Write the Maven scaffolding for SpringBoot

Last time we wrote the SpringBoot microservice node, this time we will do it in a much simpler way. Use Maven scaffolding to quickly build microservices.

Maven archetype

What is the archetype

Simply put, The Maven Archetype plugin is a scaffolding for creating projects that you can easily integrate on the command line or IDE.

We can see many archetypes when we use IDEA

It consists of the following modules:

  • Maven archetype – pluginArchetype plug-in. This plugin allows developers to use Archetype in Maven.
  • Archetype-packaging describes the lifecycle of archetype and the build project software package
  • Archetype-models is used to describe classes and references
  • Archetype – common core classes
  • Archetype-testing is used to test Maven Archetype’s internal components

Archetype plug-ins

maven archetype plugin

  • Archetype: Create (not recommended)

Create a Maven project from Archetype.

  • archetype:generate

To create a Maven project from archetype, the developer needs to specify the archetype and the plug-in will be automatically retrieved from the remote repository.

  • archetype:create-from-project

    Build archetype from existing projects.

  • archetype:crawl

    Search and update archetype in the repository.

Create the archetype

  • Start by finding a project to use as a template
git clone https://github.com/allennotes/webserver
Copy the code
  • Execute in the project root directory, the same directory as the main POM.xml
mvn archetype:create-from-project 
Copy the code

  • Move the production target directory to the directory we want to open gitbash and do the following
    • Example Delete files related to IDEA
 rm -rf ./idea
 find . -name "*.iml" -type f -print -exec rm -rf {} \; 
Copy the code
  • Remove unwanted instance code
find . -name "UserMain*" -type f -print -exec rm -rf {} \; 
Copy the code

The composition of archetype

  • Prototype files Prototype files

    Located in the SRC/main/resources/archetype – the resource directory. The prototype files prototype documents can understand multiple modules in a module or a source file of a single module project. These archetype files are generated when building projects using the corresponding archetype

  • archetype-metadata.xml

    Maven/SRC /main/resources/ meta-INF /maven/ This configuration file mainly lists the prototype files and the parameters needed to generate the template project using archetype

  • prototype pom

    Located in the SRC/main/resources/archetype – resources directory. This POM file will appear in the archetype template project, if it is a single module project, it is dependency management for the whole project. For a multi-module project, the POM is the general POM file, which defines the submodules of the project and manages the dependencies of the submodules. The submodule POM is defined under the submodules, and the submodule POM file only manages the dependencies of the submodules.

  • archetype pom

    Located at the root of the custom Archetype project. This is the ARCHEtype project POM file from which you get local parameters when installing

Install archetype locally

  • Run the archetype directory in the same level as pom.xml
mvn install 
Copy the code
  • After successful execution, execute the crawl command to generate the archetype-catalog.xml skeleton configuration file in the root directory of the local repository:

    MVN archeTYPE :crawl // Update index optionalCopy the code
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?
<archetype-catalog xsi:schemaLocation="http://maven.apache.org/plugins/maven-archetype-plugin/archetype-catalog/1.0.0 http://maven.apache.org/xsd/archetype-catalog-1.0.0.xsd"
      <version1. 0. 0</version
      <descriptionDemo project for Spring Boot</description
Copy the code

IDEA archeType construction project

Build the project through MVN Archetype: Generate

Create a project from the local archeType template and execute

mvn archetype:generate -DarchetypeCatalog=local
Copy the code

The serial number and then in turn select template groupId, artifactId, version and package information:

Write in the last

It is suggested that you can use it without changing anything, and it is not convenient to change the template project twice to generate scaffolding update. Scaffolding making source https://github.com/allennotes/webserver-archetype

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