The target

Implement a decorator

The main points of

  • What is a decorator
  • How do decorators work
  • Implement a simple decorator

A decorator

  1. A decorator is a special type of declaration that is essentially a method that can be injected into classes, methods, properties, and parameters to extend their functionality.

  2. Common decorators: class decorators, attribute decorators, method decorators, parameter decorators…

  3. Decorator can be written as: normal decorator (can not be added), decorator factory (can be added)

  4. Decorators are a standard feature of ES7!

How to use

No parameters

function Path(target:any) { 
    console.log("I am decorator.")}@Path 
class RouterService {}
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After compiling using TSC, run the node xxx.js command. The following output is displayed:

I am decorator.
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A parameter

function Path(p1: string, p2: string) { 
    return function (target) { // This is the real decorator
        // do something }}@Path("/user"."userId") 
class RouterService {}
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Implement a simple decorator

export function measure(target: any, name: any, descriptor: any) {
    const oldValue = descriptor.value;
    descriptor.value = async function() {
        const start =;
        const ret = await oldValue.apply(this.arguments);
        console.log(`${name}Perform time-consumingThe ${ - start}ms`);
        return ret;

    return descriptor;

// The execution time of the function is recorded 🕓🕝🕤
class RouterService {}
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