
XML is an XML framework implemented by Java.

You want to do the conversion between XML and Java in the most elegant way possible, with a single line of code.

The characteristics of

  • Object to XML

  • Support annotation @alias to specify an Alias

  • The @ignore annotation is supported to specify ignored fields

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Quick start

To prepare

JDK 1.7 +

maven 3.x+

Maven is introduced into

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Converted to XML

User user = defaultUser();
String xml = XmlMappingBs.newInstance().toXml(user);
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User See class user.java

To a Java object

XML is the corresponding XML string content.

User user = XmlMappingBs.newInstance().toBean(XML, User.class);
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Specify an alias

Note that

@alias can be placed on specified classes and fields to specify the Alias information we want.

Use case

  • Object definitions
public class AliasUser {

    private String name;

    private String hobby;
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  • The test code
AliasUser user = defaultAliasUser();
String xml = XmlMappingBs.newInstance().toXml(user);
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Details see XmlMappingBsAliasTest. Java

  • Generation effect
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >

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Ignore specified fields


Sometimes you want certain fields not to participate in the XML transformation, so you can specify which fields to Ignore via @ignore.

Use case

  • Object definitions
public class IgnoreUser {

    private String name;

    private String hobby;

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  • The test code

And the original use exactly the same, for details see XmlMappingBsIgnoreTest. Java

IgnoreUser user = defaultIgnoreUser();
String xml = XmlMappingBs.newInstance().toXml(user);
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The results of

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"? >

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Configuration framework



