
Every time to the web page manual version a little annoying, write a script to improve the efficiency of development.


Get the API TOKEN in Jenkins Settings. To pass authentication, combine the host with the account password.

const token = {
  user: ' '.password: ' ',}const host = '';
const basicUrl = `http://${token.user}:${token.password}@${host}`;
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Call the method provided by Jenkins.

// crumbIssuer The default value is false, true Enables CSRF protection
const jenkins = require('jenkins')({ baseUrl, crumbIssuer: true });

const job_name = ' ';  // The name of the job you want to publish
    name: job_name,
    parameters: {
      name: 'value'.// Enter some parameter information}},function(err, data) {
    if (err) throw err;

    console.log('queue item number', data);
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View release status

After executing build we want to see the status of the current build, whether it was successful, failed or in progress.

Jenkins.job. Get () gets information about the current job. Data.lastbuild. number gets the number of the lastBuild, which is the build we just triggered. () gets information about the current build. Data. result Retrieves the result of the current build

jenkins.job.get(job_name, (err, data) => {
  if (err) throw err;

  const lastBuildNumber = data.lastBuild.number;
  console.log('last build number', lastBuildNumber);, lastBuildNumber, (err, data) => {
    if (err) throw err;
    console.log('last build result', data.result); })});Copy the code

