There may be more than one interface in an interface, for example: obtain verification code interface + register interface
The back-end prefix:
The back-end interface website of this project:
1. Write interfaces in RetrofitServise
- Postman Test interface
- RetrofitServise
2. RegisterContract
- To the interface on the back end
- loginAgain
- register
- sendCaptcha
- Judge the accuracy of the verse
- isPhoneTrue
- isSecretTrue
4. — only backend data is allowed
5. — — — — — – RegisterActivity. V layer Java
- Button click event
- @OnClick(
- Preparation of countdown methods
- setCountDownTimer(final long countDownTime)
- Override the successful callback method in Contrat
- onRegisterSuccess()
- onCaptchaSuccess()
- The binding between layer V and layer P must be written
In the declaration of a class, the extends keyword creates a subclass of the class. A class declares itself to use one or more interfaces through the keyword implements. Extends extends extends from a class. You can then use or override the methods of the parent class. Implements multiple interfaces, whose methods are generally empty and must be overridden to use themCopy the code
Solution: Add the following line to @Override: @SuppressWarnings(“unchecked”) just like