To Denver post again and again, also summon up great courage, I hope you can support.

** In June this year, I finally graduated. I planned to find a job in Guangzhou, and then RENTED a house in Guangzhou, thinking that I could find a front-end job soon. At that time, I thought that Guangzhou was a big city and front-end jobs were in great demand. Without what work experience should also receive, think about that time really naive, the first time to cast a resume is in the BOSS above a few, as expected resume that time empty, what reply all have no, anyway the first time to deliver, also doesn’t matter. At that time, after a period of time, my classmates all found jobs, and I was still playing. At that time, I got a little panic, so I began to modify and improve my resume, and deliver resumes on platforms such as Hook and 51job. During this period, I also went to take part in the online written examination of The school enrollment of Duoyi Network. I still remember the first offline interview was to three information or something online company to interview. I know the first interview with a resume should not, and sure enough, one in front of little sister explained to the interview, she gave me a piece of paper, is written on the subject, let me finish to her, I received directly, never know the front end of the interview to the written test, a face of meng force directly to take paper, sitting position above.

** I still remember a few topics, jS event bubble, event handling, time delegate, CSS center, front-end performance optimization, CSS box model, jQuery in jquery.fn.extend () and jquery.extend () difference, CSS property inheritance and This,SetoutTime output problem, front-end cache. Because when I was working on the project, I didn’t think about these things at all. I just scribbled on them. As a result, I couldn’t even see the technicians. After going back, asked others to know, IT technology post is the need to carry out the written test first (except internship and some companies), but always think that other companies are also like this, so after figuring out these several topics, but also while delivering resume, while on the king of points.

** Then the second interview was more interesting, it was a training agency. One day an HR called me and asked me if I wanted the convenient job of computer. At that time, I had submitted dozens of resumes, so I didn’t think so much, so I said yes, I wanted to find the front end. I was invited for an interview. At that time still in zhongshan, the second day early in the morning bus to guangzhou, then to the company, feel strange, as soon as she entered the company first is small, and office computers are not a few, but people in and out of the interview special much, did not have this routine, and then sign in and start computer, to solve the problem at that time, just my computer special card, network always even not, I was working on a VUe project and it took me an hour to install NPM and create a VUe project. During this time, I also secretly learned how to cut photoshop (because I always thought the company used Axure PR), but I was in a hurry and had forgotten to play games at that time, so I was halfway there. What was more funny was that a young man next to me only wrote JavaScript, HTML and CSS in his resume, so he got it on a computer and the title was a static page. I was speechless when I saw it. At the end of the afternoon, HR asked me how I was doing with a smile. I also said no with a smile. She was very concerned about my appearance, and I was deeply moved at that time.

** The next day she called me with a smile and said congratulations on your passing the written test and come for an interview tomorrow. At that time I was really moved ah, thought they see me good so just hired, so the third day I fart pidianpidian to run there. When I got into the company, he told me to wait because she was interviewing people. I sat by and watched wave after wave of people come in for the written interview. I had no doubt. To my interview, I pulled into a small room, there are ten small as big as the toilet room, every room a table and two chairs), at first she asked me some personal situation and the technology stack, and then begin to brainwashing, say what I technology is not mature, not enough in the company, etc., to training for 3 months for me, I thought it was 3 months internship, also do not have what, Then he told me to pay training fee 19,000, my God 19,000, why don’t you rob such a small company, I made an excuse to run away directly. He spent the next few days trying to brainwash me. I was this close to calling her names.

** Followed by an interview with a company that offered you a job. As always, I received the invitation for the written test, so I went to the written test. At that time, the topic happened to be the same as the one before (the difference between CSS box @import and link, the function of jQuery$, array duplication, etc.). After the written test, HR took my resume and the written test sheet for the first round of interview. Ask me why I am learning front end, personal situation, family situation, etc.) think I am OK, so bring to the technical director. The TECHNICAL director is about 40 years old, too serious, also looking at the resume and asking me some VUE questions. Then he told me to go back and wait. In the next few days, he told me to have the third round of interview, because it was also very troublesome for me to go to Guangzhou by car at that time, so he asked me to have an online interview, which was another boss interview, and also asked some technical questions. It’s too serious. It’s depressing. Later, I also got the offer successfully. As for why I don’t go to this place, the reasons are as follows: First, I agreed to pay 5,000 yuan a month, but as a result, I have to pay social security at 4500 yuan, 20% off during the first three months of internship. The other is that the people in this company are so depressed that I am afraid of depression when I work there.

** I also received several offers in the following months, but they were either small companies or the salary was too low (around 4500). After the graduation season, I don’t want to apply for fresh graduates or interns. So mixed for 3 months, I also quite regret, should advance to work before, finally share a computer topic that I did not think of today’s interview.

let A = { “name”:”Liza”, “password”:”123″, “DDDD”:1111 ** }; let B ={ “name”:”222″, “ssss”:6666, “SSsss”:554545 }

/ / to find out A and B in repeating the primary key, and delete / / as / / A {/ / “password” : “123”, / / “DDDD” : 1111 / /} * *

At that time did not sleep well, headache is dead, did not write straight away, now think or quite simple. Function setarr(){let arr=[]; for(let k in A ){ arr.push(k); } for(let L in B){ if(arr.indexOf(L)! = 1){console.log(” duplicate attribute: “+L) delete A[L]; delete B[L]; } } } setarr(); console.log(A); console.log(B);

function setarr(){ let arr=[]; for(let k in A ){

arr.push(k); } for(let L in B){ if(arr.indexOf(L)! = 1){console.log(” duplicate attribute: “+L) delete A[L]; delete B[L]; } } } setarr(); console.log(A); console.log(B);