working hard enough. Therefore, I felt wronged and had the idea of leaving the company. However, I knew that I was too poor to find a good job, so I went home to read technical books for one or two hours every night since Last August. I also studied in my spare time in the company. I am very grateful to YCK for his book “The Way of Front-end Interview”, which provided me with systematic learning materials.

In March, 19, I left my job and found a company that I didn’t like very much at first, but after I entered, I found there was a great god. Two months later, I got an offer from a big company I liked, and I still went to a big company. However, after I came here, I found that the front-end technology here is not as good as the previous one, so I have been regretting that I did not learn from Daishen but blindly chose a big company.

Until now, my biggest mistake was that I did not join the 8K team. When I called to reject the offer, the supervisor there said that you had given up a good growth opportunity and a good team. Yes, I’m still paying for that mistake.

If one day you are faced with a choice between growth and money, I hope you can stay sane and choose growth.