Installing Chinese packages

To download the Chinese package on GitHub: Click download

Configuration Composer

The official documentation

To configure composer. Json in an existing project, right-click the composer.

Configure Xdebug

The official documentation

Configure PHP ini

zend_extension="Path of expansion"
xdebug.remote_handler = dbgp
xdebug.var_display_max_depth = 512
xdebug.profiler_append = 1
xdebug.profiler_enable_trigger = 1
xdebug.max_nesting_level = 200
xdebug.profiler_output_dir = ""
xdebug.profiler_output_name = "cachegrind.out.%t.%p"
Copy the code

Configuration PHPStorm

Configure port

Open the configuration options and choose Languages & Frameworks -> PHP -> Debug.

Modify the Debug port as specified in the configuration file.

Configuration DBGp Proxy

The IDE key must be the same as xdebug.idekey.

Host and Port are the address and Port of the running project.

Host is the URL from which you access your project. For example, if your project’S URL is username, write this here. is just an example.

Configuration of the Servers

As with DBGp Proxy, the Host and Port are the address and Port of the running project.

Click **+** to create an xDebug option, name it whatever you want.

New Run/Debug Configurations

Click on the * * Add Configuration… ** button to add a PHP Web Page and the Server drop-down box to select the Servers you have just configured.

Installing browser Tools

Install the Chrome extension Xdebug Helper

Enter the debug

PhpStorm enables listening

Turn the small phone in the upper right corner of PhpStorm green and start listening. Then click the crawler to enter debugging mode.

Configure Yii2 framework support

  • GitHub address of the plugin: Click
  • Plugin page: Click

Search for Yii2 in the plugin search box, click Install and restart the IDE.


  • Global search (Command + Shift + F)
  • Function tracing (Command + mouse click)
  • Single-line comment/cancel (command + /)
  • Multi-line comment (Command + option + /)
  • Enter the line number to jump to a line (Command + L)
  • List open files (Command + e)
  • Delete current line (command + x)
  • Copy the current line (command + d)
  • Skip to variable declaration (Command + b)
  • List the files on the left (Command + 1)
  • Show methods in a class (Command + 7)
  • Find //@todo tag (command + 6)
  • Format code (Command + option + L)
  • ⌘ registering a variable or function to be used in the file (⌘ REGISTERING F7)

Reference article: Click to jump