The zipjson CLI uses the json.stringify (code, NULL, 0) method to compress the.json file into a single line. After the…

Writing in the front

The reason is that I went to My JSON Server for no reason. It is easy to use Github repository to store a DB. JSON file to simulate REST Server.

For this I created a repository wxh16144/ I and created a db.json;

But the raw/da.json file is formatted so it’s easy to edit. I need to compress the.json folder into a single line

(It doesn’t do much good… Just drop a few newlines and whitespace and reduce the file size by 1%.


  1. warehouserawThe branch stores the original directlydb.jsonFiles andgithub workflowFile.
  2. useGithub ActionListen for the PUSH event in the RAW branchdb.jsonfile
  3. Submitted after processingdb.jsonTo the current warehousemainbranch
  4. Open wXh16144 / I/DB to check that REST is running.

During the CI process, I needed to compress the ‘db.json’ file, so I wrote the tool as CLI to run it in github Action.

Zipjson input. Json output.json

The editorindex.js

#! /usr/bin/env node
// Get input/output
const entry = process.argv.slice(2) [0] | |'index.json'
const output = process.argv.slice(2) [1] | |'output.json'

// Reads the input and writes to the output
const json = await readFileSync(entry, 'utf8')
await writeFileSync(output, JSON.stringify(json, null.0), 'utf8')

Copy the code

The editorpackage.json

  "name":"zipjson"."version": "1.0.0"."description": "compressed JSON file"."bin": {
    "zipjson": "index.js"}}Copy the code

Publish your NPM package

npm publish
Copy the code

Github Action: NPX zipjson db.json db.json

The last

In the spirit of keeping the package as small as possible, and adding some fault tolerance to the package without considering adding other dependencies, I finally released a minimal available tool to NPM.

npx zipjson [input] [output] --debug
Copy the code


  • input: file or path. default ./index.json
  • output: file or path. default ./dist/index.json
  • –debug: console log. defaule false, alias --log.-l.-d
  • –yes: Agree to all interactions. defaule false, alias --ci.-y