This release includes a number of major improvements to Cuda project builds and new support for lex/ yACC builds, as well as customization support for on_link, before_link and after_link phases for target.

I’d also like to thank @OpportunityLiu for his support of XMake, who contributed a lot of code to improve Cuda support in this release. In addition, he helped improve xmake’s entire unit testing framework, self-updating programs, command-line TAB completion, and CI scripts, making xmake’s update iterations more efficient and stable.

  • Program source code
  • The official documentation

New Features

Cuda project build improvements

Header dependency detection and incremental compilation

Prior to 2.2.6, CUDA compilation support was not perfect, at least not even header dependency detection. Therefore, if cudA code has a lot of code, all changes will be compiled, rather than detected and incrementally compiled like C/C ++ code.

In the new version, Xmake supports it, and now it can handle dependencies on different platforms, which will improve the efficiency of daily compilation and development.

Added genCodes setting related API

In the previous version, adding gencodes configuration was very tedious and not simple. Please take a look at the previous configuration:


    add_cuflags("-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30", "-gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35")
    add_cuflags("-gencode arch=compute_37,code=sm_37", "-gencode arch=compute_50,code=sm_50")
    add_cuflags("-gencode arch=compute_52,code=sm_52", "-gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60")
    add_cuflags("-gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61", "-gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70")
    add_cuflags("-gencode arch=compute_70,code=compute_70")

    add_ldflags("-gencode arch=compute_30,code=sm_30", "-gencode arch=compute_35,code=sm_35")
    add_ldflags("-gencode arch=compute_37,code=sm_37", "-gencode arch=compute_50,code=sm_50")
    add_ldflags("-gencode arch=compute_52,code=sm_52", "-gencode arch=compute_60,code=sm_60")
    add_ldflags("-gencode arch=compute_61,code=sm_61", "-gencode arch=compute_70,code=sm_70")
    add_ldflags("-gencode arch=compute_70,code=compute_70")
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Therefore, in order to simplify the configuration of xmake.lua, add_cugencodesAPI was added to cudA project to simplify the configuration as follows:


    -- generate SASS code for each SM architecture
    add_cugencodes("sm_30", "sm_35", "sm_37", "sm_50", "sm_52", "sm_60", "sm_61", "sm_70")

    -- generate PTX code from the highest SM architecture to guarantee forward-compatibility
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In addition, when configured as add_cugencodes(“native”), Xmake will automatically detect the gencodes supported by the current device and automatically add them, which will be more convenient and efficient.

This, too, thanks to OpportunityLiu for the detection code and the implementation of add_cugenCodes.

In the new release, Xmake basically reconstructs the entire CUDA build process, separating cudA-related builds into a separate CUDA build rule and using device-link by default.

About the description of the device – the link and benefits, you can refer to relevant official introduction:

Devlink is also required when compiling calls to __global__ or __device__ functions that contain cross-build units, so devlink is currently turned on by default in Xmake.

There is no need to make any changes to xmake.lua for the user, although if the user wants to manually disable Devlink, they can:

Target ("test") set_kind("binary") add_files(" SRC /*.cu") add_values("cuda.devlink", false) -- Explicitly disables the default device-link behaviorCopy the code

Support for compiling CUDA projects with CLang

Clang currently supports *. Cu files, but the number of CUDA versions supported by clang is limited. Clang7 only supports CUDa7-9.2, 8 through 10, and 10.1 requires Clang9.

Xmake supports calls to NVCC to compile CUDA projects, and also directly to clang to compile cudA projects. For example:

xmake f --cu=clang
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However, devLink seems to rely on NVCC, which Clang does not support.

You can configure to switch the c++ compiler used by NVCC

Xmake added –ccbin= parameter to enable switching, NVCC default c++ compiler and linker, use as follows:

xmake f --ccbin=clang++
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This allows NVCC to internally call the clang++ compiler while compiling cuda code.

Customize the linking process

In the new version, we have added customization related to the link stage. Users can extend their customization process by implementing on_link, before_link, and after_link in target/rule.

For example, if we want to preprocess other things, such as *. O files, before the link phase of normal C/C ++ code, we can write our own Lua scripts in the before_link phase:

    before_link(function (target) 
        print("process objects", target:objectfiles())
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Or if we want to override the built-in linking process, we can use on_link:

    on_link(function (target) 
        print("link objects", target:objectfiles())
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After_link does some customization after the link is complete.

Lex/Yacc compilation support

Xmake already supports lex/ Flex, yacc/bison, etc. L /. Y files to be compiled and processed natively.

We only need to add lex and yacc rules to target, so that it can handle. L /. Y files, of course.

    add_rules("lex", "yacc")
    add_files("src/*.l", "src/*.y")
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Here is an example code for reference: lex_yacc_example

Operating environment Settings improved

Setting the Running directory

The set_rundir interface is used to set the current directory in which the target program is run by default. If this is not set, target is loaded and run in the directory in which the executable is run by default.

If the user wants to change the load directory, one option is to customize the run logic with on_run() to do the switch, but doing so just to cut the directory is too tedious.

This interface allows you to quickly switch Settings to default execution directory environments.

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Add runtime environment variables

Another new interface, add_runenvs, can be used to add environment variables that set the target program to run by default.

    add_runenvs("PATH", "/tmp/bin", "xxx/bin")
    add_runenvs("NAME", "value")
Copy the code

Command line TAB completion support

To improve user experience, the new version also supports TAB completion of xmake command parameters on the command line. Users can easily and quickly TAB out all command parameters of Xmake.

Currently supports ZSH /bash/sh and Powershell.

More convenient self-update command

In previous versions, xmake has provided the convenient self-update command xmake update to update its own version, and even to update specific branch versions, such as xmake update dev/master

However, there are still some shortcomings:

  1. Each update requires recompiling the core, so updates are slow, but in many cases, new releases just change the script, not the core
  2. The update specifies the dev/master branch, which is not implemented perfectly on Windows, lags behind and does not sync instantly to the online dev/ Master version.

So this OpportunityLiu helped with a lot of the improvements:

  1. providexmake update -s/--scriptonlyParameters, only update lua scripts, no additional compilation of core, fast iterative updates
  2. Improve CI script, realize CI automatic construction on Windows,xmake update devAutomatically pull prebuilt installation packages from CI to download updates
  3. You can specify that Xmake is updated from other Github repOs, making it easier for contributors to update their own fork versions, and for users to switch mirrored repOs,xmake update gitee:tboox/xmake

Update the content

New features

  • # 440: Added for target/runset_rundir()andadd_runenvs()Interface Settings
  • #443: Added command line TAB auto-completion support
  • As a rule/target to addon_link.before_linkandafter_linkStage custom script support
  • # 190Add:add_rules("lex", "yacc")Rules to support lex/ YACC projects

To improve the

  • # 430Add:add_cucodegens()API sets codeGen for CUDA improvements
  • #432: Dependency analysis checks are supported for CUDA compilation
  • # 437: Supports specifying update sources,xmake update github:xmake-io/xmake#dev
  • # 438: Supports script update only,xmake update --scriptonly dev
  • #433: Improved CUDA builds to support device-link device code linking
  • #442: Improve the Tests framework