Yargs introduction
Yargs be a node.js library fer hearties tryin’ ter parse optstrings
Yargs framework uses Node.js to build a fully functional command line application, which can easily configure commands, resolve multiple parameters, set shortcuts, etc., and automatically generate help menus. Lerna source code uses YARgs.
Command to introduce
When we want to create a VUE project through VUE-CLI. We’re going to run the Vue Create app. So how did vue become a global command? Type which vue on the console. We will get a path, go to the path, execute ls -la to see that the vue command is a soft connection. Points to the local VUE installation path.
$ which vue $ cd /usr/local/bin $ ls -la lrwxr-xr-x 1 admin admin 62 9 2 19:44 vue -> .. /.. /.. /Users/admin/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin/vueCopy the code
After we enter the command on the console, the system will find the execution file through the soft link.
$ cd .. /.. /.. /Users/admin/.config/yarn/global/node_modules/.bin/ cat vueCopy the code
Using the preceding commands, you can find the execution file of the vue command. You can see this line of code at the beginning of the file. #! /usr/bin/env node is used to specify that the script file is to be executed using node.
#! /usr/bin/env nodeCopy the code
Programmers are all too familiar with commands. Our daily development. Often you need to use commands to do something in the middle. Such as Git, etc. There are a few different types of commands we type on a daily basis. So how do commands come together.
git add
git -v
git rebase -i
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command [-options] [parameter]
- Command: indicates the command name, for example, ls and PWD
- [-options] : options. There can be zero, one, or multiple options. Multiple options can be combined, such as -r. 【 eG: LS-L-a 】
- [parameter] : indicates a parameter. It can have zero, one, or multiple parameters, such as touch file name, mkdir directory name, and CD target directory (path). These parameters are all parameters. 【touch 1.txt 2. TXT 】
- [] : indicates optional
Before introducing yargs, let’s take a look at nodeJs-related apis to help us better use and understand Yargs. Those familiar with ARGV can skip this section.
Argv is introduced
Before using yargs, let’s take a look at Node process.argv. Node has a global object, Process, through which argv can be retrieved.
- The Process object provides information about and controls the current Node.js process.
- Process. argv returns an array containing the command-line arguments passed in when the Node.js process is started.
Argv is intuitively known by a small chestnut. First we create a new index.js file locally. The following
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The file is then executed through nodeJS. On the console, type node index.js test
We’re going to get an array in the console
['/Users/admin /. NVM/versions/node/v12.22.3 / bin/node ', '/ Users/admin/Documents/test/index, js',' test ']Copy the code
Argv [1] is the absolute path to the current file process.argv[2] is followed by the parameters we enter in the command
Yargs use
- Install dependencies
$ npm i yargs
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- The introduction of
const yargs = requier('yargs/yargs')
// or
import yargs from 'yargs' // From V16, ESM import is supported
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Initializes a project locally
$ mkdir demo
$ cd demo
$ npm init -y
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Add bin to package
"name": "demo",..."bin": {"cli-test":"bin/index.js"}}Copy the code
Create an index.js file and add #! To the beginning of the js file. /usr/bin/env node
#!/usr/bin/env node
const yargs = require('yargs/yargs')
const {hideBin} = require('yargs/helpers')
const arg = hideBin(process.argv)
The hideBin function is equivalent to process.argv.slice(2). But it is compatible with changes in the environment. Such as Electron
const cli = yargs(arg)
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Run NPM link in the root directory to add a soft connection to cli-test. You can directly enter CLI-test on the console
$ cli-test
cli Jt {
customScriptName: false.parsed: false.'$0': 'cli-text'.argv: [cli-test]
$ cli-text --version
$ cli-text --help
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Yargs comes with version and help.
Yargs function
cli.usage('Usage: test [command] <options>') $ cli-test --help Usage: Test [command] <options> Options: --help display help information [Boolean] --version Display version number [Boolean]Copy the code
cli.option('optionTest', {type:"boolean".describe:'this is a option test'.alias:'ot'}).argv
$ cli-test -h
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Run the cli-test -h command to see the console print out the option option
--optionTest, -- OT This is an option test [Boolean]Copy the code
Command Adds a command
cli.command('test'.'this is a test command'.(yargs) = >{},(argv) = >{}).argv
$ cli-test test
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Alias Sets an alias.
$ cli-test -v
$ cli-test -h
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Wrap Set width
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The grounp Option group is displayed
cli.option('debugTest',{type:"boolean",describe:'this is a option test',alias:'ot'})
.group(['debugTest'],'dev option')
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$ cli-test -h Usage: Test [command] <options> Cli -test test this is a test command dev option --debugTest, --ot this is an option test [Boolean] --optionTest, --ot this is an option test [Boolean] -v, --version Display version number [Boolean] -h, --help display help information [Boolean]Copy the code
Epilogue The script displayed at the bottom of the control panel
cli.. epilogue('bottom text').argv $ cli-test -hCopy the code
$cli-test-h -v, --version Displays the version number [Boolean] -h, --help displays the help information [Boolean] bottom textCopy the code
Shameshamecommands error correction hint
return yargs
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$cli-test li cli-test [command] command: cli-test list starg Options: -v, --version Displays the version number [Boolean] -h, --help displays the help information [Boolean] indicates list?Copy the code