The JDK source

As we all know, the source code this thing interview can not run away on the job also have to learn the ideas and design patterns, really like to see the source code is a little bit “abnormal”. It is hypnotic and difficult to understand, and you will forget it if you look at it. You need to look at a certain component or part first, so you can’t eat it in one bite.

Take the JDK source code for example. It is a class library with a lot of helper code, generics, and some design pattern considerations added. There is no way to read it without a clue and you will get confused soon! Standing on the shoulders of giants would undoubtedly save a lot of effort. Today, LZ will Ali some time ago an old brother private grant my JDK source code study guide to share out to everyone, I hope to help you! !

This JDK source code guide covers the basics of multithreading in the JDK, Atomic classes, Lock and Condition interfaces, synchronization utility classes, concurrent containers, thread pools and futures, ForkJoinPool divide and rule algorithms, and asynchronous programming tools completableFuture. Due to space constraints can not be all shown, the need for the full version of the small partner to add little assistant vx: BJMSB0606006 can be downloaded for free

> JDK source guide

Atomic classes

Lock and Condition interfaces

Synchronization utility class

Concurrent container

Thread pool and Future

ForkJoinPool divide-and-conquer algorithm

Asynchronous programming tool completableFuture

The last

In order not to affect everyone’s reading experience, do not put the length of the long, the need to add a full version of the JDK source guide small partner VX: BJMSB0606006 can be downloaded for free