
Precipitation, share, grow, let yourself and others can gain something!

One, foreword

Recently a partner asked small Fu ge, my resume how to deliver have no response, the heart panic of very ah.

I have worked for two years and I have no major projects in my current company. I am bored to death by maintaining other people’s code all day long and not allowing reconstruction if there is a pit. Wasted my skills nowhere to display, the delivery of resumes no one read. I’m not a gorilla or a baboon in the zoo!

I need to work overtime, I need to 996, I need to crazy coding, please give me a chance…

In the process of this career development, if you want to focus on technology, and constantly improve themselves. So, it’s very important to choose a program that’s challenging and someone who can follow the technology. However, such resources and contacts are basically from some larger companies. If you failed to enter the company in the first two years due to academic background or some reasons, you can still have a try in the next two years.

At least, you dare to go out, may the future is good because you keep fighting!

Next, we will look at a resume of a friend and optimize the content and layout. As well as sorting out the corresponding face pilot preparation, to help the young partner as soon as possible to find the right company.

An interview is also a blind date. Don’t know you before I want to see the face (resume), met I want to walk heart (I ask you to answer). If your resume is not written well and the content is not prepared, you will fail.

Two, my resume is nothing

This is a simulated resume, as follows;

What are the problems with this resume?

  1. Resume format is not neat, because iswordThere may be incompatibilities between formats displayed in different versions. So it’s highly recommended to writepdfFormat your resume.
  2. There is no email address in your contact information, because some invitation letters will be sent to your email before the interview.
  3. The skills description is incomplete and lacks core content, and the interviewer won’t have much to talk about if the resume passes.
  4. Description of project experience is incomplete and does not reflect individual competence and work focus in the project. All of this will affect the context of your conversation with the interviewer. If you don’t leave anything to talk about, expect the passive questions.

These are the basic changes to this resume, which, while realistic, is probably what most people would look like.

Three, after the modification of the telephone appointment

The revised resume is as follows. If you need a template, you can follow the public account: BugStack wormhole Stack

A good resume is the beginning of a good blind date. The next step is to prepare for the date.

Four, a good resume should also be prepared

While the interview process can ask a lot of different questions, the combination of the resume itself and different interviewers can tell a lot of different things. So it doesn’t matter if you can’t answer the interviewer’s questions completely, don’t be too nervous, as long as you can answer more than 80% of the interview will basically pass to the next round.

So, combined with the above resume, there will probably be some questions to talk about;

1. The technology stack

1.1 Java based

This kind of interview question is not fixed, which mainly tests your learning level and understanding ability of Java.

  1. Byte is a number of bytes
  2. For loop and foreach
  3. New features in java8
  4. Implementation principle of HashMap
  5. The use and principles of thread pools and locks
  6. Design patterns and object orientation

1.2 the Spring

  1. The benefits of the Spring
  2. AOP and the IOC
  3. The Spring annotations
  4. The SpringBean loading process
  5. SpringBean life cycle
  6. In the Spring transaction

1.3 Mybaits

  1. The advantage of the Mybatis
  2. Mybaits cache
  3. How to page
  4. How does the plug-in work
  5. What is the difference between #{} and ${}
  6. Does Mybatis support lazy loading?

1.4 Rpc framework – Dubbo

  1. What is the communication model
  2. How was the service exposed
  3. Data serialization mode
  4. What else are Rpc frameworks, and what are their strengths and weaknesses

1.5 Redis

  1. Redis basic common methods
  2. Distributed locking
  3. Lord for synchronization
  4. RDB and AOF
  5. What is cache breakdown
  6. The cluster

1.6 the RabbitMQ

  1. The benefits of MQ
  2. What if MQ sending fails
  3. Application scenarios of MQ
  4. radio

1.7 Netty

Netty is widely used in various frameworks, such as Dubbo, MQ, etc., and is a core skill.

  1. What are the benefits of Netty
  2. multiplexing
  3. Flow slices
  4. The data of plastic
  5. Encoders are also decoders
  6. Half a pack package

2. Understanding the source code

  1. For some core Java methods such as HashMap, ArrayList, etc
  2. Spring source code
  3. Mybatis implementation of some source code
  4. And what’s on your resume

3. Tool use

  1. Linxu common command, query logs, threads
  2. Java some commands; Jstack, JMAP, jstat, javAP, etc
  3. How to set up a branch in Git
  4. Monitoring tools, deployment tools, pressure tools, etc., are an extension of knowledge

4. Project experience

Ask about the project exactly as the person mentioned in the resume, but it’s best to include a few points that you can talk about in the project. What was the project about, what was the individual responsible for, what was the core process, what problems did you solve, etc.

If it is some finance or order, there will be special interview content, such as; Clearing, settlement, idempotent, multi-pay, reconciliation, seckilling, shipping, distributed locking, consistency, etc. You can’t make this stuff up, you have to experience it, or you can’t ask more than a few questions and you’ll miss it.

If you don’t already have a decent project, go to Github and learn about it.

5. Personal development

This is a more open question, mainly an end of the interview, but also recover the mood. As long as you don’t talk too much, this is not a problem.

Five, the system of learning to become stronger

After a successful interview and dating to get married, the days in the future or need to rely on strength.

The growth of research and development personnel is the need of the system after all, no matter from the algorithm, source code, technology stack and project, to continue to dig, explore, I always believe that as long as we work hard to do one thing and stick to it, we will harvest results. The following is the small fu Ge learning and growth blog records, can be accessed by PC;

Six, summarized

  1. Do you think I’m packaging myself? Yes! But you are more solid package, and complement their own shortcomings. Through the sorting of interview items, know where their shortcomings and to improve. It is not to memorize a few questions can pass the interview, but for the interview to know their shortcomings as soon as possible to catch up.
  2. Maybe you’ve been working for a few years, and your resume is still a mess, and you’ve sent it in Word format that can’t be opened (wonder how long it’s been since you opened your PC, haven’t updated it, and don’t write code).
  3. To be serious about your future is to do well in the present. Never that person has been trying to have no results, if not temporarily trying to try.
  4. The above resume template can be followed by attentionThe public,:Bugstack wormhole stack, reply 14 to obtain