Wu Sili: PCG Tencent document interview experience

Wu Sili: Byte interview experience

Wu Sili: Ali tao department front-end interview experience

Byte e-commerce sector side

  1. Let me introduce myself
  2. Know your Flex layout
  3. What properties does flex layout have
  4. What are the values of these flex layout properties
  5. Do you know when a Flex layout will fail
  6. Fixed position of navigation bar, internal Flex layout failure how to solve the problem
  7. Two boxes are arranged up and down, box A is fixed height, box B covers the bottom, how to layout
  8. How often do YOU use ES6?
  9. What methods do ES6 arrays have
  10. What is the difference between the forArray method and the Map method
  11. Es6 object method, how to put the value of the object key, value into the value
  12. Vue has two directories: acesste and static
  13. Why write initializers and functions in didMouted during the React lifecycle
  14. Git says some commands
  15. What’s the difference between a pull and a Fitch
  16. Echart, what did you draw
  17. How does Echart adapt to screen size
  18. When and for how long
  19. Do you have any questions for me

Byte e-commerce second interview

Technical interviews will involve computer fundamentals, programming, algorithms, data structures, and projects. It is recommended that you prepare in the following aspects:

· Review the basic knowledge of software engineering in advance, such as operating system, network, etc. The interviewer will choose the focus of the communication based on your experience

· Practice coding and algorithms ahead of time, and make writing clean, concise, bugfree code your goal

· Understand common computer data structures and their application in specific scenes, compare the advantages and disadvantages of different methods, and find the optimal solution

· Collate and review the projects I have done, and recall the overall structure, technical details and implementation principle of the projects

  1. Introduce yourself
  2. {a_apple:”111″, b_apple:{c_appple:{d_apple:”222″}}} The key in the form of an underscore is converted to a small hump and returns a new object X

Byte data department one, two interviews

Implement express

class App { tasks = [] use(middleware) { var task= () => { return new Promise((resolve) => { middleware(resolve); } } }) this.tasks.push(task); } async run() { for (var i = 0; i < methods.length; i++) { await methods[i](); }}}Copy the code
