- Open the following directory and paste the Templates directory for your project directly into it
Copy the code
Select the following options when creating the project
Select when creating a class file
Creating a class file
The effect
- choose
Single View App No Scene
Created is notSceneDelegate
Such documents as blank project
The Class files created by selecting Custom Cocoa Touch Class come with some initialization methods and pragma mark tag remarks
Creating a class file
About the rough method, not too careful study, is mainly a convenient line, make a unified template, the code will be more standard point.
Xcode itself own template in/Applications/Xcode. The app/Contents/Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS platform/Developer/Library/Xcode/Templates /
The directory is divided into Project Templates and File Projects for creating Projects and new files, respectively.
Copy this directory to ~/Library/Developer/Xcode and change it in the directory. Xcode is loaded with the same directory as Xcode.
*** No Scene is a new name ***
Changes to what is displayed when creating a file are configured in that file
The same changes that create class files are in File Templates:
Add code to the class file template. For example, if I want to create a class that inherits from NSObjec, add the code in the file shown below.
I’m just adding extension here
*** FILEBASENAMEASIDENTIFIER is automatically replaced with the class name you typed ***
Diy: Xcode template