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Xianyu — an idle trading community used by 300 million people

Recently, I have been learning Flutter and tried to write a Demo, but when I use Flutter. It was amazing from the beginning, and I felt it was very cool to write, and various UI effects were very good to realize. Moreover, due to the rendering mechanism, it also kept the dual-terminal or even multi-terminal UI consistent, and the user experience was almost comparable to Native. But slowly found a lot of new pits, new problems, really also very uncomfortable.

For this designedly sought the data of a few big factories from the net for reference.

Xianyu is an early adopter of Flutter, and has been a leader in the application and even secondary development of Flutter. While maintaining the stability of the project, xianyu has also opened source many valuable things.

For this purpose, I specially looked for a share from Yu Jia, the head of Xianyu client, on the global front-end Conference.

What team should pay more attention to Flutter?

Flutter has been around for a long time, and I described Flutter in detail in an earlier article.

Is a new technology coming out that will completely replace the current content with Flutter? Or what team should pay more attention to Flutter?

If the team is such a team, it should pay more attention to Flutter

  • Small and medium-sized teams, pay more attention to the output ratio, people efficiency ratio team.
  • If there are many specific users, such as Android users, Flutter can be developed and then synchronized to IOS.
  • App factory, such as Toutiao App Factory, for the rapid update and iteration team.

How to integrate Flutter with existing App?

App+Flutter container already exists


Since existing APPS may be based on a certain architecture or logic that has already been formed, it would not be obvious to re-create a Flutter APP. How can WE integrate Flutter into our current project as quickly as possible, while ensuring seamless and high performance?

Idle fish solve this problem in two ways.

1. The global sharing of the same FlutterViewController ensures the minimum memory usage.

2.Dart provides a BoostContainerManager, which provides management of multiple Navigators to avoid stack logic clutter.

For this part of the work, Xianyu has opened source the site of the Flutter Boots project

See GitHub address in the GitHub documentation for details

How to get the whole team to learn Flutter quickly

Here’s the part that impressed me the most.

In the development of my own projects, I often encounter different code structures caused by people’s writing habits, and even the stability is not guaranteed. Especially the late maintenance in the process of multi-person collaboration, or the process of work handover is not very convenient.

How to push the code lower limit, write code to maintain a quality of more than 80%.

To solve this problem, Xianyu chose the Flutter Redux scheme and optimized it, finally landing Fish Redux after three iterations.

The structure diagram is as follows.


Details can be found in the GitHub documentation. Source address:

The last

The whole post was still full of dry stuff, I just sorted out the things that impressed me a lot.

Recently, I have just started to learn about Flutter, but my understanding of many profound concepts and concepts is far from enough. I hope that IN future practice, I can gradually use or even experience the thoughts of idle fish in the structure evolution of Flutter.

Flutter has been one of the Top20 software libraries. Through the next series of articles, I hope that we can learn Flutter together, make progress together, gain something together, and master the initiative of the future technology mainstream!

A document on Flutter in Action provides a detailed introduction to Flutter from an open source tool, to enterprise-level application practices, to a guide to hybrid development practices.

Pay attention to my public number, and reply “idle fish” can be obtained, I believe that you will benefit a lot!

Welcome to pay attention to the public number

Pay attention to the public number will have more harvest!