Last time we converted the old Vue project from pure JS to js and TS. This time we are going to write react code in this vue project

I thought it would be a very troublesome thing, but I thought about it on my way home from work yesterday. Who knew when I was doing it today I went online and found a ready-made library

Integrate the React Component with the Vue Component

Let’s test it out using the library example

// main.ts
import Vue from 'vue'
import { VuePlugin } from 'vuera'Vue.use(VuePlugin) /* ... * /Copy the code
// test.vue
    <h1>Im a Vue component</h1>
    <my-react-component :message="message" @reset="reset" />

  import MyReactComponent from './MyReactComponent'

  export default {
    data () {
      message: 'Hello from React! ',
    methods: {
      reset () {
        this.message = ' '
    components: { 'my-react-component': MyReactComponent },
Copy the code
// MyReactComponent.tsx
import React from 'react';

const App: React.FC = () => <div>my react component</div>;

export default App;
Copy the code
Json file will add this line to the compilerOptions {"compilerOptions": {
    "jsx": "react"}},Copy the code

I tried it and found there was no problem

Vue – the router

The react Component cannot be added to the Component of the Router

The solution is to package a layer of Vue Component. Writing a common Wrapper method is the most convenient

import { ReactWrapper } from 'vuera';

export default function factoryReactWrapper(component) {
  return {
    components: { react: ReactWrapper },
    render(createElement) {
      return createElement('react', { props: { component }, }); }}; }Copy the code
// router.config.js
import factoryReactWrapper from './react-wrapper'

    desc: 'test',
    path: '/test',
    component: factoryReactWrapper(MyReactComponent)
Copy the code

I tested it and it worked