Big god, front end work for half a year, learn very confused, always feel don’t know how to go to self-study, reading absorb ability is poor, can give confused person a little your precious opinion?

A few days ago, I said the above paragraph on wechat.

First of all, to correct two points, I am not a god, I really am not, at most a big man (skin); I don’t have any opinions about the stars. If you do, it’s just a little suggestion for your reference.

Secondly, to be honest, working for six months, it’s a little early to be confused. As far as I know, young people who have just joined the company like to work with enthusiasm, just like the new lovers, they are very devoted. Did you just fall out of love with your job?

Give me a dose of medicine first

For the front end, the Nuggets are a great learning site, with great players pushing every learning route every day. I spent the morning looking for a few.

1) A summary of 79 things not to be ignored in front-end development. This article has received 1494 likes so far.

2) Deconstruct the evolution of beginner, middle, and advanced programmers (Front End). This post has 1,406 likes so far.

3) A decent front-end should read these posts, which have 4,854 likes so far.

Q: Please send me your resume if you can understand 80%. This article has received 6,006 likes so far.

5) Eight years of front-end development knowledge accumulation, this article has received a total of 1801 likes so far.

6) Self-check list of a [qualified] front End engineer, this post has 4,144 likes so far.

There are many more, and I won’t list them all. These six articles cover everything, and there’s enough front-end knowledge to keep you going for a while before you can chew on too much.

02, and some folk remedies

In my opinion, the most effective way to self-study is to follow the example and not look down upon it.

When I first entered the workplace, the ability is really not much, the only way to take is to copy. The leader arranges the task, can’t do, how to do? Program for search engines. Find a solution and start building.

How can you effectively improve yourself when you have free time to complete tasks? Go to various programming sites and copy examples from other people. Early years I was according to the programming portal demo one by one, knock out a chat room (front-end Flex, back-end Java, Socket communication) feel very excited. Unfortunately, the site no longer exists.

Don’t laugh at me for not being creative. Aren’t people born to imitate when they grow up? Speak from primary school, according to the mouth of adults to follow read on the line, pronunciation is not accurate it does not matter, as the passage of time, slowly good.

Learning is also this truth, especially for the workplace of the new, do not be afraid of shame, single-minded imitation, copy according to the demo.

There were several new people working with me at that time. One of them, Hui Hui, was on good terms. But he didn’t like my low-tech approach and often joked, “Are you having fun copying like that?”

To save face, I didn’t answer him. In my heart, I scolded him silently: “Don’t be so arrogant and inferior, ok? With your level of ‘swinging with a bottle less than half a bottle’, how can YOU make fun of me?”

In short, do not trouble for his ridicule, still carry on as usual. Do you think it’s easy to copy? Say a word of conscience, even copy, also often copy the effect of somebody else’s article, do not believe me to give you an example.

Front-end code hasn’t been written in a long time, so let’s take an example of back-end code. When I was learning about Java’s fail-fast mechanism, I saw this code in an article by God Hollis:

List<String> userNames = new ArrayList<String>() {{

for (String userName : userNames) {
    if (userName.equals("Hollis")) {

Copy the code

Then I copied it to my local and changed it slightly:

List<String> list = new ArrayList<>();
list.add("Silent King II.");
list.add("A programmer with a really fucking interesting article.");

for (String str : list) {
	if ("Silent King II.".equals(str)) {

Copy the code

There is not much difference between the two pieces of code. But the result is quite different. The first piece of code throws an exception.

Exception in thread "main" java.util.ConcurrentModificationException
	at java.util.ArrayList$Itr.checkForComodification(
	at java.util.ArrayList$
	at com.cmower.java_demo.str.Cmower7.main(
Copy the code

The second code doesn’t. I wondered at the time, had The Great God Hollis written wrong? I was going to leave a message at the bottom of his article to remind him, but I looked at the source code and understood.

As you can see, copying such simple code can be problematic, and it forced me to dig into the source code of ArrayList and really learn a lot of things that I didn’t know before. Know how to teach yourself!

03. A little more secret sauce

To be honest, there are a lot of technical books on the market that are particularly boring, and the time to read these books is really better than playing a little Tetris (Wang Zhe Nong Yao). I will not reveal the title of the book, to save face for the author or translator.

Wouldn’t there be no books to read? Wouldn’t there be no books to read? Wouldn’t there be no books to read?

Of course, books should be read, but you should pay attention to the method of reading, or it is really hard to absorb ah.

1) Watch videos

There are many ways to acquire knowledge, reading is just one of them. I remember when I just began to learn programming, reading a book can not read, read a distraction.

At that time, the school library had various books of 21 Days to Learn XXX, which looked really painful and felt like gnawing on a moldy stone. At that time, there were no predecessors to make a list of good books, or I don’t know.

But at that time, ma Junjun’s and Li Xinghua’s classes were very popular. Everyone watched them, and I followed them. I especially love Li Xinghua teacher, the wind and water from the lecture, than to listen to yi Zhongtian Pin three kingdoms. Li Xinghua teacher also has a feature, is actually using intelligent ABC typing, but typing that is a fast, smooth, as the audience I sincerely admire.

In order to pay tribute to my idol, I even uninstalled my favorite Google Pinyin input method, and changed it to intelligent ABC, which lasted for two months, and finally…… Didn’t last, switched back to Google Pinyin input method.

What are the benefits of watching video learning, is that you can be highly focused, to use a professional idiom to describe it — concentration.

So where can I find these high-quality, up-to-date high-definition educational videos?

My good friend “Jiangnan a little rain” gave me a piece, worth a million dollars. This set of videos covers everything from new HTML5 features, AngularJS videos, NodeJS Videos, React Videos, Vue Projects, JavaScript140. You can download according to the index on demand (after following the public account, reply “free video” to view the index).

2) The right way to read

Last year, I read such a set of books, the series named “Master to Take you to Learn Chinese”, which mentioned several reading methods, I think very useful, I recommend you again.

(1), extensive reading,

Extensive reading does not mean reading in general, but to broaden the strength of many people, broaden the mind, read a wide range of books. For example, a front-end programmer would do well to read books like Soft Skills, Complete Code, and Clean Code.

(2), intensive reading,

Some knowledge is to be repeatedly pondered, repeated research, to understand thoroughly, understand in the heart, in order to absorb the essence. Books on algorithms, design patterns. I have read “fun learning algorithm”, “Design Pattern of Zen”.

(3), skip

It’s a leap of faith. You can put aside the unimportant content of the book and read it by its veins. Sometimes encountered repeated thinking can not solve the content, you can skip over, and so on after reading back to read, maybe before and after through. If you skip the whole book, it’s on the shelf.

(4) read and write

As the saying goes, “A bad memory is better than a bad pen.” When reading can pick out the important knowledge, and then write results, so that not only can accumulate a large number of materials, but also can effectively improve the level of writing, more importantly, can improve the ability to absorb reading.

Regular readers may know that many of my articles were inspired by reading books. When I read a book, I was actually looking for a writing theme, or finding a topic for the composition, and then preparing materials. Finally, after writing the article, I found that I had mastered all the knowledge points.

04. The last silver bullet

I’ll bet you a dollar that everyone goes through a period of confusion. What does a person in a confused period need most?

Not in the face of criticism and sarcasm, for example, why are you so unmotivated? It’s amazing you still have time to lose.

Confused people need a light, or a friend who is also a teacher and a friend. I look forward to being your friend very much.

The above is my little advice to the stars, just for your reference.

Thank you for your reading. It is not easy to create something original. If you like it, please give me a thumbs-up. If you think this article is helpful and interesting, please follow my wechat public account “Silent Wang er”. Thank you.