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Today, my classmates and I developed a software, want to get a XMPP open source server to implement our communication software to chat, but as a result of the online tutorial enough detail and most of the tutorial is to transfer the same blog post, so for some of our learners will lead to a lot of mistakes and it takes a lot of time. The results are annoying, and I am, so today I’m going to show you the detailed steps and instructions for setting up XMPP.

1. Prerequisite: We have installed the database on Tencent server (because the following XMPPP open source server installation is not using its own database). JDK environment download installation (Tencent cloud server does not have, to download their own installation download address: http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/java/javase/downloads/jdk8-downloads-2133151.html) to download, the default installation is complete with respect to ok. 2. Then we started to download the XMPP package or installation package. I downloaded the installation package exe. Download address: http://www.igniterealtime.org/downloads/download-landing.jsp?file=openfire/openfire_3_7_1.exe. 3. Next, let’s start the installation. Click to download the installation package. The installation steps are as follows

How to use Tencent cloud server as the development space of wechat public number Tencent cloud server open source program deployment and configuration Guide Mail server construction

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