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Release Notes

  • 1, Enhanced Redis configuration mode, support custom DB, password, IP, PORT and so on;
  • 2. Token access mode; In addition to the conventional Cookie mode, the Token access mode is added and the Sample project is provided.
  • 3. Automatic extension of login mode: support custom login mode validity window, the default is 24 hours, when the login mode validity window is more than half, automatic extension of one period;
  • 4, “remember password” function optimization: do not remember the password, close the browser login state invalid; When you remember the password, the login state is automatically extended. In principle, the extension can be unlimited based on the user-defined extension time.
  • 5. Optimized sessionId data structure to further improve the difficulty of cracking exposure;
  • 6. Adjust the structure of authentication data storage to avoid redundant storage of login information;
  • 7. Change the authentication center user login verification to Mock data mode to eliminate the strong dependence on DB and reduce the deployment difficulty;
  • 8. The Client side relies on Core package, slF4J dependency optimization, remove log4j strong dependency;
  • 9. Ajax request is not logon processing logic optimization, return JSON format prompt data;
  • 10. Sorted out the project structure, cleared redundant dependencies, and upgraded multiple dependent versions to more recent versions;
  • Path exclusion: Added a custom property “excludedPaths” that allows multiple paths and supports Ant expressions. This parameter is used to exclude paths that the SSO client does not need to filter
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Distributed Single Sign-on Framework XXL-SSO

Xxl-sso is a distributed single sign-on framework. You only need to log in once to access all trusted applications. With “lightweight, distributed, cross-domain, Cookie+Token support, Web+APP support” and other features; . Now open source, out of the box.


  • 1. Simplicity: API is intuitive and simple, and can be used quickly;
  • 2, lightweight: less environment dependence, low deployment and access costs;
  • Single sign-on (SSO) : You only need to log in once to access all trusted applications.
  • 4. Distributed: Applications that connect to the SSO authentication center support distributed deployment.
  • 5, HA: Server and Client, both support cluster deployment, improve system availability;
  • 6. Cross-domain: Support cross-domain application access SSO authentication center;
  • 7. Cookie+Token support: Cookie – and token-based access methods are supported, and Sample projects are provided for both;
  • 8, Web+APP support: Support Web and APP access;
  • 9, real-time: system login and logout status, all Server and Client real-time sharing;
  • 10. CS structure: Based on CS structure, including Server” certification center “and Client” protected application”;
  • 11, remember the password: do not remember the password, close the browser login state invalid; When you remember the password, you can automatically postpone the login state. In principle, you can postpone the login state indefinitely.
  • 12, path exclusion: support user-defined multiple exclusion path, support Ant expression. The SSO client excludes paths that do not need to be filtered.

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