
XRadarView is a “a Highly customizable RadarView for Android”. XRadarView is a highly customizable radar view.

Lastest Version:


Attribute meaning

XRadarView supports a high degree of customization, and its adjustable properties and meanings are shown in the following table.

attribute meaning
count Several side radar
layerCount Several layers of spider web
drawableSize Icon size
drawablePadding Icon and text spacing
descPadding Title description and node spacing
titleSize Header text size
dataSize The text size of the value under the heading
radarPercent The ratio of a radar graph to the total space
startColor The color at the center of the circle when the gradient is turned on
endColor The color of the outer ring when the gradient is on
cobwebColor The color of the square line
lineColor The color of the line between the center of the circle and each vertex
dataColor Color of numeric text
singleColor If it’s not a polychromatic area, it’s a single color
titleColor The color of the heading text
pointColor Dot color
pointRadius The radius of the dot
borderColor Boundary color
borderWidth The width of a border
radiusColor The color of the radius
enabledBorder Whether or not to draw a boundary line
enabledAnimation Animate or not
enabledShowPoint Whether to display dots
enabledPolygon Draw grid or not
enabledShade Whether to draw the gradient ring
enabledRadius Draw radius or not
enabledText Draw text or not
drawables An array of ICONS
titles Title array (Supports SpannableString)
percents Array of values for each item (converted to values between 0 and 1)
values A text array of values
colors Array of colors for each region (array length can be less than count)

Full functionality of XRadarView shown in Demo (GIF is very large, Github display is incomplete, it is recommended to view the original GIF) :

You can also download the APK experience for this project:


In actual combat

The original image is a screenshot of the radar map in the Handheld League of Legends:

The following is a simple implementation of the XRadarView by setting several properties:

Welcome to submit various radar chart style renderings. I will post them after I complete the implementation.

How to use


XRadarView adds the following dependencies to the project’s build.gradle file:

compile 'com. Orzangleli: xradar: 1.0.3'Copy the code

Enjoy it! 🙂

Technical analysis

The technical analysis of this project will be described in detail from the development to the release of the library. For specific articles, please follow the wechat official account to get the latest articles.


MIT License