Xcode 11.2 has been released. There are no major changes in the new version, more BUG fixes and fewer new features. After all, it is a small version iteration.

However, according to Meowgod and some users who have upgraded Xcode 11.2, there are still many problems with the new version, so please be careful to upgrade. Given the quality of Apple’s software this year, that should be par for the course.

This article is translated from Xcode 11.2 Release Note.


Solved problem

If an error occurs during the installation of an iOS application, the message “Installation failed” is displayed instead of “Installation succeeded, but the application cannot be found”.

Interface Builder

New features

Added support for configuration WKInterfaceAuthorizationAppleIDButton style.

Known problems

• Setting the Selected Segment Tint Color of the segmented control to the named Color in Interface Builder will fail when loading views on iOS 12 and earlier.

Solution: Set selectedSegmentTintColor for the segmented control in the awakeFromNib method.

Problem solved

• Fixed an issue with UITabBarController where decoding an instance from a storyboard creates an extra view on the left side of the screen. If you solve this problem on Xcode 11.0 or 11.1 by creating a subclass of UITabBarController and hiding other views in the initializer, you can remove this alternative method.

• Fixed iOS/tvOS project crash when reselecting the currently selected color in user-defined runtime properties.


Problem solved

• Fixed a crash when importing XcodeBuild localization into projects referencing Swift packages.


Problem solved

• Xcode Previews now supports the use of static variables in internal structures.

• Xcode Previews can correctly resolve build Settings related to SRCROOT of the project.

• Fixed crash in Xcode preview when rendering macOS views with zero width or height.

• When rendering Previews, Xcode Previews can correctly pass BUILT_PRODUCTS_DIR as DYLD_FRAMEWORK_PATH to allow you to reference and parse built frameworks and other products.

• Functions that use the @ViewBuilder tag can now be previewed correctly in Xcode Preview.

• Xcode Previews now correctly supports structures, functions, and other types with the @available tag.

• Fixed some SwiftUI tutorials that could not be built or previewed using Xcode Previews.

• Fixed SwiftUI inspector crash when checking certain color types.

The simulator

New features

• SimCTL video recording can now produce smaller video files, support HEIC compression, and leverage hardware encoding support where available. In addition, the ability to record video on iOS 13, tvOS 13 and watchOS 6 devices has been restored.

Pay attention to

Flags and parameters supported by simctl video recording have been changed. For more information, see xcRun Simctl Help IO.

• The emulator now has new menu items and keyboard shortcuts to call up the application switcher in the iOS emulator.

• In AVAssetExportSession, the allExportPresets type method returns presets in the iPhone 11, iPhone 11 Pro, and iPhone 11 Pro Max emulators.

• XCRUN simCTL List — JSON now contains more information about the device and the runtime, including the type of device used by each device.

Known problems

• Third-party endpoint Security software may cause the emulator to run slowly, the system to freeze or prevent debugging, and operations cannot run reliably in the emulator. Sometimes this occurs as the debug server disconnects or the emulator application receives a SIGKILL signal.

Solution: Uninstall third-party software.

Problem solved

• Fixed crash loop that could occur on macOS 10.15 Catalina when using iCloud Drive on emulated devices running older versions of iOS. (51392951, 54282967, 54818084)

• Fixed an issue that caused analog devices running iOS 13 to display a black window without enabling the external display or CarPlay display.

• Fixed an issue that prevented apps from being installed on the iOS 8.4 emulator.

Swift, the compiler

New features

• Swift function generator uses a new type checking algorithm that reduces compile time and eliminates many of the “can’t type check in a reasonable amount of time” errors caused by SwiftUI’s heavy code.

Problem solved

• NetworkExtension framework of enumeration NEHotspotConfigurationError NS_ENUM change back (from NS_ERROR_ENUM), and Xcode 11.0 before.

• Fixed a runtime crash when running a Watch application statically linked to the Swift library.

Swift Packages

Problem solved

• Schemas automatically generated for Swift packages are automatically updated when a target is added or removed from the package.


Known problems

• Some downloadable project files in the SwiftUI tutorial in the Xcode document Viewer may fail during the download process.

Solution: Open the Web link using the Share button, and then download the sample file directly from the online version of the tutorial.


Problem solved

• watchOS applications can be built using the watchOS 6 SDK with a deployment target of watchOS 5.3.

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