“Live up to the time, the creation of non-stop, this article is participating in 2021 year-end summary essay competition”


The time pale oath, time old face. Had the heart of enthusiasm, sweat in the dangerous building; Don’t feel the time is shallow, between the passage of square inch. Look up, unexpectedly to the end of the year, can not help but sit and short sigh. With this article, I would like to talk about what I have done this year and wish for peace of mind in the coming year. When to sit idly in the courtyard of the study, drinking tea in the breeze and warm sunshine, review it, make a relief.

I. Development experience

1. Sum up

This year, my work focuses on React. The project I participated in the development is basically a management system based on Ant Design Pro template. There are table pages for adding, deleting, changing and checking types, data visualization panels, and small forum projects. Of course, I also used Vue 2.x to develop a large screen project for adaptive data visualization.

2. Project & Technology stack list

  • Management system
    • Ant Design ProTemplates (built-in route management, permission management,ahooksRequest and other functions and modules)
    • Table form:ProComponents
    • Data visualization scheme:Ant Design Charts
    • Table(Table) component drag column width plug-in:react-resizable
    • Image clipping plug-in:antd-img-crop
  • BBS
    • Ant Design ProThe template
    • Rich text editor:wangEditor
  • Data visualization large screen
    • Scaffolding:Vue CLI
    • Data visualization scheme:ECharts
    • Adaptive scheme: based ontransformScale equally

3. Questions & Conclusions

Today is also a day full of problems, is the daily battle of wits and bugs of my true portrayal. When I put a newly written Bug into the project:

Here’s a quick review of some of the memorable problems and solutions I encountered this year:

  • Placing too much trust in background return parameters
    • Description: the interface returns the data directly to use, such as the back with the operation of the array method, if returnednullOr other formats will directly report an error.
    • Solution: use encapsulated public methods to process the data returned by the interface to avoid errors.
  • Data presentation and default optimization
    • Description: A reasonable prompt is required when data is loaded, when data fails to be loaded, and when data is empty.
    • Solution: Data loading should be based on the characteristics of the page to use the appropriateloadingGive a hint. Load failure is needless to say. Empty state components or placeholder default graphs should be used when data is empty to improve user experience.

Second, writing experience

1. The sparrow

I started taking notes in June this year. I didn’t take notes when I watched videos before. Later, I learned about the language finch and began to organize my knowledge base.

PS: For various reasons, the maintenance of my knowledge base has been suspended.

2. The nuggets

In October of this year, I began to try to put together an article on Nuggets using what I’ve learned (as well as what I’ve learned from other tech titans). Up to now, I have published more than ten articles in total, participated in two activities, and received 400+ likes and 2W + reading, which can be regarded as a small harvest.

Here’s a summary of what I wrote this year:

  • The article with the most likes: using Notes gracefully
  • The most read article: “What? Scrollbars can get a makeover!”
  • The article that took the longest time to write was: ding Dong, you have a “Front-end Project Development Specification” waiting to check!

Me & the Nuggets

1. Important time nodes

  1. 2020/05 — First acquaintance with nuggets
  2. 2021/07 — Official registration
  3. 2021-08 — Make friends
  4. 201/10 — Start writing
  5. 2021/11 — Get perimeter

2. Finding gold for the first time

I found out about the nuggets when a colleague shared an article with me. By the way, this article is “a qualified (excellent) front-end should read these articles”.

3. Make friends

In nuggets can not only roam in the ocean of technology, but also get to know many like-minded partners. Below I listed a part of digging friends, small partners to Kangkang have you also concerned about it ~

  • Story of Pinellia: “Solid coding, conscientious writing”
  • Cold grass: “Cold grass sharing = 50% knowledge + 50% happiness + 0% anxiety”
  • Run, Lou. “Gold always runs out.”
  • Sunshine_Lin: “Dream is to ‘make per fan salary 20K'”
  • YK bacterium: “Love to think, love to summarize, love to record, love to share”
  • “Nothing is given, Everything is earned”
  • Coder_Q, guitarist: “Treat every project I work on as a work of art, polish it, and love the programs I write.”
  • GleenLey: “Code isn’t life. It could be a hobby.”

4. Get perimeter

Participated in the essay activity, obtained several peripheral, thanks to all readers support, thanks to the nuggets.

Personal experience

1. Go to the god

Where cherry blossoms bloom

In April, we went to Zhongshan Park in Qingdao to enjoy cherry blossoms.

With clear skies and cherry blossoms in view, time stands still here. I was so lost in the beauty that I forgot how long I had been here.

I will always remember the summer wind, clearly said to hot dead me

In July, I went to Jinan, the spring city, and first to Liberation Pavilion.

We have no reason to forget that our happy life today was paid for by the lives of countless heroes. Remembering the martyrs and remembering the history.

Came to Baotu spring, see that a wang Qingche pool of water, not only think of Yang Wanli’s “small pool” : “spring silent cherish streams, tree shade according to water love sunny soft”. I come here at midsummer, although perspiration, but the pool water of this slowly rippling, this green tree and small pavilion, let me put down the exhaustion in the heart and restlessness, listen to quietly, quietly experience.

As soon as I came to daming Lake, I was attracted by the scenery here. The blue sky and clear water set each other off, and the green willow on the lake was accompanied by lotus leaves. Occasionally a few scattered lotus flowers appear in a piece of green, like the stars and the moon, dancing in the breeze, graceful scene. Jinan is indeed like that poem: “lotus on four sides and willows on three sides, one city with mountains and half a lake”.

2. Public action

In terms of public welfare, I have only done two small things this year: donated blood once and donated money to a foundation once. I hope to do more next year, remembering that all for one, one for all.

Stay true to why you started

Never forget why you started, and your mission can be accomplished. Try not to be affected by the environment, adhere to their own road, road far dream difficult to become, the original mind can not be lost.

  • Continuous learning, the pursuit of technical improvement
  • Willing to share, willing to help others
  • Guard against arrogance and impetuosity, adjust your attitude at all times
  • Technology drives, technology serves people

6. Looking to the future

Hopefully in the following 2022, I can become better:

  • The technical level is improved, and the front-end skill is improved to a higher level
  • Improve writing skills and write more high-quality articles
  • Self-adjustment ability to improve, better adjust the mentality, to meet new difficulties