This is the fourth day of my participation in the August More text Challenge. For details, see: August More Text Challenge

Update ydoc-spring-boot-starter-1.0.7

Stick to your original aspiration and do what you want to do.

We welcome like-minded friends to contribute code to make THE API documentation simpler, reduce the intrusion of business and improve work efficiency. We hope that in the future, while compatible with the mainstream Swagger and YAPI formats, The ability to have your own UI, and more customized, plug-in functionality.

Recommended usage specifications:

  1. No matter what the request, if you use an object to receive the basic type within the object, is it recommended to use a wrapper class
  2. You are advised to add @paramdesc to the parameter to describe the function
  3. Spring provides annotations that add a name to the usual development custom to describe what the RestController or Api does
  4. Use @paramignore to ignore special parameters such as Bindingresult and login user entities
  5. Try to avoid honeydew behavior with nested same objects, and avoid missing parameters in document generation (as swagger does)
  6. Pay attention to the risk prevention when using YApi. It may be attacked (deploy it on the Intranet if there is an equipment room).

Version 1.0.7 fixed the following defects:

  1. Unable to generate interface document with anonymous inner class parameters
  2. Fixed nesting of same entity classes, as consistent as possible with native save
  3. Fixed incorrect parameter types
  4. Fixed bug Mc-10825 – If you don’t want to use Swagger and just want to use YApi without adding @enableswagger2 annotation, you will get an error
  5. Code format optimization
  6. Fixed an issue where the @RequestMapping API document must start with ‘/’ before it can be generated
  7. The apache2.0 open source protocol is added

Maven rely on

<dependency> <groupId>com.github.nobugboy</groupId> <artifactId>ydoc-spring-boot-starter</artifactId> The < version > 1.0.7 < / version > < / dependency >Copy the code

The source code

Video tutorial

YDoc 1

YDoc 2

YDoc 3