Build the PySpark environment
First, make sure you have Python 2.7 installed. It is strongly recommended that you use Virtualenv to facilitate the management of your Python environment. Pyspark is then installed through PIP
pip install pyspark
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The file is relatively large, about 180 MB, be patient.
Download Spark 2.2.0, unzip to a specific directory, and set SPARK_HOME.
In fact, if you use spark-Submit, you don’t need to install PySpark. The main purpose of installing PySpark through PIP is to have code prompts in your IDE.
PySpark Worker startup mechanism
PySpark works by starting one (or more, with pythonExec and envVars as keys) Python deamon processes using the PythonRDD in Spark, and then, as soon as a task comes in, Fork a new Python worker through the Python deamon process. Python workers are reusable and not destroyed immediately after use. The process of a task coming is to see if there is any idle in the worker and return it directly if there is. Fork a new worker instead.
How does PySpark implement a variable singleton in a worker
From the previous PySpark Worker startup mechanism, we can see that a Python worker can repeatedly perform tasks. In NLP tasks, we often load so many dictionaries that we expect the dictionary to be loaded only once. This is where you need to do some extra processing. The practice is as follows:
class DictLoader(object):
clf = None
def __init__(self, baseDir, archive_auto_extract, zipResources):
if not DictLoader.is_loaded():
def load_dic(baseDir):
globPath = baseDir + "/dic/*.dic"
dicts = glob.glob(globPath)
for dictFile in dicts:
temp = dictFile if os.path.exists(dictFile) else SparkFiles.get(dictFile)
jieba.cut("nice to meet you")
DictLoader.clf = "SUCCESS"
def is_loaded(a):
return DictLoader.clf is not None
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Define a CLS object and use staicMethod annotations to simulate java-like static methods. Then you can do whatever you want
How do I load a resource file
In NLP processing, dictionaries are indispensable. Previously, we avoided a worker loading dictionaries multiple times. Now there is another problem, which is how the program loads dictionaries. Usually we want to be able to put the dictionary into a ZIP package, the code into a ZIP package, and then submit it with the following command:
./bin/spark-submit \
--py-files dist/ \
--files dist/ \
--master "local[*]" python/src/
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The self-developed modules can be packaged as, the corresponding Spark tasks as a separate file, and the dictionary as
So how does the program read the files in In Spark standalone and local mode, will not be unpacked in the working directory of each worker, so additional processing is required:
def __init__(self, baseDir, archive_auto_extract, zipResources):
if not DictLoader.is_loaded():
for zr in zipResources:
if not archive_auto_extract:
with zipfile.ZipFile(SparkFiles.getRootDirectory() + '/' + zr, 'r') as f:
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Archive_auto_extract Check whether the file is automatically decompressed (in YARN mode, the file is automatically decompressed).
archive_auto_extract = spark.conf.get("spark.master").lower().startswith("yarn")
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ZipResources is the name of all zip packages that need to be decompressed. The corresponding method is as follows:
zipfiles = [f.split("/")[-1] for f in spark.conf.get("spark.files").split(",") if f.endswith(".zip")]
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You can concatenate the corresponding zipfiles directory like this:
SparkFiles.getRootDirectory() + '/' + zfilename
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So if you are not running in YARN mode, you need to unzip and then load. You are advised to obtain the path as follows:
temp = dictFile if os.path.exists(dictFile) else SparkFiles.get(dictFile)
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This works in IDE, local/standalone/ YARN mode.
The previous file is full of Python files that can be read without compression.
Actively define schema and avoid Spark Auto Inference Schema
I wrote this code earlier:
oldr =
lambda row: Row(ids=row['ids'], mainId=row["mainId"].item(), tags=row["tags"]))
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Then I need to change olDR back to RDD, which I use like this:
resultDf = spark.createDataFrame(oldr) resultDf.mode("overwrite").format(...) .save(...Copy the code
This results in olDR being executed twice, once for schema speculation and once for actual calculations. We can write this:
from pyspark.sql.types import StructType, IntegerType, ArrayType, StructField, StringType, MapType
fields = [StructField("ids", ArrayType(IntegerType())), StructField("mainId", IntegerType()),
StructField("tags", MapType(StringType(), IntegerType()))]
resultDf = spark.createDataFrame(resultRdd, StructType(fields=fields)
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This display defines the schema for the RDD and avoids additional speculation.
Lambda and function selection
Lambda can define anonymous functions, but with limited expressiveness:
lambda row: Row(ids=row['ids'], mainId=row["mainId"].item(), tags=row["tags"]))
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We can also define functions:
def create_new_row(row):
return Row(ids=row['ids'], mainId=row["mainId"].item(), tags=row["tags"])
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Then directly use:
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How to define udF functions/how to avoid using Python UDF functions
Start by defining a regular Python function:
Def split_sentence(s): return s.split(" ")Copy the code
Convert to udF function and use.
from pyspark.sql.functions import udf
from pyspark.sql.types import *
ss = udf(split_sentence, ArrayType(StringType()))"text").alias("text_array")).show()
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The only trouble is that when you define udF functions, you need to specify the type of the return value.
Using Python udF functions is obviously inefficient, so we recommend using standard library functions.
from pyspark.sql import functions as f"text", "\\s+").alias("text_array")).show()
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Pyspark.sql. functions references spark implementations, so they are more efficient.