JavaScript Design pattern

  1. The factory pattern

    The factory pattern, suitable for creating a large number of similar objects, defines the steps for creating objects in a function. Each time the function is called with an argument, a new object is generated within the function and returned

  2. Constructor pattern

    Although the factory pattern can create a large number of similar objects, it cannot solve the object recognition problem

    // Constructor mode constructs the function of the object
    function Person(name, age, job) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        this.job = job;
        this.sayName = function () {
        //return this; There is no need for the return system to complete automatically
    // Use the new keyword
    // create a new object
    // 2. Point the new object's _proto_ to the constructor's prototype object
    // 2. Assign the constructor's scope to the new object this to the new object
    // 3. Execute the code in the constructor (assign attributes and methods to this object)
    // 4. Return the new object. The system completes automatically
    var person1 = new Person("Millet".20."Software Engineer");
    var person2 = new Person("Greg".23."Teacher");
    console.log("person.constructor == Person");
    console.log(person1.constructor == Person);//true
    console.log("person instanceof Person");
    console.log(person1 instanceof Person);//true
    console.log("person instanceof Object");
    console.log(person1 instanceof Object);//true
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    That is, person1 cannot be identified as an instanceof Person by instanceof,

  3. The prototype pattern


    Create a function with an empty executor, and then add shared properties and shared methods to the function’s prototype object

    function Fruits() {
    Fruits.prototype = {
        constructor: Fruits,// Point back again after covering
        name: "Banana".color: "Yellow".sayColor() {
        sayAdress() {
            console.log("Hainan"); }}let banana = new Fruits("Banana"."Yellow");
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    Prototype models have no private properties and methods and are not very useful, so they are often used in conjunction with constructor patterns. Private properties and methods are placed in constructors, and common properties and functions are placed in stereotypes

    let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Fruits.prototype, "constructor");
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    Before refactoring the constructor property attribute Enumerable defaults to false

    The constructor property Enumerable default is set to False before refactoring the stereotype object using the stereotype pattern

    Get the prototype object
    console.log(Object.getPrototypeOf(person1));// Return the prototype object
    console.log(Person.prototype == person1.__proto__);//true
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    Add properties/methods to the prototype object
    Person.prototype.adress = "Guangzhou";
    person1.__proto__.sayAdress = function () {
    person2.sayAdress();/ / guangzhou
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    Deletes properties or methods of the stereotype object
    // Delete attributes/methods
    delete Person.prototype.adress;
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    Mechanism for finding properties and methods

    The instance Object –>__proto__ refers to the prototype Object –>Object –>undefined

    person1.hobby = "play the guitar";
    person1.__proto__.hobby = "Roller-skating";
    Object.prototype.hobby = "go fishing";
    console.log(person1.hobby);//play the guitar
    delete person1.hobby;
    delete person1.__proto__.hobby;
    console.log(person1.hobby);//go fishing
    delete Object.prototype.hobby;
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    If the attribute is not found in the Person1 instance object, it is searched up the prototype chain until it is found, otherwise null returns undefined

    Determines whether the property is on the object

    HasOwnProperty (” property “) //true/false

    Determines whether the property is on the object or its prototype chain

    “Property” in object //true/false

  4. Combine the constructor pattern and the stereotype pattern

    Private properties and methods are placed in constructors, and common properties and functions are placed in stereotypes

    // Add a lot of methods
    function Fruits(name, color) { = name;
        this.color = color;
    let fruitsProto = Fruits.prototype
    let desc = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(Fruits.prototype, "constructor");
    Fruits.prototype = {
        constructor: Fruits,
        sayColor() {
        sayAdress() {
            console.log("Hainan"); }}let banana = new Fruits("Banana"."Yellow");
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  5. The dynamic model

    Add public properties or public methods to the prototype object dynamically in the constructor

    function Person(name, age) { = name;
        this.age = age;
        if(typeof this.sayName ! ="function") {
            Person.prototype.sayName = function() {
    let person1 = new Person("Millet".19);
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    This pattern cannot refactor prototype objects, otherwise dynamically added properties or methods will be lost

  6. Parasitic constructor pattern

    function Host() {
        let parasite = {}; = "COVID - 19";
        parasite.copy = function() {
        return parasite;
    let covid_19 = new Host();
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    The prototype Object of the parasitic constructor pattern points to the prototype Object of Object

  7. Secure constructor pattern

    Safe objects: instance methods do not reference this; The constructor is not called using the new operator

    function Person(name,age) {
        let obj = {};
        obj.sayName = function() {
        return obj;
    let person1 = Person("Millet".20);
    Copy the code

    Returns an object whose method execution context is the scope created by the constructor execution