Oil monkey plugin & Wokoo scaffolding instructions
An oil monkey plug-in scaffold. If the plugin is directly developed, the developer needs to spend time building vUE or React infrastructure projects, and also need to configure the script area of the Plugin, which leads to poor development experience.
Wokoo can generate base projects with one click and provides basic Tampermonkey configuration. The main functions are as follows:
- Create the scaffold initial project from the command line
- Generate the basic project of VUE and React based on user selection
- The tamperMonkey configuration is provided in the tampermonkey.js file
For details on how to use the Orleki plugin and Wokoo, read the 5 minute hands-on browser plugin – Orleki Scaffolding Wokoo
Wokoo Scaffolding github repository wokoo scaffolding Github repository
I developed MoveSearch using Wokoo, welcome to use it
The wokoo scaffolding was designed with create-React-app in mind. I wrote an article analyzing crA source code, which can be read at .
Teach the building process by hand
- Lerna: Project management
- Wokoo-scripts: Interacts with the user to pull the Wokoo-template to generate the corresponding initial project
- Wokoo-template: Provides a template to initialize an oil monkey project with basic configuration. There are two types of templates: React and vue
- Install lerna
npm i lerna -g
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- Create project directory, initialize
mkdir wokoo
cd wokoo
lerna init
Copy the code
- Open workspace and add it to package.json
"workspaces": [
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- Create a subproject
lerna create wokoo-scripts
lerna create wokoo-template
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Wokoo – written scripts
The main features of Wokoo-scripts are:
- Commander gets the projectName typed by the user in the shell
- Fs. writeFile Create file path
- Install the Wokoo-template template
- Read template specified suffix file. Md,.js, replace ejS syntax
- Delete unnecessary content
- Uninstall the template
1. Create an entry
Go to Packages /wokoo-scripts and create the bin/ WWW file
#! /usr/bin/env node
require('.. /index.js');
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Modify package.json, add bin field configuration
"bin": {
"wokoo": "./bin/www"
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Create the index.js file under wokoo-scripts as the project entry.
2. Install dependent modules
The following describes the third-party modules used:
The console displays colorful words with chalk
Cross-spawn starts the child thread
Commander Parses commands on the command line
Fs-extra works on files
Inquirer interactive command line tool that enables command line selection
Metalsmith reads all files and implements template rendering
Consolidate unify the template engine
Install dependencies and add soft chains
npm install chalk cross-spawn commander fs-extra inquirer metalsmith consolidate ejs -S
npm link
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3. Implement init method to read the command line instruction
Use Commander to read the project name entered by the user on the command line. In this case, run wokoo my-app on the command line to obtain the project name my-app from the code
const chalk = require('chalk')
const spawn = require('cross-spawn')
const { Command } = require('commander')
const fs = require('fs-extra')
const path = require('path')
const inquirer = require('inquirer')
const packageJson = require('./package.json')
let program = new Command()
// Program entry, read the command line script, get the project name
async function init() {
let projectName
.arguments('<project-directory>') // Project directory name parameter Format: < Required > [Optional]
.action((name) = > {
projectName = name
console.log('projectName:', projectName)
.parse(process.argv) // [node path, script path, parameter]
await createApp(projectName)
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4. CreateApp method, based on the project name to generate the project
Call the createApp method in the run method, passing in projectName. CreateApp creates a folder and writes to package.json.
async function createApp(appName) {
let root = path.resolve(appName) // The absolute path to the project to build
fs.ensureDirSync(appName) // Create a folder if no
console.log(`create a new app in ${chalk.green(root)}`)
// Initialize package.json
const packageJson = {
name: appName,
version: '0.0.1'.private: true.scripts: {
start: 'cross-env NODE_ENV=development webpack serve'.build: 'webpack',}}/ / write package. Json
path.join(root, 'package.json'),
JSON.stringify(packageJson, null.2))// Change the working directory to the project directory
// Copy project templates, install project dependencies, etc
await run(root, appName)
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5. Run: Copy the project template to the current project to generate the base project
CreateApp calls the run method at the end. Run mainly does the following :
- Install wokoo – the template
const templateName = 'wokoo-template' // Corresponding wokoo template
const allDependencies = [templateName]
// Install the wokoo template package
console.log('Installing packages. This might take a couple of minutes')
console.log(`Installing ${chalk.cyan(templateName)}. `)
try {
await doAction(root, allDependencies)
} catch (e) {
console.log(`Installing ${chalk.red(templateName)}failed ... `, e)
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- Copy the template file to temporary folder temp based on the selected template type, replace the EJS template, and delete the temporary folder temp
// Select the template
const repos = ['vue'.'react']
const { targetTemplate } = await inquirer.prompt({
name: 'targetTemplate'.type: 'list'.message: 'which template do you prefer? '.choices: repos, // Select the mode
const templatePath = path.dirname(
require.resolve(`${templateName}/package.json`, { paths: [root] })
// Copy files to the project directory
const scriptsConfigDir = path.join(templatePath, 'webpack.config.js')
const gitIgnoreDir = path.join(templatePath, '.npmignore')
const publicDir = path.join(templatePath, 'public')
const tempDir = path.join(root, 'temp') // Temporary template path
const templateDir = path.join(templatePath, `${targetTemplate}-template`)
// Copy the template from wokoo-template to the project directory
if (fs.existsSync(templatePath)) {
// Copy the templateDir template to a temp file and modify the EJS configuration items in the template file
await modifyTemplate(templateDir, 'temp', {
projectName: appName,
basicProject: targetTemplate,
fs.copySync(tempDir, root) / / source
fs.copySync(publicDir, root + '/public')
fs.copyFileSync(scriptsConfigDir, root + '/webpack.config.js')
fs.copyFileSync(gitIgnoreDir, root + '/.gitignore')
} else {
`Could not locate supplied template: ${chalk.green(templatePath)}`
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Here, I’ve wrapped the replication functionality in modifyTemplate.js. Use MetalSmith to traverse the files in the source path, use consolidate. Ejs to replace the EJS syntax in the files, and then write the contents to the new temporary folder temp.
const MetalSmith = require('metalsmith') // Walk through the folder
let { render } = require('consolidate').ejs
const { promisify } = require('util')
const path = require('path')
render = promisify(render) // Wrap the render method
/ * * * *@param {*} FromPath Source path *@param {*} ToPath Target path */
async function handleTemplate(fromPath, toPath, config) {
await new Promise((resovle, reject) = > {
.source(fromPath) // Walk through the downloaded directory
.destination(path.join(path.resolve(), toPath)) // Outputs the rendered result
.use(async (files, metal, done) => {
// result Replaces the data in the template
let result = {
license: 'MIT'.version: '0.0.1'. config, }const data = metal.metadata()
Object.assign(data, result) // Place the query result in metadata to ensure that it is available in the next middleware
.use((files, metal, done) = > {
Reflect.ownKeys(files).forEach(async (file) => {
let content = files[file].contents.toString() // Get the contents of the file
if (
file.includes('.js') ||
file.includes('.json') ||
file.includes('.txt') ||
file.includes('.md')) {// if the template is md or TXT, it can be a template
if (content.includes('< %')) {
// File with <% I need to compile
content = await render(content, metal.metadata()) // Render the template with data
files[file].contents = Buffer.from(content) // Replace the rendered result
.build((err) = > {
// Execute middleware
if(! err) { resovle() }else {
module.exports = handleTemplate
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- Merge template.json and package.json, generate a new package.json and execute it again
npm install
// Merge template.json and package.json
let tempPkg = fs.readFileSync(root + '/template.json').toString()
let pkg = fs.readFileSync(root + '/package.json').toString()
const tempPkgJson = JSON.parse(tempPkg)
const pkgJson = JSON.parse(pkg) pkgJson.dependencies = { ... pkgJson.dependencies, ... tempPkgJson.package.dependencies, } pkgJson.devDependencies = { ... tempPkgJson.package.devDependencies, }/ / write package. Json
path.join(root, 'package.json'),
JSON.stringify(pkgJson, null.2)
fs.unlinkSync(path.join(root, 'template.json')) // Delete the template.json file
DependenciesToInstall implement NPM install again
const dependenciesToInstall = Object.entries({ ... pkgJson.dependencies, ... pkgJson.devDependencies, })let newDependencies = []
if (dependenciesToInstall.length) {
newDependencies = newDependencies.concat(
dependenciesToInstall.map(([dependency, version]) = > {
return `${dependency}@${version}`}}))await doAction(root, newDependencies)
console.log(`${chalk.cyan('Installing succeed! ')}`)
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- Uninstall wokoo – the template
await doAction(root, 'wokoo-template'.'uninstall')
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The following two methods are functional methods that I have encapsulated
DoAction: Install or uninstall project dependencies using NPM
Start the child thread with cross-spawn and run the NPM install or NPM uninstall command in the child thread
async function doAction(root, allDependencies, action = 'install') {
typeof allDependencies === 'string'
? (allDependencies = [allDependencies])
: null
return new Promise((resolve) = > {
const command = 'npm'
const args = [
'--save'.'--save-exact'.'--loglevel'.'error'. allDependencies,'--cwd',
const child = spawn(command, args, { stdio: 'inherit' })
child.on('close', resolve) // Resolve is triggered after successful installation})}Copy the code
DeleteFolder: deletes files and folders recursively. The entry parameter is path
function deleteFolder(path) {
let files = []
if (fs.existsSync(path)) {
if(! fs.statSync(path).isDirectory()) {// If path is a file, delete it
} else {
// Delete the folder
files = fs.readdirSync(path)
files.forEach(function (file) {
let curPath = path + '/' + file
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Wokoo – the template to write
- There are vue-template and react-template
- Vue-template and React-template correspond to a vUE or React base project configured for WebPack, respectively
- Wokoo -scripts injection variables using EJS templates
Template is relatively simple, with a lightweight project built using WebPack + Vue or React, respectively.
The code can be found at wokoo/wokoo-template
Before lerna publish, check to see if the files or folders used in your project are in the package.json files field. Only files or folders in files are actually published.
- In wokoo-scripts package.json
Add “modifyTemplate.js” to field - Package. json in wokoo-template
Add “react-template”, “vue-template”,”public”,”webpack.config.js”,”.gitignore”
I forgot to add the files field before, which caused publish to find that the file was lost. Have problem can read: stackoverflow.com/questions/2…
The last step is done!
lerna publish
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npm i wokoo -g
wokoo my-app
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