DumpDex -Android Shell remover

The plug-in needs to be used in the Xposed environment, support most of the encryption shell on the market, software for learning, do not use for other purposes

Compile environment

Android Studio 3.0

Can’t unshell. PleasePackerInfo.javaAdd the application package name to the Packages field in the package file. Compile and install Pull Requests

Support equipment

Most Xposed environment for mobile phones


Develop a branch

Master stable branch


Download source code to compile or download apK package and install, the application of the Xposed module after restart, run hardened application, plug-in will automatically dump dex file to /data/data/ package name /dump directory

Apk files are not updated in real time. Please compile the source code to obtain the latest APK

Apk download

The apk file packages the application for the Master branch. Compile the Develop branch yourself



The source code to compile

Download the source code or clone to the local, use the android open studio, after the success of the compilation, install the apk, the lib/armeabi/libnativeDump. So is copied to the/data/local/TMP/libnativeDump. So, Permissions set to 777, arm64 models need to lib/arm64 – v8a/libnativeDump. So is copied to the/data/local/TMP/libnativeDump64. So can be operated through the file manager, You can also use the following ADB shell command

# applies only to the 32-bit phone adb shell su cp/data/data/com wrbug. Dumpdex/lib/libnativeDump so/data/local/TMP chmod 777 /data/local/tmp/libnativeDump.soCopy the code

After the configuration is complete, activate xposed and restart it