Time, always inadvertently secretly slip away, in the night of overtime, in the early morning of learning, in every growing day and night. Unconsciously, ushered in the twenty-third year that I came to this world.

Recall the past

It is interesting to say, the year before last year to accompany my birthday people, last year are not around me, last year to accompany my birthday people, this year are not around me. I do not know whether it is deliberately arranged by fate. Last year, I spent my birthday with a group of good friends. Because I did not collude well in advance, I also made an interesting story of eating two cakes from the same shop in one day. At that time, we just entered the workplace, and experienced the company’s substantial training together, creating the purest friendship. I really miss that time of my own ah, with a fledgling spirit of not afraid of tigers, what also don’t care, what also don’t ask, buried his head to rush forward, now can be difficult to find the original state.

Yesterday I called my mother, she said I have really changed a lot after working for a year. I feel the same way. In the whole year from last year to this year, I have experienced a lot. I made mistakes in my work, was questioned, and also gained praise and encouragement. From an ignorant workplace small white slowly grow up to now can also take new people, give some guidance and guidance. Experienced a lot of sour, sweet, bitter and hot, but also slowly find out the rhythm and method suitable for their own.

Cherish the present

After a year of working life, I feel THAT I have some thoughts about work, study and life, and also refer to the experience of some big bosses, which can be regarded as a firm direction for the future. I just don’t feel like I have enough time. But it doesn’t matter, cherish the time, do their own line, after all, the best time to plant a tree is ten years ago, second, is now, isn’t it? At present, I can finish the work on time and with good quality; I can study hard in my spare time to prepare for my post transfer. There are a group of friends in the life, such a day, full and happy.

Looking to the future

I am very glad that I can be born in such a country, there is no war, the country is rich and the people are safe, I am also very glad that I can live in such an era, try to do a thing, there will be a corresponding return, although the programmer industry may have a little “volume”, but still meet this truth: “Everything in this world is in direct proportion to the effort and harvest, except for the feelings” (this sentence is what I said, don’t ask me why the feelings are excluded) so in the future, continue to refueling!