Richie said.

This article is from reader Bing Tea, who has just finished his autumn recruitment and received many offers.

After talking with him, I think his idea of test preparation is also completely applicable to the interview in the United States, but the score needs to be adjusted, but the specific content of each piece is common in the global village. So share with you to learn ~

The year-long internship and autumn recruitment finally came to an end, and I finally got the offer of development position in Kuaishou, Baidu, netease and other Internet giants.

I majored in communication engineering in university, which is half of my non-professional background. All the way, it is like a process of beating monsters and upgrading. I keep trying to correct mistakes and share some experience with you who are preparing to participate in the autumn recruitment.

In college, we will wait for the teacher to draw the key points in each final exam. The purpose is to confirm the scope and form of the exam as well as the score value of each part of the question, so that we have a reasonable understanding and allocate time.

I think the essence of the fall interview is the same thing as the final exam. Autumn recruit what to take an examination of (examination scope), autumn recruit what question type (examination form), and each part gives a question score value (examination each part proportion)?

I myself often divide the scope of autumn recruitment interview into three parts, algorithm questions, basic knowledge questions, excellent projects or internship experience.

1. Algorithm (40 points)

Score description:

In terms of the development position I am familiar with, for the interview of large factories, I think the algorithm questions account for 40 points.

This mark is very delicate, you will find that you need another 20 points to pass, to scrape through this exam. But if you lose 40 points altogether, it’s going to be hard to turn things around.

Especially for companies like ByteDance, which is known in the industry for its emphasis on algorithmic questions, ripping them up is the basis of the conversation.

I personally also think that the algorithm question is a relatively fair form of examination. Not being able to do it doesn’t mean you’re incompetent, but being able to do it at least proves that you’re either talented or hardworking, and that the interviewer’s goal has been met.

Form of investigation:

If the interview is offline, you will be given a blank sheet of paper to write pseudo-code or all of it.

This year, due to the epidemic, many interviews have been moved online. I think online interviews will become more and more common in the future. Many large domestic factories use as a platform. The whole screen is divided into two parts, one is code inspection area, one is video communication area with the interviewer. When the interviewer gives you a question, your coding will be synchronized in real time in front of the interviewer’s screen, which requires you to think before you do it.

Generally speaking, the whole process goes like this, starting from the question given by the interviewer.

First of all, after you read the question, don’t worry about it, think about it for a while. Be sure to talk to the interviewer and get his or her approval before you start coding.

A common topic of communication is the time and space complexity of your solution idea. After getting the approval of the interviewer, you can write the code. As a final step, once the code is written, you may be asked to run test cases to see if it passes, or explain to the interviewer how you organized the code.

Algorithmic examination, in addition to the examination of your writing ability, more is to show your communication skills, a topic often only provides a general idea. You should ask, what is the output of the problem under some extreme boundary conditions? Or follow the interviewer’s instructions to improve the time and space complexity of your solution.

In this part, I refer to sister Qi’s previous two articles, which are very helpful to me:

Click here 👉 : Take a look at the essence of the interview from the LRU Cache

Click here 👉 : Everything to ask about the HashMap interview

Click here 👉 : This is what interviewers want to hear: explain the correct way to open recursion

How to prepare:

I personally feel, for autumn recruit, algorithm questions in the force buckle brush 200 or so simple, medium questions is enough.

I think we can start from the “Sword Finger Offer”, there are about 60 classic algorithm questions, and the author of the textbook also pointed out the mistakes we may make and some ideas of communication from the perspective of the interviewer, an algorithm question is a case. For those of you who have never worked with algorithms, this might take about two months.

If you can finish this book, the next thing I would suggest is to finish the high-frequency test questions.

How do you know what the hf questions are?

  • One is that likou website itself gives you a good summary, such as Tencent topics, byte topics, these are very likely to meet you in the interview, it is likely to be the original topic or variation.
  • In addition, the algorithm of each company on the Internet, the summary is very much, can help us quickly lock the key topic.

In addition, we should pay more attention to the review and summary. A problem often has a variety of ideas to solve the problem, one way of thinking can often solve many problems. A lot of questions have the same idea, and with practice, you’ll be able to respond quickly to most of them. Practice and review are two sides of the same body, complement each other, you should not only know a variety of problem solving ideas, but also improve the ability to do. This is some classified collection of the subject when I try to buckle the copy.

At the beginning, some students thought it would be difficult to figure out all kinds of questions, but I suggested reading the answers directly. You can’t get any output until you know enough about how to do it, just like we have to learn a little bit of addition and subtraction before we do multiplication and division.

2. Basic Knowledge (30 points)

Score description:

Specific basic knowledge requirements, the emphasis of each position will be different, take development as an example, the common investigation content includes: Linux, Mysql, Redis, computer network, operating system, language itself characteristics, etc. Since this part of the interview will ask different questions, it’s important to prepare as much as you can to cover them. This part of the wiggle room is often relatively large, as long as you can answer the interviewer’s question 70 to 80 percent, plus the algorithm to tear out basically can pass this round of interview.

Form of investigation:

You’ve studied computer networking, but not all of your questions will be asked. You can’t delve too deeply into it yourself. But for autumn exams, you need to focus on the core points. All of the predecessors have used blood and tears to sum up the lessons for you, the face of the column on the cattle passenger network has a lot of content. You just need to focus on the high frequency, extendable ones.

Interviewers tend to ask two kinds of questions.

A relatively rigid, for example, talk about the principle of quicksort, as long as you have a clear grasp of the details, can tell the interviewer understand, this problem is over.

On the other hand, there are some extension questions, like the classic what happens when you enter a URL and the page appears?

There is no “right” answer to this question, only one that is more to the interviewer’s taste. So, for example, WHAT I usually do is, I start with the big picture of what’s going on, and I skip over the details. Then I will communicate with the interviewer. I can talk about which part is more important, or you can talk about which part is more important, I can talk about it with you. The interview is a process of communication, and you should pay attention to the interviewer’s reaction to see if you should continue or leave it at that. Don’t recite your own composition, just like reciting. The bottom line is that you need to be clear enough to prove to the interviewer that you do understand the subject, but you need to communicate how much and to what extent.

How to prepare:

You can search the Internet for different types of answers to different basic questions, and then come up with a template of your own. This isn’t meant to be a script for your interviewer. It’s meant to be the basis for your interview questions. It’s normal for all of us to be a little nervous during an interview. You have an outline in mind and it’s much clearer when you explain it.

There are a few common interview techniques. One is if you don’t know anything about a question, don’t be vague with the interviewer. This makes the interviewer think you know something, but it’s a minus if you can’t explain or pretend to know something you don’t. You can be generous and say, sorry, I don’t know much about this part. The interviewer will generally change the subject. There is no need for him to talk to you about something you don’t understand. The interviewer’s purpose is to test the breadth and depth of your knowledge.

The other thing is, a lot of students have a common misconception that the more things you put on your resume, the better, which is actually a myth. The interviewer will basically spend a few minutes looking at your resume and asking questions about what’s on your resume before the interview, and if you’ve written a lot of “know-it-all” questions, it’s a minus.

Learn to guide the interviewer to ask questions that you are sure of and familiar with.

Interview time is limited and it is impossible for the interviewer to cover all the points. So in the limited time you have, talking about how you will will basically make a good impression on the interviewer. For example, I personally know a lot about Mysql. So every time I introduce myself, I will deliberately say that I personally know more about Mysql and computer network, and take the initiative to give the interviewer some guidance.

Or when you’re talking about other topics, you can also ask the interviewer which one I use most, and naturally get the interviewer to follow your thinking.

Solid project or internship experience

Score description:

I strongly recommend you to find an internship related to the position before autumn recruitment, if you can get the internship in a big factory, autumn recruitment is like a tiger with wings added. Although it is a blank SLATE in the eyes of the interviewer, if you have some practical experience, it is definitely a plus, and the cost of team training and integration will be much lower.

Form of investigation:

Basically, many interviewers will ask you about your projects or internships by asking questions like: What did you do as an intern? What technology was used? What kind of problems have been solved? What do you think is the hardest problem you’ve ever solved? How about the purpose of asking these questions is to get to the depth of your knowledge, like the most difficult questions, what kind of questions did you get? It shows the depth of your knowledge. How did you solve it? Examine your approach to problem solving.

How to prepare:

In the face of internship experience and project inspection. My advice is to ask yourself what are the highlights of your project?

For example, I think the first two points in my project are the introduction of caching to reduce response time, and the second is to do high concurrency processing… Ideally, these highlights should be tied to your basics, and be clear about why you’re doing it. For example, if you say that you have introduced caching to reduce response time, the interviewer can ask about the basics of Redis, or why you have introduced it in this project, is it possible to use other methods? What’s the harm of introducing caching? How to solve the negative effects? These are all things we should think about in our daily practice. It’s a tool that you know not only how to use, but why to use? Knowing what it is, it is what it is.

Some students will say that there is really no excellent project experience or internship experience how to do. My advice is to go to Github and find some projects related to the job, tweak them, and see if you can extract something. Secondly, if not, you can be honest with the interviewer. In fact, in general, the interviewer is not required to have internship experience. But your basics need to be solid, because that’s all the interviewer can talk about.

The above content is only from the interview knowledge inspection level to do some introduction. In addition, we need to have a good attitude, be prepared to be nervous at the beginning of the interview to the later, give yourself the opportunity to make mistakes and grow.

In fact, preparing for the interview regardless of school recruitment or social recruitment ideas are much the same, the score is slightly different, more in the group and everyone to communicate, use a variety of resources to learn, take a few offers or no problem ~

Well, that’s all for this article. If you have an experience that you would like to share with us, please come to me backstage

I’m Zee, New York programming girl, and I’ll see you next time!